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EPISODE 133 | Magnetic marketing: How to attract your dream clients without feeling salesy

October 29, 2024

Your magnetic brand is around the corner for you! In this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show, I take a deep dive into the art of Magnetic Marketing. Learn how to attract, connect, and convert your dream clients without feeling pushy or salesy because this is eeeek and we have all been sold to. I don’t want that for you.

I help you unpack why a magnetic brand is essential for service-based personal brands and how you can authentically showcase your unique value. Whether you’re a coach, consultant, or creative entrepreneur, this episode is packed with strategies to help you effortlessly draw in your ideal clients.

Tune in to discover how to build trust, communicate your brand message, and craft a marketing plan that feels natural and aligned with your business.

The waitlist to my first EVER 8-week course: Magnetic Marketing Foundations is OPEN! Get your name on it to receive some awesome bonuses if you join via the waitlist! HERE: https://shm.hayleyosborne.com/magneticmarketingwaitlist

AND coinciding with this I am running my 3-day Marketing Makeover Challenge, filled with helping you upskill and learn. You can join in HERE: https://shm.hayleyosborne.com/marketingmakeover.

I am so excited for you and pumped to deliver this – it’s been a long time coming and the perfect formula has finally arrived for you!


0:00:01 Introduction to the Hayley Osborne show and overview of the episode topic

0:01:30 Announcement of the upcoming Marketing Makeover Challenge and the new Magnetic Marketing Formula course

0:05:30 Explanation of what “magnetic marketing” is and the key components (clarity, consistency, authenticity)

0:09:00 The importance of connection and speaking to your audience’s desires/pain points

0:11:30 Overview of the Magnetic Marketing Formula course structure and invitation to reach out with questions

0:15:00 5 practical tips for attracting dream clients without feeling salesy:

  1. Define your unique selling proposition
  2. Create a compelling brand story
  3. Engage authentically
  4. Always offer value first
  5. Consistently share your message

0:19:00 Recap of key points and invitation to join the free Marketing Makeover Challenge

0:20:00 Closing and call-to-action to leave a review

Hayley Osborne 

Oh, my microphone is over here. Oh, that’s funny. I’m really glad that you’re here today. We’ve gotten off to a great start. No, just kidding, today is going to be a really great episode, and I’m so excited that you are here listening to me and giving me your attention in your ears, whatever you are doing. I wanted to talk to you today about magnetic marketing and specifically how to attract your dream clients without feeling salesy, right?

Because no one likes to feel salesy, and it is something that is like a big ick a lot of the time. And you can, you know when, on the flip side, you are being sold to and you don’t like it, or it is pushy, or whatever. So I want to kind of just debunk that and how you can start to attract the people that you want in your in your business and your dream clients in a really magnetic way through your marketing efforts, without feeling super salesy before I get into it, though, oh, I’m excited Because I am running my marketing makeover challenge again, yes, it is my three-day challenge.

It is free, and it’s for you to be able to get your marketing foundations in order to be able to set up your marketing properly, right? Because the way I see it, the more business owners doing this well, the better off we all are, because you do know that a rising tide lifts all boats. Okay, so momentum creates momentum, and when everyone around you is doing beautifully, you are too, and it just helps you so much.

And so I know that this works, and this is my way of sharing with you my knowledge so that you can input it into your business really well. And if you know, if you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, or if you are new here, you know that I’m all about the how. Okay, I’m going to tell you why you should be doing it and what, and I’m also going to share with you how, because I do know that it’s helpful in so many more ways than one, and I do love to share my knowledge.

And so the marketing makeover challenge you can join now, I’ll put the links to the in the show notes on how you can join. You can go to my website, hayleyosborne.com, and join me for free. I’m going to be delivering this live over three days. And what it also is for is to celebrate the launch of a beautiful new course that I have built called magnetic marketing foundations.

And so, oh, that’s just so juicy. So sorry, magnetic marketing formula, oh, my goodness, get it right. Hayley, that’s okay. I forgive myself, and I’m not too hard on myself, and I’m going to leave that in, because I do want to prove to you that Done is better than perfect, and the show must go on. Okay? So the marketing makeover challenge is for three days. It’s in November 6, seventh and eighth of November, 11am Adelaide time.

It’s free, and you’ll learn how to set up your marketing foundations. You will learn how to effortlessly align all of your digital assets and digital footprint. And then the third day, I’m going to teach you how to incorporate AI into your marketing, which is really, really cool. So that is to celebrate doors opening to the magnetic marketing formula, where you’re going to learn the key elements to create a digital marketing system that effortlessly attracts your ideal clients and builds your business towards a sustainable success, right, while feeling really aligned with your values.

And I basically have built it in and around, everything that I found business owners to be that the missing parts and pieces and putting it all together in a formula that is easy to understand and implement into your business. So the parts and pieces that I find that are the most challenging when it comes to marketing in and around, your foundations are your message. Your brand and your website. So we’ll be focusing on those three things, and then making sure that your social media, your marketing funnels and your email marketing is aligned with all of that.

And then we’re going to wrap those three things into a digital marketing plan so you actually have a plan of attack ready for 2025 so the magnetic marketing formula is actually eight weeks, but we’re going to do four weeks, we’re going to kick off the 19th of November, and then we’re going to do four weeks before Christmas. We’re going to have a break so you can digest and implement and activate everything that you’ve learned, and then we’re going to do the next four weeks at the beginning of the year. And so I think that’s such a beautiful way.

It’s feeling really aligned for me on being able to really give yourself a nice kick up the pants to start 2025 making sure that everything is aligned and you’ve got an actual plan of attack for the New Year, which I’m just like, I’m loving, and I do this myself. Okay, so when it comes to messaging, brand, website, socials, marketing funnels and email marketing. I have that down pat. Then the plan part. I’m going to roll it out for 2025 anyway, and we’re going to do it together, and I’m going to take you on that journey and make it really easy for you.

So it’s for service based personal brands to be able to build your marketing plan from the ground up. Okay, marketing plan is a bit of a dirty word, but I’ve been doing this such a long time, I’m going to make it really easy for you to understand, so that way, you know, 2025 is going to be big growth guys with the least amount of time and effort. And I plan to do the same thing right to be able to attract, connect and convert.

They’re the three kinds of things, attracting, connecting and converting my ideal clients into sales. And you know, I’m not pregnant in 2025 I’m not having any more babies. Three is enough, and then it’ll be time to lift off. So it couldn’t have come at a better time. And I feel like this is like the missing the missing piece to what I can do. So I’ve got my membership superhero marketing, which is beautiful, and now this is the eight-week addition to that, and it’s like its little sister to compliment the things within my repertoire.

So I’m loving it. I’ve had lots of people join the marketing makeover challenge so far, and a few people on the wait list for the magnetic marketing formula, get yourself on the wait list too. You can do that via my website if you are interested. When you’re on the wait list, I’ll open the doors on the fourth of November, but you’ll get early access, and I’ve got some awesome bonuses for you too. So with all that aside, let’s get into today’s episode of the podcast, it is around magnetic marketing and specifically how to attract your dream clients without feeling salesy, because it’s a really, really big deal and a big like ick, right?

Because, let’s face it, that nobody wants to feel like they’re pushing their services onto others. I do not like that at all. Has to come from a really organic place, and it’s something I’m really big on, and we talk about that in the magnetic marketing formula. So if you want to join me over eight weeks, you will learn how I do it and how you know how you kind of set the wheels in motion to not feel like Ick. Okay, so if you know the struggle is real when it comes to not going down the path of traditional sales tactics, and there’s a way to do it.

And you know those traditional ways of selling can feel really uncomfortable and even off putting, especially for personal brands. Okay? You know that when someone sends you a message on Instagram and it’s like, hey, I actually got one the other day. I wish I could bring it up, but I deleted it. And it’s just so they’re not. They’re not. You know that I look at everything that comes in so it’s all me, and I look at the accounts who send me messages and become really friendly and want to be my best friend straight away.

They’re not even following my account a lot of the times, and so I don’t even respond. I really have prioritized channeling my energy where it’s best aligned, and it’s just a simple delete, like I can’t entertain it if it’s not organic, it’s not for me. You just know, and I know how hard it is to want to grow your business, but you don’t want to come across a salesy or pushy, and that’s where the magnetic marketing comes in.

Instead of forcing sales, when you are magnetic in your business, people are drawn to you. Okay, that’s the whole word around being magnetic. It comes into you. Instead of forcing it, it allows you to create a brand and message that naturally draws in your ideal clients. And we go through this in in the magnetic marketing formula, because traditional sales tactics pushy and sleazy, as opposed to like, it’s that push pull. Cool, right? I just, I’m not down for it.

So what is, well, let’s take it back a few pegs, like, what is magnetic marketing? So what exactly do I mean by this? Simply put, it’s about creating a brand that is so clear, so consistent, so authentic, that it attracts your clients without selling anything, without hardly selling at all, right? Because it’s not about it’s always about that inspire, that entertain, that educate, element of the way your brand comes across, okay? And yes, you stand for what you stand for.

And we’re not here for a haircut. We’re here to make money, but to be able to do it in a really nontraditional way, you need to have all of these things in place and working really well. All right, so that’s what I mean by that. It’s about, at its core, building trust, credibility, real connection with your audience, and you do that through your brand, okay, when it becomes really clear, like I said before, and it became, you become really consistent, and you become, you do this in a way that it is authentic, that attracts your vibe, attracts your tribe, without that hard selling, which is so okay. I’m not sorry about those noises, because I stand true to this.

And then if we go on a bit further than that, you know, creating a brand that is so clear. If you want to create a unique brand identity, and you want to do it without feeling salesy, it starts with having a strong brand identity, and you figuring out what this actually is and what it looks like for you. It’s the thing that makes you stand out. What are the things that make you stand out? What are the things that make you memorable? What are the things that clients choose that are uniquely you over somebody else.

These are the things that we’re going to break down, and I’ve got some beautiful questions ready to ask you to be able to extract the answer that I am looking for, to be able to help you build a brand that is strong and unique. Okay, so what are the things that make you stand out? What makes you memorable, as opposed to somebody else that does exactly what you do to give you the clarity and confidence to be able to showcase that in your messaging, in the way that you show up, in your website, in your social media content, in your email marketing, and so on and so forth.

So it’s about three key components, clarity, so knowing exactly who you are, what you offer, who you serve, definitely consistency, so making sure that your message is clear across the board, okay, across everything that you touch, and authenticity that I know that’s also such a cringy, cringy word, but when you’re genuine and when you’re real, your audience can connect with you on a much deeper level. Now I’m not saying bear your soul, because you know, if you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while that I don’t actually do that. I don’t share my kids on my socials.

I don’t, I don’t share them anywhere. But I’ve, I’ve got a strategy that helps me to show up, that helps me also be authentic, and that helps me be genuine, because I am a genuine person, and I value that so much, and helps me be real. So I expect the brands that I associate with, you know, will give me the same in return. Otherwise, I probably won’t consider them in my repertoire. Okay, so what is the role of connection and in and around, attracting your dream client and client attraction. So it is all about connection.

People want to feel seen, they want to feel heard, they want to feel understood, and don’t forget when it comes to even writing your website and when people are reading it, when your ideal clients are reading it, it’s they want to be seen, heard and understood in every aspect, every touch point that you put out there. Okay, so it is about them, not about you. And this is where I find a lot of businesses, I work with become quite unstuck, because it is we get we’re so close to our businesses that we can’t see anymore. And so when you’re writing copy, when you’re writing captions, when you’re writing emails, when you’re doing anything, it is not about you.

It is about them. I know it’s really hard, so when you talk about being magnetic in your marketing, it’s about creating content that speaks directly to your audience’s desires. It speaks to what they need at the time. And are you meeting them where they are, and it speaks to their pain points. What? What they are lacking. How would it feel to X, Y and Z, right? And when you build that connection, your clients are naturally drawn to you because they feel like you get them. They feel like you understand them. And it’s not about selling, it’s about building relationships. So you’re doing there’s not just one thing you’re doing all the things okay, and that is where the magnetic marketing formula comes into play my course.

So like I said before, it is an eight-week course, and if you’ve been struggling to attract your dream clients, or if promoting your business feels really uncomfortable, this course is for you. So over eight weeks, like I said, there’s four weeks we’ll start on the 19th of November, there’s four weeks before Christmas and four weeks after, I’m going to guide you step by step through everything you need to know to build a brand that naturally attracts your dream clients.

And we’ll cover everything from, like I said, brand identity to creating a clear message, to developing content for you that truly connects and converts. And you know, if this feels like it’s something that you need, feel free to reach out to me. If you have any questions, my messages are always open. Or if you’re part of my email is which I hope that you are just reply to one of my emails and jump in my inbox. I would love to hear from you. What are some tips?

Okay, what are some tips I can give you to be able to attract dream clients without feeling super salesy. So I always love to share practical tips in my podcast, and as you probably know, so you can implement and start straight away. And if somebody, if you’re driving or whatever, just look at the transcription. It’s on my website every single week, it goes up as soon as the podcast comes out. So have you looked at defining what your unique selling proposition is? What are your unique selling points? What makes you different?

Why should clients choose you? That’s my first tip. Look at that. The second tip is, create a really super compelling brand story. Okay, how do you do that? Share your journey, your experiences, your values, in a way though, that resonates with your audience. Okay, so it’s one thing, writing it down, what it means to you and what those answers are, but they need to be. It needs to be written in a way that your audience understands.

We need to speak their language. Okay, meet them where they’re at. Use words that reflect your audience’s challenges, that reflect what they want, and phrases that you know resonate and how do you speak their language. Think about things that you commonly get asked. Think about the way people approach you. That is where you need to meet them. There is an art in this, and that’s why it is not the easiest thing to do in the world.

If it was easy, everyone would do it as same as engaging authentically. Okay, but when the penny drops for you. When you are cool to show the real you, you will be able to build trust so much easier. Okay, if you are doing it and you think what’s not working for me. Hayley, there’s extra things that we can add in to help you to be able to feel like you are showing up as your true self, and always offer value first, okay, so focus on which is what I do all the time, giving value through content, through tips or through resources before asking for the sale.

Okay, so always provide bucket loads of value, and it comes back tenfold. And I do say this to my private clients as well, is that you sprinkle all your little magic fairy dust everywhere all the time. It’s all the things, everything I teach, and keep watering it, and it blooms. And these opportunities, they come out of left of center. So last year, I got an opportunity with the Government of South Australia to be interviewed as a part of their small business scheme for the International Women’s Day.

And I was featured. I had to go into their offices, into their studio, and I was recorded among amazing business owners to promote International Women’s Day, and they tapped me on the shoulder, and it came from LinkedIn, and it came out of left field. So as you know, I am a mentor for Adelaide business hub as well. I do a little bit of master classes and teaching there. But this came not from there. This was a different arm.

And it surprised me, came out of left field, but that’s because I continue to sprinkle my message in a really authentic way without feeling salesy. Okay, so to recap, I know I went off on a bit of a tangent, but I hope you loved it, because, you know, I love to keep it real. We talked about. Well today why traditional sales tactics don’t work for everyone, and how being magnetic through your marketing can actually be not only more comfortable, but a more effective way to be able to attract your dream clients.

And remember that it all starts with a clear and authentic brand identity, and when you clear on who you are and who you serve, clients will be naturally drawn to you. If you’re really ready to do a deeper dive to learn how to build a truly magnetic brand, my magnetic marketing formula course is exactly what you’ll need.

So you can visit my website, https://hayleyosborne.com/ for more information, to sign up, I would love to have you there and to celebrate doors opening to the magnetic marketing formula, we have my marketing makeover challenge for three days for free. You can join me over on my website as well. And I just want to say thank you so much for joining me today.

If you have found this episode helpful. I would love it if you left me a review. It helps the podcast be distributed out to more people that might benefit from it, and more business owners. Like I said, a rising tide lifts all boats, and I can’t wait to see you build your own magnetic brand if it’s not magnetic already, and if you feel like it’s a bit misaligned and you want to just put a firecracker up for 2025 let’s do it. Okay. See you later.

Until next time. I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe, so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday, and while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me @hayleykosborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can get learning too Sharing is caring. If you want more, head over to https://hayleyosborne.com/category/podcast/ for today’s show notes and links, catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show you.

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