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EPISODE 94 | Lessons learnt in 2023 and a love letter for 2024

April 19, 2024

In this episode of the Hayley Osborne Show, I reflect on the lessons I’ve learned from 2023 and share my plans and goals for the upcoming year. As a business owner myself, I discuss key takeaways from the past year and also outline my “love letter for 2024,” detailing upcoming launches and other BIG crazy goals. I provide advice for you as you plan your own 2024, encouraging you to set audacious goals and make faster decisions. It’s my hope that this inspiring episode will motivate you to continue growing your business through consistent action and learning from experiences.


0:01 – Lessons learned in 2023 and goals for 2024. 

4:11 – Setting goals, not worrying about opinions, and embracing individuality. 

8:19 – Business goals, new website, and membership launch. 

15:10 – Business goals, self-doubt, and personal growth. 

19:52 – Entrepreneurship, decision-making, and success. 

Hayley Osborne 

Are you excited at the thought of growing your business? Welcome to the Hayley Osborne show. This is the place where you’ll learn how to get more high quality leads and sales in your business. My goal with this show is to help you grow your business, be inspired, nail your creativity, get the best out of your marketing, and show up as the most fearless superhero version of yourself. 

I’ll be teaching you the tailored frameworks and tools I use to unlock my client’s superpowers and turn them into quality leads and inquiries. And I want the same for you. I started my first business at the age of 25, and continue to build three successful businesses along the way. Small business owners are the backbone of the economy. And I’m here to demystify marketing, make it easy for you and help you reach more customers. Let’s do it. 

Hello, and welcome back to the Hayley Osborne show. It’s been a minute, Happy New Year, I hope that 2020 for the start of 2024 has been amazing for you. We are back, working the podcast and ready to have an absolutely epic 2024. The plans are looking good to keep you learning and upskilling as a business owner in the zone of genius of marketing, social media, all things entrepreneurship and business owner-ish things and you know, everything in between. We’re kicking off this season of the podcast, which is season three, actually with episode 94. So I am teetering on the edge of 100 Episode episodes, which is pretty cool. And I’m pretty excited to be back in your ears, I’ve had a really long break, which was definitely needed. So my cylinders are firing and ready to go for this year. 

So today, without further ado, I really wanted to discuss lessons learned in 2023. And the love letter for 2024. For myself, and also for you so you can know what’s in the cards for me. And also, if you haven’t started looking at your goals yet, which is understandable if you’ve got kids that have been on school holidays. And if you’ve just taken some time out to just you know, refuel your cup. You haven’t done any of that yet. And that’s cool, too. So let’s get straight into it because I want to talk about the 2023 lessons learned. And what I’m taking into 2024 and a little love letter, which with my goals and things I’m doing this year, I thought this was a really nice episode to kick things off for the new season. 

So I wanted to start by encouraging you to keep working towards your goals. Because here’s the thing, and this isn’t a lesson for me. Consistency builds momentum and momentum. Little by little, it helps you achieve your goals. And you know, consistency, Trump’s tough times. So, even if you are going through the peaks and troughs of what it is like to run a business, consistency will always trump everything. 

And so it’s super important that you remember to keep up because what goes down must come up, and, you know, all of those things. So, every year I set goals, and I write them down in two sections: personal and business. And also, just to digress, these episodes are now fully recorded. So they will all be on YouTube. And so, if you are on YouTube and you prefer YouTube, you can go and subscribe to my YouTube channel to see the recordings and see me live in the flesh being recorded, which is cool. I love that. And it’s a great way to create big content, which I’m going to talk about in another episode.

Anyway, every year I set goals and write them down into sections for personal and business. It’s a great thing to do to stay accountable and look back to see just how far you’ve come. So, looking back at my personal goals for 2023, I counted them. I set up 13 of them. And I reread them just before, and I achieved 11. That’s pretty good. That’s more than 50%, and I’m proud of that. So the power of setting personal goals is incredible. As for my business, I set 11 goals and I achieved eight, which is still more than 50%, which I’m super proud of, and I consider this a really big win there. 

And I did all of this with two small children in tow, which are mostly in my care. They don’t go to childcare. We do have help from family, but mostly they’re with me. Yes, I work at night, some nights. And yes, I do work a few days during the week, when I have helped, but otherwise, I’m creating a gorgeous blend, which is working and seeing me grow my business at the same time, which I love. And this is such a big win. And I’m going to talk about in next week’s episode how I do that and how I plan to have an epic week in my business. Yep, so we can talk about that in another episode.

But I consider this to be pretty awesome. The second point I want to make about lessons learned in 2023, for me, is just because someone else is doing it. And this could be anything across a broad spectrum of business and personal. It does not mean it’s the right fit for me or the right thing for me to do. And I need to and have gotten comfortable running to the beat of my own drum, it feels really good. I have made quick decisions, which have not hampered my progress, right? I haven’t sat with things for too long. 

And I didn’t do that. And yes, it’s a lesson that I want to take into 2024 to just keep moving. Because when you keep moving, you keep winning, right? Yes, you go through those times, but you do keep winning. So you need to get comfortable running to the beat of your own drum. And I would like it if there’s one thing that you took away from this episode that does that too, right? My life is not someone else’s life. And I’m pretty comfortable with the fact that my season is not someone else’s season, I am doing things differently. It’s that simple.

The third point is, it is a big one too, don’t worry what anyone else thinks about you. Huge, it is a lot harder to do, or it’s a lot harder to do than it is to say, but the man in the mirror is the most important person. If it’s your family, and your close friends that are your main concern, and you’re worried about being judged by them, huge mic drop here, I want you to remember this, it’s more than likely that they’re not your target market. So you need to get over yourself to be able to move forward, who cares what they think, smile, and wave. 

And keep working towards your goals. Because I guarantee you, your family and friends are not your target market. So it does not matter what they think. Okay. I repeat, repeat, repeat. It doesn’t matter what they think. Because they’re not your clients. It’s a huge one. Because it is hard not to worry about what the most important people in your life think about what you’re doing in your business. But you need to move through it and get comfortable with that because the man in the mirror is the most important person, which is you. 

And the fourth stop might have many lessons learned in 2023. This is quite a big one for me. I wanted to launch a short course. But last year, it just didn’t happen. And the reason for this, I think, is because I was spending a lot of time learning, reading and educating myself to the hilt. Now don’t get me wrong. I love reading. And I’ve got a list to get through already this year that I really want to read. But I think it partially crippled me in terms of activating that time that I had that very precious time Because don’t forget, I have two small children that are both under three. I could have been creating this course. But I was doing these things. So I won’t be doing that this year. 

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not talking about creating before I’m consuming as this is a must and I stand really firm on this is that you really need to create yourself before you consume anything on social media. And I’m talking about getting the big tick things done before all of that 2024 is the year for that and it’s marked in my calendar. I can see it over there on my whiteboard. I know exactly when I’m launching everything and I’ll take you through that in my love letter but for 2024 But that is something that I am not disappointed in myself for it because I do set really big audacious goals and that’s okay. And that’s for me because I always like to be moving forward, but I looked back and I was like, damn, I just didn’t get that over the line. And I’m okay with that. And but I’ve recognised that, and I will do things differently moving forward. 

And, you know, to create an IDA and come up with new things, you really need to be in that mindset. When you have the motivation, you might not necessarily feel sorry, when you have the motivation and the inspiration, you might not necessarily have the time. So it’s how you figure that out. And I’ve got tools in which I use to be able to record and remember things when I have the most inspiration, because then when I have the time to activate, I might not be inspired. And it’s like a little chicken and egg. So I’m gonna go through that in another episode, too. There’s so many things I wanted to talk to you about. And I’m just so excited to, like, kick this year off, I can’t believe we’re in season three. But I really do hope that you have done a bit of Iraq in 2023.

What worked, what didn’t work. And like what that looks like for you in terms of lessons learned. As you have wrapped up 2023 And you move into 2024 Look, the sun goes up and the sun goes down, it doesn’t matter. So you know, and whoever, you know, way back when decided on this timestamp of years. Look, it kind of doesn’t mean anything. But it’s a really nice way to compartmentalize the way your business works. And so that’s why it’s nice to do the record and then move on to 2024. And make sure that you’re really intentional about how you go about doing your day to day things that are going to set you up to achieve those bigger goals that you have for this year.

So on to section two of what I wanted to talk to you about in this week’s podcast, my love letter for 2024. So what is happening, what is happening in my world now, you may or may not have seen this or not in my stories on Instagram or the posts that I have on my social media, but I am in the process of building a new website. And oh, my freaking God, it looks amazing. Absolutely amazing. I’m really excited. So in conjunction with this first episode, going live. For the podcast, there’s new artwork, which will have new photos, and it looks so nice. And so that will coincide with the website. Obviously, the artwork will come out the day the episode airs. So the 23rd of January will be the first episode. So it’s looking great. And what will be attached to the website is also a shop. So there’s a lot of things that I’ve built over the last even 15 years of my corporate life, and especially the last six years of running this business. 

And I was just thinking, you know, how can I make this more accessible. So if you are not inside superhero marketing, which is my signature membership, and if you are not a private coaching client of mine, and you know, if you have not had a social media strategy, a marketing strategy, or you know, a VIP day with me, how can you access this stuff? So that will be in the shop, and there’s business bundles, and there’s everything. So that’s pretty exciting. And I’m really like this is the first time I would have done this so it’s all gonna be like going off with a bang. 

Then the second part of my love letter for 2024 is I will be doing two very big launches of my signature membership superior marketing and the very first launch date will be the 27th of February. So that’s when doors open to the membership for the first time this year so you can join the waitlist. Now if you have been thinking about it. 

There’s some great bonuses to be had. If you join the waitlist and you join via the waitlist you can do that over on my website now, which is hayleyosborne.com. So if this year is your year to really extract a digit upskill yourself and really go all in with your marketing, then superhero marketing is the thing for you. Basically, the summary of this membership is to help you, the small business owner, create marketing strategies and activities that will help you have the biggest growth with the least amount of time and effort in your business and I’m really proud of it. 

There’s some awesome people inside the membership kicking great goals. Last year, I doubled the memberships. So that is a huge win for me. And I haven’t really spoken about that. But you know, there’s a first for everything. And I might talk about that at some point. And so it is growing. And it is exciting, and there is great feedback. So this is awesome. 

Then I will be doing one email list launch of the membership, which will be the end of the financial year. So if you’re not on my email list, too, you might want to join up and stay tuned for that. There is one launch of my new course. I’m excited about this one, too. There’s going to obviously continue to be weekly episodes of The Hayley Osborne show, which will be released every Tuesday. 

And the next little part of my love letter is I’m working on a book. Yes, there’s not too much to tell at this point. Apart from a few fart , No, apart from a few, a few meetings happening. There’s a few little lovely holidays there. I know this sounds like a lot, except I’m looking over now on my little calendar. Except it’s actually not when you have it fully planned. Now, I did spend a lot of time planning out the dates and everything and making sure that they are not coinciding with other things and school holidays and my personal time and birthdays and everything that goes in between. 

So I did a lot of planning towards the end of last year to make sure that everything is running like a smooth oiled machine in terms of dates. And you know, when it’s all scheduled in, it doesn’t feel so hard. There’s plenty of social media strategies for new clients coming through, which are awesome, epic marketing strategies as well, because there is no better time to have a marketing strategy than at the beginning of the year, more private coaching with my one on one clients and VIP days, which is a vibe. And I’m so proud of this. So that’s my little, little things that are happening this year. They’re the big things.

And so other small little love notes I wanted to give you and myself for 2024. And it’s not it’s not so much a repetition of 2023. But it’s keep working towards your goals, set them work towards them back things off every week to achieve those things. If you say that you want to appear on 24 podcasts in 2024, how are you actually going to do that? You can’t just have big, audacious goals without having a plan on how to get there. 

That’s something I actually took the members inside the memberships through on the 10th of January, we talked about how to actually achieve that what to do how to approach podcast hosts to appear as a guest, or what to say there’s I went through scripts, how to research what are the best podcasts to pitch to. So you know, those big goals of building your brand awareness from a top of funnel approach, they can be broken down really easily. 

The next little point of a Love Letter is don’t worry about what anyone else thinks about you. This can be the most crippling thing, but just who cares what other people think of you when you are true to yourself, you will shine like the bright star that you are meant to. The next point is I want to be telling more of my story. Right? So not just the upskill of education and my zone of genius. Yes, I want to share that too. But more of my story, right? This is my superpower. Okay, my story is my superpower. And I’m gonna sing it loud and proud. 

Okay, and it’s yours, too. So if you’re thinking when you’re listening to this, or no, Haley, I just don’t have a story that’s worth sharing. I don’t know if anyone will want to listen to it. Well, I can guarantee you that they do. And that is my absolute passion to be able to help you uncover what that superpower looks like, and how to actually share it with your audience so that they can see you shine bright. 

The next point is I keep reminding myself that being uncomfortable is part of the process. So when you’re feeling like things are hard when you’re feeling like it’s difficult. That is part of running a business and that is when you are growing if things become really easy. Maybe you need to shake things up a little bit, but being uncomfortable is part of the process. It is hard. There are days when I’m just like oh my god, I don’t know how I can do this. 

I don’t know how I am able to juggle everything. This doesn’t feel good. I might have a few tears. It’s so hard. Yeah, it is. Yeah, it is but it’s also very, very dynamic, amazing. Yeah, the amount of impact that I’m able to have running this business on business owners, small business owners and people humans is incredible. And I’m so proud of that. And that feels uncomfortable when you’re doing the work. But it’s really great. On the other hand, I wanted to say as well. I saw this quote the other day, and I loved it. If you want to shine in front of everybody, you have to work in front of nobody. 

And that is something that I love, absolutely love. So I read that, again, if you want to shine in front of everybody, you have to work in front of nobody, okay, you have to put in the work, success and work come hand in hand, unfortunately, unfortunately. So they’re those that you see that are shining bright, work very, very hard, they’re not sitting on a beach, working five hours a week, I can guarantee you.

The next thing I want to say is I’ve made some really big decisions already this year in terms of how I spend my time. So we’re 20 or so days into the new year. So it’s been hard to be able to make the decisions that I’ve made, but it actually feels really good in the meantime. Okay, so I’ve made some big decisions. And it might be a few steps back to move forward. So trusting my gut more than ever, is at the forefront of my mind for 2024. 

And there’s a couple of lasting points that I want to leave you with that I think are super important. So successful women aren’t born, they’re created. Okay, they’re created by you, they’re created by you being consistent by you, maintaining that momentum, by you continuing to show up, that’s how they’re created. And if you’re struggling to do that, then put your hand up and get some help from a coach or mentor. Look at those people that you admire that are doing what you do. And watch them carefully. Okay, successful women aren’t born, they’re created and every single person that you see, that embodies what success means to you that are doing it, they have created that for themselves. And the last thing that I want to say, as a little love note to myself, and for you, that might help you is moving into 2024. 

I want to make decisions faster, which means acting on things much faster, replying to when I’ve got that bucket of time to email, to go into my inbox, sorting it out then and there straight away. They’re always going to be done in the afternoon. So I do the work in the morning that will help move the needle in my business. And then in the afternoon, I respond to the admin stuff. So making decisions faster, there’s a couple of things that I have made very fast decisions on so far this year that are gonna smash me out of the ballpark, which I’m really excited about, and haven’t sat on them, you know, in your gut when it feels right. So the faster you make decisions and move through things, the better it is, then you can move on to the next thing and that my lovely awesome people is my little love letter for 2024.

And the lessons learned in 2023 Episode 94 of the podcast, the very first episode for season three for 2024. I’m teetering on the edge of 100 episodes. So I’ve worked out what I’m gonna do there. And I’m pretty excited. Sorry about that. I gotta go and keep smashing my goals today. I’ve got some free time, and have the best week and I will see you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday. And while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me at Hayley K. Osborne over on Instagram and share these posts with your audience so they can learn to share. If you want more, head over to Hayley osborne.com.au forward slash podcast for today’s show notes and links to catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.

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