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EPISODE 96 | Mastering mindset for business success with Toni Everard

April 19, 2024

This episode of The Hayley Osborne Show I am talking with Tony Everard about the power of mastering your mindset for business success. We talk about specific concepts that can help you as a business owner, get out of your own way, communicate more effectively, and achieve greater success by learning to manage your internal thoughts, language, and state of mind. You will gain practical insights on applying techniques to take your business and personal growth to the next level.


0:01 NLP and mindset for business success with Tony Everard. 

2:43 NLP and its applications in business. 

9:15 Mastering mindset for business success. 

15:37 Personal development and language influence. 

21:38 Articulating business values and authenticity through language. 

25:24 NLP, self-improvement, and personal growth. 

31:42 NLP, mindset, and business success with a purpose-driven entrepreneur. 

37:38 Business growth and marketing strategies.

Hayley Osborne  
Today, I bring you an absolute gorgeous guest expert. Her name is Tony Everard. And she is our master trainer, coach and podcaster, who is obsessed with the power of the mind and communication. This is such a juicy episode, we talked about so many things. And for those of you that don’t really understand what NLP means. And all of those juicy acronyms and how it can help you learn and grow in your business through really simple and fun and easy to understand steps then this is the episode for you. Because I do feel like there’s so much mindset and different ways that you can teach yourself that coincide with running successful businesses.

And you know what they say, like a new level, different level. And you’ve got to really equip yourself to, like, come up with coping mechanisms to be able to cope with different challenges and obstacles that come like with running a business anyway, Tony is magic. And when she’s not focused on helping people launch into their zone of genius, you can find her traveling from one beach location to the next with her partner, cracking mom jokes with her adult daughter and hanging out at the local yoga studio. So without further ado, let’s get into today’s episode and let let’s learn. 

Hayley Osborne 
Hi, Tony, and welcome to the Hayley Osborne show. I’m really happy that you’ve joined me today.

Toni Everard
Hi, Haley. I’m really excited to be here. Thanks for having me.

Hayley Osborne  
How are you? Good.

Toni Everard
I’m good. I’m good. It’s like this, I’m in there kind of decompressing wine down into the end of the year type zone. So it’s good. I feel like things are good. Now I know.

Hayley Osborne  
So as we’re talking, we are recording this episode towards the end of December, but it will air in January. So it’s just one of those times where you’re like, Oh, I’ll do this, but then it’ll go out then. And it’ll be all good. So before we get started, Tony, I would love you to introduce yourself to the listeners, who you are and what you do.

Toni Everard
For sure. So my name is Tony Everard. And my business is Tony Everard coaching. And I’m super passionate about helping people really shift their mindset and enhance their communication and really just understand how to get the best out of themselves and their clients and to perform well in business. That’s what I’m really passionate about. 

And so the way that I do that is through coaching and programs and I run a lot of certification programs in teaching people, NLP, or neuro linguistic programming, and hypnosis and a couple of other modalities around there. That’s all about helping people to communicate better, enhance their emotional intelligence, and just to really understand themselves in their own behaviors and be able to change those to optimize their results.

Hayley Osborne 
Yeah, nice. So how do you do that? What do you do to show what is your what does that look like for you? You’ve got a podcast so you educate people that way?

Toni Everard
Yes, I do. I have a podcast on my coaching circle. And so that is a podcast where I interview other coaches and also people who support coaching type businesses as well. We talk about everything from mindset to communication to goal setting, and what I really love doing is taking I guess, complex kinds of concepts and and terminology and creating analogies that make it really easy for people to understand how they can apply this knowledge In real life, because I’m all about the, you know, actual results, action, applying, creating the change, right, like, having lots and lots of information is great, but unless you’re gonna do something about it, it’s just chewing gum for the mind. Right? So love. Yeah, so I’ve got the podcast.

There’s also the coaching circle insiders, which is a subscription type group where I do live training and Q&A every week. And I’ve also run training probably about once a month on running training of some kind. And also, I have a higher end business and mindset programme called elevate where I work with people who are master practitioners, essentially. So those really wanting to level up their thinking and how they’re working with other people. 

And so there’s, so there’s lots of components, I guess, to what I do, but it’s it’s all stuff that I I love, and I’m really passionate about, and I love creating content, I love this kind of, you know, platform, podcasting, creating short form video, all those kinds of things where I can share information that really helps people think about things in a different way. 

Hayley Osborne 
Yeah, I think platforms like this and you know, like you coming on to this podcast of mine is a nice way to be able to educate more people about what you do, and you are clearly passionate about what you do. And I think when you are, it shows, and it does show three, Tony. And I think, you know, the more people that you can raise awareness, like, the way I see it is, that’s your service to the community and to uplevel the economy and to make everything better, and by you not sharing it, that would be a disservice. 

Because there’s people out there that need what you have to offer. So I want to ask you about NLP, because right now, I feel or maybe it’s just me, but I feel like there’s a lot of people talking about NLP and all the things. It’s like, okay, let’s peel it all the way back. What does it stand for? Because acronyms I don’t love, like using acronyms, because I feel like it excludes a lot of people. And it’s not very inclusive. But let’s talk about what is NLP? And how can it help people in business?

Toni Everard
Yeah, great question. So NLP, those three little letters that we hear bandied around. And so essentially, what they stand for is Neuro Linguistic Programming. And that sounds kind of complex as well. Break it down. So neuro is essentially your nervous system, and how you receive information through your five senses. So how you see things, hear things, feel things, smell things, taste things, and then essentially, you’ve got self talk, as well. And so we’re consistently receiving information from whatever’s going on around us when someone’s talking to you, when you say something, you know, all those things, and you’re receiving this information through your five senses. 

And then essentially, the L is for linguistics, which is all of our language, which is verbal and nonverbal. So it’s the things that we say, but also how we interpret the information that we received through our five senses. And then how we, you know, we create images, you know, sound, self talk, all those kinds of things, and we’d label all of those experiences. And so, I language is essentially a gauge of how we’re experiencing the external environment. And, language is really important. Because, you know, the key thing that I think is really important to know is that your words don’t describe your reality, they create your reality. 

Hayley Osborne 

Toni Everard
Like just a reality. Then the P stands for programming. And essentially, as humans, we are consistently running programs and strategies, and there’s a step by step process of everything that we do. So you know, the thing that I really love about NLP is it’s based on the structure and the steps that you go through to create any kind of result in your life. So you know, there is a specific strategy and steps that you go through about, you know, how you get up in the morning, how you get into relationships, and you know, how you parent, how you have friends, how you exercise, and also how you do business.

Okay, so when it comes to sales and marketing and you know, working with your clients, there are step by step processes that you go through that include, you know, things that you you’re imagining in your mind, things that you’re saying to yourself feelings that you have And then actions that you create. And so this is why it’s so important to understand this for yourself when you are in business, because every behavior that you have is a result of the things that you’re doing internally. 

So how you’re interpreting information will be influenced by your own beliefs and your own values and the language that you use and the pictures that you hold in your mind, all of these things will go into determining how you feel, and then essentially, your actions which will then you know, be what results that you get. So understanding how that means that if you’ve got something that’s not working well for you, you can work out where it’s not working, and then change that within yourself so that you can get different results.

Hayley Osborne  
And I feel like business owners that there was a lot there. But when you can master this, you are dynamite. Because you then get out of your own way, and you understand how the world works around you far better. And that’s a really powerful place to be. And I have people that come in that are master like mindset coaches inside the membership, because I do feel like it’s mine, you need to work on your mindset doesn’t matter what level that you’re at, in business, I like to say new level different devil, you do the work and you get strong. 

And usually I think you do the work and get strong when you get knocked down. Because you know, in business, everyone has a cry every now and then. It’s just the way it is, it goes up and down. And so this is something that helps with that, right?

Toni Everard
Oh, absolutely. And you know, like it was a new level, new level new Devil is a new level different devil, same kind of devilish talk. But one of the things that I talk about is the universal model of change that people go through. And that is the layers, that is the levels that you go through. And essentially, you know, it’s you’ll be going along in life going yes, you know, I’ve got all this sorted out, or maybe it’s in business, I’ve got it all sorted out, I know what I’m doing. 

And then you start thinking, Oh, maybe there’s more I could be doing, or maybe this program, or this offering is not who I am anymore. Or maybe there’s a different kind of client clientele that I want to work with, or, you know, whatever it might be, and then you start, you can’t go back, right? Like you can’t go back to that everything’s good you and there’s kind of no, there’s something that needs to change. And then what happens is, like when you said you have a bit of a crier, we end up in this point where we just feel stuck. It’s like, I don’t know, I can’t go back to where I was.

But I don’t know how to get where I want to get to the next level. And it can be when we’re in this kind of stuck state. And that’s when people usually start looking around for who’s my next mentor, what’s the next like, shiny thing I’m gonna find or the next, you know, perfect strategy, that’s gonna change everything, when really, it’s that you’re doing a level up, and you need to shift your neurology that’s moving into this new way of being which is environmentally driven.

So you have to be around, no, say I pay for proximity, right, I’ll get as close as I can to the people who are doing what it is that I want to do. Because that’s one of the fastest ways that you’ll build your neurology, which is really your coping mechanisms and your beliefs and your values that will match that next level. And then it’s like, usually you get the thing that motivates us, you get so much pain that you go, I don’t care anymore, I’m just not doing this, I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get to that next level. And then you do that. And then of course, the cycle just starts again, eventually, where, you know, everything’s great. And then, you know, the doubts start popping in what’s the name?

Hayley Osborne 
Basically just described my flow of thoughts. Like throughout the year, it’s like you I pay for proximity to I think that’s one of my highest values is education. And that’s why I like to teach as well as, like, invest in myself because nothing is better. And I love that you just said that. That is so good. So in terms of I guess mastering your mind for business, do you have a couple of tips that you could share with our listeners? Because this is your zone of genius, and I really want her to put you in lights? Yeah, so good at what you do. Thanks,

Toni Everard
Sandy. I never and I and I do. I work with a whole range of people in business like you know, I’ve got clients who are, you know, transitioning from having a job and getting their first coaching programs together and working with their first clients. And then I’ve got clients who, like, have businesses that are turning over $20 million a year. And so there’s different levels of where people in slightly different levels are down, putting the foundation. Next step and that next step. And I’d say like, you know, one of the most important things that you need to know. And the best way I can explain this is probably with the focus model. Would you like me to explain that to you?

Hayley Osborne  
I would love that. Yeah, please. The Transformation Model? That’s what you’re talking about. Right? Yes, yeah. Yes. Yeah. So

Toni Everard
This focus model is really what covers anything that I do, whether it’s working with people one on one, or whether I’m, I’m teaching and, you know, it’s, it’s, this gives a really good basis to think about your mindset when it comes to business. And so focus is a word that I use a lot, because it’s really powerful. Your focus is the number one thing that will make a difference to what the results that you get. And that is because whatever you focus on, you’ll get more off.

And so if you’re focusing on the things that you don’t want, you don’t like that you hope don’t happen, that you hope people don’t think about everything else, or you’re going to just create anxiety for yourself, and really hold yourself back and don’t do the things. Okay. So focus is a really powerful word, you’ve got to focus on what it is that you want, and hold that focus with all your might. That’s important. 

And but if we break focus down, if, is for the framework or their foundations of thinking, okay, you’ve got to have a good foundation of where you base your thinking from. And one of the most important frames that I teach people about is cause and effect. And what that means is essentially, if you’re in effect, you’re saying, there’s all this stuff that’s going on around me, and it’s not my fault, and there’s nothing I can do about it. And I’ve got a lot of reasons why I’m not achieving what I want to achieve. Okay. And that’s quite popular in the ways of people generally think, and a lot of conversations you can have with people that will tell you all the reasons why things aren’t going how they want them to, but it just won’t get you results.

And so when you’re at cause, it’s where you realize that you’re actually the projection point for everything going on around you, and how you respond. And where you choose to put your focus, your time, your energy, is a decision that’s yours and yours alone. And that whatever you say you want to achieve, it’s up to you to make sure that happens. And the thing is, like, whenever we set some goals, there are going to be challenges. Okay? Because it’s just the nature of it. If, essentially, when you’re setting goals, you’re saying I want to achieve something that I don’t have right now, which means I need to become something who I’m not right now.

Okay, through actions, behaviors, habits, you know, all those kinds of things. So you have to take full responsibility in making that happen. Even when challenges come up. I’ve always been okay, well, how can I overcome this challenge? How can I overcome this challenge? How can I get myself back on track? So it’s, that’s foundations of thinking and that there’s a bunch more that I talk about when I’m when I’m teaching and working with my clients, but um, you know, being respectful of the time here, I think that’s a good one, okay, just being at cause and taking responsibility for yourself.

And then, so that’s the frames, okay, then O, is for optimal language. And I spoke a little bit about the importance of language already. And just knowing that your words create your reality. So whatever you’re speaking, do I want to speak this into my reality? Do I want to speak this into existence? If not, stop talking about, right, like, speak what you want to create. 

Hayley Osborne 
I feel like that’s a really good time to say that, especially obviously, this will be airing in January. It’s like take that, if that’s the one thing you do is take what Tony is saying and, you know, speak your reality because everyone has really bold goals. I know I’m a goal setter. Every year at the beginning of the year, I write down my goals, and they’re bold. And I think that’s a really strong way to make it your reality. And it works.

Toni Everard
Yeah. And then have people around you that you can have conversations with that support that, you know, like one of my besties Ally, she’s this incredible leadership coach. You know, she’s out there killing out, I caught up with her yesterday, we went to the beach for walks, and just talked about business staff and we talked about a big game, right? Because we can both support that, like, there’s like we aren’t Yeah, absolutely, you know, 100% I’ve got your back. 

That’s definitely you and more. So you want to have those people around you that will support that. So then that’s the optimal language, and there’s so much you can learn about language and understanding how every word you say influences you and the person that you’re speaking to. And like, when I first learned NLP, the language part just blew my mind. I was just like, Oh, my God, how do I even know English like up till now.

And there’s so much involved in and how you’re talking, whether you’re talking about things as possibility and necessity. If you’re talking about things in present tense, past tense, future tense, you know, what is being presupposed? In your language, there’s a lot that you can learn. And it’s really super powerful. 

And that’s the language part is what I would now attribute to the level that I coach at is I go, yes, I’ve got a bunch of techniques, but understanding language and being able to hear exactly what people say, is the thing that creates the most transformational change and knowing how to question people and what to ask, and also how to say things in a way like that, you know, the words what, what is the internal representation? What are they doing in their mind when I say this to them? 

Hayley Osborne 
That’s yeah, I guess that kind of means as well. Like, if I’m saying to, if I’m, if I’m needing help with my words, or whatever that looks like I might know, or the business owner that you’re working with might know exactly like the transformation that they provide, or I guess what they want to do, but they just not articulating it properly. So it’s really like reading and comprehension, like your ability to comprehend at a super high level to be able to extract Well, this actually means this, and it’s such a beautiful place to get to when you’re in business, especially because like people are drawn to you, not through your like visual, usually, because you’re not always on and they’re not always visible. 

So what I mean by that is like through 99% of people are going to Google you as a business before they pick up the phone. So you know, your words, your written words, and even the images that you have out there of you and your brand might not be you, but whatever that looks like he’s gonna collectively form those things. And so to be able to articulate well, and I feel like a lot of people think oh, no, but I can do that. But when you’re so close to your business, what I found as well as you can’t see it anymore. So it’s always so important to upskill to always be on. 

Toni Everard
Yeah, and I think they had to do that with authenticity as well, because it was interesting, the training that I just delivered a couple of weeks ago that NLP practitioner training is a seven day training. And during that training, I was talking about, you know, certification, accreditation and those kinds of things. And I’d said to the people that were there. So you know, out of interest, did you go and just look at all of my certifications when you come to work with me? And I also said, Well, no. And I said, exactly. So what was it that you looked at? 

And they’re like, well, we looked at your website and had a look at, you know, all of your socials and things. And a lot of people said a lot of people we looked at, we’re all a bit raw. But what is it they said, You I we could see exactly who you were and what you did, but you weren’t shouting it out. It was like just being you was the credibility of who you are and what you do. And that’s, it’s the authenticity, it’s been able to language that it’s been able to show that without having to try to make out to be something that you’re not. Yeah,

Hayley Osborne
And just to break that down a little bit more to language that’s there the words, because you think you can over complicate something that’s very simple. When you language that into simplicity into who you are, like a lot of people will then go on when they meet you in real life. You’re the same as what you are online. Yeah, same person. 

Oh my gosh, and then that’s amazing. And then it’s like, well, that’s not an accident. I’ve had to work really hard to be able to translate the energy, which isn’t something that’s written, but to translate that energy and your energetics into a written language. Like, there’s, it’s just like fireworks. It’s beautiful when you write, but it’s really hard to do that. And so that’s why, you know, when you get to certain points in business, you have to level up, because you have to get better at that. Yes, I think people are drawn to.

Toni Everard
Absolutely. And I think one of the things that, you know, I do see, I knew touched on this before about, you know, NLP, it’s an acronym like, it’s kind of what does it even mean? You know, and I know, like, sometimes when people get into this field, and they’re coaching, you know, they talk about our limiting beliefs and negative emotions and that kind of stuff. But those words don’t really create an image for someone about what does that even mean?

Hayley Osborne 
Correct! It’s like, Yeah, but what are you saying? Tell me in layman’s terms, like what just get the heart of it and give it to me don’t beat around the bush, it’s the same words that are overwhelming. Like, just like all these fluffy words. They mean, like, yeah, they mean what they mean. But isn’t it better to say something along the lines of, I can’t even think of an example off the top of my head. But do you know what I’m saying? 

Toni Everard
Like, what people when you know, you know what it’s like when you first got to do a video, and you’re thinking about joining this video, and you’re getting all these kind of like, like nuts forming in your stomach and the thoughts racing through your mind about oh, my God, am I gonna look ridiculous? Are people gonna say something about me? And then you feel kind of shaky and nervous? And am I gonna forget my words, and you know, and then you go to take this video and you feel your voice wavering? And those kinds of things. 

Like, that is an experience that people have. They don’t sit there and go, I can’t do videos, because I’ve got a limiting belief about such and such. So it’s that but you know, it comes back. And I know, this is something that you spoke about when you come on as a guest for me as well is that storytelling is like using language that creates this sensory description that people can actually picture like a movie in their mind and experience that as if it’s real life. It’s a real life example. Because that’s when people can connect to okay, I get what you’re talking about. I’ve had that experience, or I’ve seen someone have that experience. And so now it seems real. Now, it seems like you know what you’re talking about? 

Hayley Osborne 
So what is 2024? look like for you?

Toni Everard
Yes! Do you want me to finish this focus on? Oh, yes,

Hayley Osborne 
Yes,  We just don’t know. Much. Oh, my God, please. Everyone’s probably like Haley jumped the gun.

Toni Everard
Yeah, well, always, I was just leaving an open loop. So the next letter stands for so. So we’ve done F and we’ve done like the C in focus is for creating change. So you really need to be able to know how you actually create change? So how do you create change around the pictures that you hold in your mind the feelings that you have? 

You know, for example, there’s techniques in NLP that are called anchoring, which essentially, is a way that you can create a really positive state, you can get confidence, certainty, motivation, excitement, any of those kinds of states, like feel them come up in your body in an instant, like really quickly, when you know how to do those kinds of techniques. And your state is so important. It drives what you think about what behaviours you have and those kinds of things. So being able to create changes like that within yourself is really important.

Hayley Osborne 
How have I known this is sorry, I love these episodes to be conversational. But have you read Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty?

Toni Everard
No, I don’t think No, I haven’t. Yeah,

Hayley Osborne 
That is what I’m reading at the moment. And that kind of what you’ve just said, it kind of is a little bit about what he talks about in that book as well. It’s really hard to do.

Toni Everard
It’s only when you don’t know how to do it. Her

Hayley Osborne  
Might know how to do that really well. They’re able to go from a state of high energy to relaxation. In seconds. Yes. Because Oh, Brain.

Toni Everard
Yeah, absolutely. And you know, not saying that we’re all kind of aiming to be a monk and I’m sitting, sitting on top of a hill meditating either, right? We’re in real life. But what you can do, there are really simple ways that you can change how you feel and the number one thing to do is to change your physiology. Right. And this is why movement is so important. Getting exercise like I do, like an hour walk most days, I go to yoga and do those kinds of things. But even breathing like deep breathing will change your physiology. Having a glass of water, you know will change your physiology, like just doing something to shift your body will change your physiology and all this So, this is going a little bit deep. But I think that’s okay. I think we can do that here. Hayley..

Hayley Osborne  
I love that play. Yeah, give us the deep. Yeah,

Toni Everard
The Deep is really and this kind of ties in with the UN focus, which is knowing how to work with your unconscious mind. Like, you have to work with your unconscious mind, because that’s the stuff that is driving you automatically. It’s where all your motivation is everything. But you have to think about it as in, you are not your thoughts, okay? You are not your emotions, you are not even your body, okay, you are the consciousness, that is observing your thoughts and your feelings and what’s going on.

And so this is a really important thing you need to be able to do, especially as a business owner is to rather than going, oh my god, I just like, someone sent me an email. And that means that they don’t think I’m good enough, they’re not going to work with me anymore. You know, blah, blah, blah, right? And get caught up into that loop. And then it starts proving true, because that’s how thoughts and beliefs work. Instead, you have this awareness, where I call it being guardian of your thoughts.

Okay, so like, there’ll be times when I can feel something, because how you’re feeling will be a direct indicator to what you’re thinking. So I can feel something in my body, maybe it’s some sensations, you know, like, my stomach, or my chest or my throat, and I go, Okay, what is it that I’m thinking about? What are the thoughts that run through my mind? And then I go, Okay, so I’m observing Tony having these thoughts and having these sensations in her body? Are they true? Are they helpful? Are they really what she wants? So it’s almost like you kind of dissociate a little bit, but it’s like, knowing that you’re the consciousness, that’s having this human experience.

Okay, so you’re not like just the person who’s there going, Oh, my God, what’s going wrong? Feeling all these emotions reacting to something, it’s like, you can observe that. And when you realise that you’re the observer, you’re actually also in control of it. Okay, this is a really important thing to know is that you’re the person in the driver’s seat. Most people are unconscious of this, right? And they go, Well, someone said that to me, of course, I’m upset. 

Yeah, look, sure. But how long do you want to stay that way? Right, like, you’re the one who’s in control of this, you’re the observer of this is going on, like you can decide at any time to think different thoughts to feel differently. And it’s not an automatic thing, right? It comes with learning how to do that, and practicing it ongoing.

And so and then the final thing, which I think is going to lead into what you asked me before is the focus is for setting your sights. So you have to know where you’re going, right? You’ve got to set your sights, think about where you’re going, what it is that you want to achieve, you know, create smart goals, because SMART goals are just creating well-formed realities that you’re going to achieve at some point in time in the future. And so that’s it. That’s the focus.

Hayley Osborne  
Love it. So, to my question, that’s deep. And so I think, like, for everyone listening, go back and re-listen a little bit, because it is a really helpful conversation for business owners. And a lot of people probably think about NLP and go oh, that’s a little bit woo familiar, it’s a little bit woo it’s actually not it’s probably more practical than woo  isn’t it? Like? Yes, it’s so practical.

Toni Everard
Well, and the thing about NLP that most people don’t realise is that there’s only one thing in NLP that actually comes from NLP. Everything else has been modelled on all the different psychologies you know, social sciences, all different kinds of areas of human behaviour and thought and NLP. The one thing that comes from NLP is a technique called modelling, and modelling is essentially when you can go Okay, so here’s a result that works. What are the steps that make that work? And so that I can recreate that same thing within myself?

So anchoring, for example, I spoke about how you can get into a positive state at any given time, you know, certainty, motivation, excitement, that comes from the work done in the early 1900s by people that were doing stimulus response, where essentially, the knee jerk reflex was the first paper that was written on that where this guy, William twit, my heavens like 1902 he discovered if he would tap people on the knee with a hammer, their leg would jerk.

And after doing that a few times, he would just show the And the hammer, just hold it near there like and like would still jerk. So that was the knee jerk reflex, right. And that kind of is, you know, moved on to now where we know we can create positive states within ourselves just with the application of a stimulus. So all of it is stuff that is just really models, what has worked throughout history. 

Hayley Osborne  
And think about, like the most successful people in business, big business, and what they probably use these models to, you know, because it’s all about mindset. It’s all about stepping into that person. And so the most successful people in the world will do this every single day.

Toni Everard
100% I mean, if you look at Tony Robbins, for example, he’s one of the world’s leading business and life strategists. He’s NLP trained his follow steps and Okay.

Hayley Osborne  
Amazing. So what is the S? What does the S stand for? For you for 2024? What is your strategy? What’s happening in your world? Because you’re the dynamic lady, so please tell us,

Toni Everard
Yeah, so I’m excited for 2024 One of the things that I really love is creating content and content that makes a difference in the world, because you touched on this before, but I, I’m my business is very purpose driven, like I, I’m very, very driven to help people release their fears, understand their minds, and to be free of any kind of restricting system that’s not aligned with the truth of who they are. So I know that when I get in flow and talk about these things, whether it’s on a podcast, or like TikTok or whatever, stuff comes out through me that, like, I’m just like, Wow, that’s good stuff.

I should take note of that. And so that really excites me. So into 2024 There’s still a lot of training going on, and a whole lot more recording of content and speaking and those kinds of things. So I’m excited for that. And I’m particularly getting more business online. Like I do a lot online now. But I really want to be doing more traveling. My partner works FIFO my daughter is now living on Hamilton Island. You know, there’s nothing really stopping me apart from my pet cat who’s 14, Every day.

Hayley Osborne  
Yes, so 2024 is bright for you. And I love that and you’re making changes to move closer to be that free person.

Toni Everard
Yes. Yeah. Lastly, yeah.

Hayley Osborne  
So after this deep, insightful conversation, how can people find you,

Toni Everard
You can find me, I’m very much my name is my brand. So you can find me pretty much anywhere, Tony ever and so on all of the social media platforms.

My website is www.tonieverard.com 

Hayley Osborne  
If someone wants to come into your world, obviously, like to start with, they’ve got the podcast, but do you have anything that you could share that they could access via download or something like that? That’s an easy thing.

Tony Everard
And yes, I have and I didn’t think about this before I went. The podcast is probably the best thing. Yeah, yep.

Hayley Osborne  
And your episodes are released weekly, aren’t they?

Toni Everard
Yes, they are weekly? Yes, absolutely. 

Hayley Osborne  
Everything will be in the show notes. Tony, thank you so much for sharing your incredible knowledge with me today. I’ve learned a lot as well as the listeners on a selfish level. I’ve learnt a lot. Thank you. I know that everyone listening would have learned a lot from you. Because, you know, it’s not something that you consciously think about in your business, but definitely need to think about in your business to move the needle. So thanks for joining me, and I hope you have an awesome rest of the day. Thanks, Tony. 

Toni Everard
Thanks. Hayley, you too.

Hayley Osborne
I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday. And while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me at Hayley K. Osborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can learn to share. If you want more, head over to Hayley osborne.com.au forward slash podcast for today’s show notes and links to catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.


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