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EPISODE 141 | Do this for your business over the holidays

December 24, 2024

Here’s what I think you should do over the holidays for your business! In this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show, I want to share with you exactly what I think you should be doing for your business in order for you to set yourself up for the EPIC success I know you can achieve for yourself and your business in 2025. Tune in to listen.

While you’re here, I have a new key marketing tool for you over on my website which you can access here: www.hayleyosborne.com titled: 3 essential posts your biz needs to get more people through the door – with templates & swipe copy!

This is a must for you to implement into your business to optimise your social media and make the most of the platforms.


0:00:01 Introduction and welcome to The Hayley Osborne Show 

0:01:30 Celebrating success and looking back on the year 

0:03:00 Preparing for the holidays 

0:05:00 The main topic: What to do for your business over the holidays 

0:06:00 The importance of doing nothing 

0:07:30 Final thoughts and new year wishes 

0:08:02 Outro

Hayley Osborne

Hello and welcome back to another episode of The Hayley Osborne show. This is the last episode for 2024 and I absolutely cannot believe that we have gotten through 100 and we’re up to 141 episodes, and this year has been an absolute blast, so much so that I got some stats the other day from just Spotify alone, and the website has had something the podcast, sorry, has had something like a 45% increase for the year, which is huge.

And so I’m kind of celebrating as this season comes to an end, because the uptake has been amazing. Just looking back, you know, the things that I have achieved this year, personally and professionally, have been massive. And you know, I haven’t looked at my goals yet that I said at the beginning of the year, but I’m really excited to do that over the break and see just exactly how much I got to tick off. So both professionally and personally, I’ve ticked off someone at my door.

I’ve ticked off, I don’t know if you could hear, one of the things that we do in our home is we have everything very smartly connected, and so that means that Google is connected, and we have, like, a voice activated shopping list, and so then, you know, every time I just run out of something, I just say, add this to the shopping list, and it does it.

I don’t keep a physical list sync to my phone, so that way I have a beautiful humming home. And there’s lots of things that we do that are shortcuts here, to just have systems and processes to make life easier, and it really does help with sleep with three really small children. Anyway, we digress, but here we are. So this podcast episode, I wanted to talk you through some of the things that you should be doing over the holidays for your business.

So I’ve titled it do this for your business over the holidays, and before we get started, you know, the last couple of weeks have been quite busy, like doing everything so wrapping up for clients. You know, coming up to the end of the year, wrapping up end of year functions and birthdays, and just having so much on in terms of personal and professional, lots of catch ups, lots of networking, lots of different things.

And obviously, you know, personally, I still have a very small human, and so trying to juggle all that, saying no to a lot of things still, especially in the evening. Otherwise, you know, taking my little human with me in the day, because he’s kind of like my, you know, handbag at the moment, he I don’t like I go everywhere with you because, you know, I do just solely breastfeed, and, you know, that’s my choice. And there’s no bottles, there’s no anything.

And he’s a thriving little human, which is pretty nice anyway. And so, like, you know, I’m sure you’re in the same boat. You’ve had so many things on, there’s been invitations left, right and center. You’re trying to wrap things up for your business, you know, do a bit of a stock take of what goals you achieved, what you didn’t achieve in it.

It’s a lot, like, it’s a lot to load and hold. As we get to the end of the year, and you’re thinking like, I achieved that, or I didn’t achieve that, and how did I get here, and how did I not do this? And then, you know, thinking of strategic ways that you can do things differently next year, if you’ve started setting your goals for next year and how you’re going to tackle the world of business, and you know how it’s all going to fit in with your life.

And does it light you up? Does it make you happy? What things can you leave behind? What things can you keep and all that sort of stuff. And so the one thing that I want you to do over the holidays for your business, and this is like the tongue, like the. Moment right is actually doing nothing, alright? So I heard someone say this, I think it was a couple of years ago on a podcast, and I wanted to bring this into my audience to allow you the same gift to give yourself.

But if you want to be really strategic, and you want to see your business win, and you want to absolutely kill it in business in 2025 I really encourage you to close your computer and do nothing. Okay, step away from where you work. Okay, spend time outside, spend time like just not having deadlines, and actually do nothing over the time off.

So whether that be two weeks or three weeks, or one week, or whatever it is that you’ve allowed yourself to do nothing, move away and just be with yourself, you know, with your family, with your friends, with your pets, with the beach, whatever it is that lights you up, and do not touch your business. Now, the reason I say that is because that is when the best ideas come and you need to give that gift to yourself, because running a business is hard.

If it was easy, everybody would do it, and they don’t, okay, which is why they don’t, because it is hard. And so give yourself the gift of time. So many people have shut off, okay? This is when the world sort of stops. So I hope that you have some content scheduled over this time, okay, which will allow you to do nothing. So please do nothing and come back as the best version of yourself, the one that is lit up and full of ideas.

These ideas that you will get do not happen from sitting at your desk. They happen when you are out and about. They happen when you allow yourself to breathe and step away. So with that, I wish you a very Merry Christmas with your family, with your friends, doing whatever it is that you do, and a very relaxing and stress-free New Year. So if you’re like me, I’ll be in bed before midnight, more than likely, or I might be awake breastfeeding, I don’t know, um, but I will be resting into the new year, and I hope that you stay safe, that you enjoy some time off, and that you have a really Merry Christmas.

And with that, guys, I will see you in the new year for the Hayley Osborne show. Alright, see you later. I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe, so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday, and while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me at @hayleykosborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can get learning too. Sharing is caring.

If you want more, head over to https://hayleyosborne.com/category/podcast/ for today’s show notes and links. Catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.

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