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Episode 87: Making marketing fun with Superhero Marketer Hannah Willsmore

November 2, 2023


On this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show, I talk with Superhero Marketer, Hannah Willsmore on her marketing journey in the allied health space, how she’s made it fun, why she wasn’t willing to outsource any of her marketing or social media, her love of learning, being a new mumma while running her successful business, team and much more.

Hannah is a member of my membership, Superhero Marketing. And I couldn’t wait to get her on here because she has come a long way with her marketing. She is an exceptional female in business. She is a registered and endorsed midwife and award-winning childbirth educator. She’s based here in Adelaide, where I am also based, and she’s got lots of experience in hospitals and maternity settings. She is a hypno birthing graduate as well as a life coach and midwife. And she is also a mum of a young human who is similar in age to my youngest, so he’s just over one. She does antenatal and postnatal, in-home Midwifery, and Hypnobirthing courses.

She showcases all of her expertise through her social media through her marketing through her website. She’s gotten good at it. I wanted to get her on so that we could talk about the things that she did to move her marketing forward and have a bigger impact because she came to a realisation that she needed to do more when it comes to her marketing. And I wanted to bring her in. She’s a smart lady and I wanted her to talk about what that looked like for her and her experiences. She’s really smart and really good at what she does. So we have a lot in common, which is so, so nice. And I have been able to help her on her journey of becoming an awesome marketer in her business and upskilling herself.

I will say as well. This episode is brought to you by my signature programme, Superhero Marketing. It is the place that helps you to get clear on what marketing strategies and activities you need to do, giving you the biggest growth with the least amount of time and effort for your business. As this episode airs, I will be a week away from doors opening. I’m so excited. It is one of the biggest deals of the year for me, so doors open to my signature membership next week, so that’ll be one week from now when this episode airs, which is the seventh of November. And there is a beautiful waitlist that is there waiting for you to join with some awesome bonuses that I’ve actually never done before.

If you go over to my website, Hayleyosborne.com, and then click on superhero marketing, you’ll be able to join the waitlist if you think this might be for you. And because you’ll be on the waitlist, when you join, you’ll get access to doors opening 48 hours before they’re open to the public. And you’ll also get three bonuses, which is something that I’ve never done before.

The first is a 60-minute one-on-one strategy session with me to get you off to a flying start.

Second, I have a bonus 14-day Live video strategy Canva template, which we all know how powerful video is. And I find that this has helped the members inside my membership.

And the third bonus is my very first ebook, which is huge. This is such a big one. It’s called 100 affirmations, manifesting your dreams through positive thinking and I use the method, I guess, of positive thinking in my day-to-day life in my business.

You know, I do have very small children. I have a one-year-old and a two-year-old and some days are harder than others if you’ve been there or if you’re in it, or if you know people that are in it. Like, some days can be really hard. So I’ve found this to work for me. And I wanted to put the little quotes and affirmations together in a product for you because it’s helped me. So they’re ready for you if you join the waitlist and join before the doors open, period. There are three beautiful bonuses there.

One of the things that I want to talk about, and I haven’t ever done this before, is I am running a free coaching week next week. And this is cool. It’s two days, which is pretty awesome. And it is my marketing makeover challenge. And so it basically is to step up your marketing because if you are not at the forefront of people’s minds in an authentic way as best that you can be, you know, you’re kind of doing your business a disservice. So, I’m excited to be running my very first live free coaching week, which will be over two days next week. I’ll be live in marketing makeover in the marketing makeover challenge. And if you’re a small business owner, and you want to establish your marketing foundations and optimise your content, then this is for you. You don’t want to miss it.

It’s an opportunity to help you break free from feeling unsure where and how to start your marketing, laying a solid foundation to help Springboard your business and yourself into the next version of you. I promise to deliver massive value and help you succeed. And I always deliver huge value. So, I highly recommend that you don’t miss out and that you sign up. If you want to sign up, head to my website, Hayleyosborne.com. And you can register for free. It’s live with me for 60 minutes across two days. And you can do that on my website by clicking the link. So the days that I will be doing it is next Wednesday, the eighth of November and it will be at 11 a.m. Australian Central Daylight Savings Time, which is Adelaide time. If you’re in Sydney or Melbourne. That’s 11:30 a.m. Your time and if you’re in Brisbane, that it’s 10:30 a.m. So 1030 in Brisbane, 11 am in Adelaide and 1130 in Sydney and Melbourne. And that is November the eighth and ninth. So, on Wednesday and Thursday next week, I will be running my live free coaching week, which will coincide with doors opening to the membership. And if you haven’t seen my socials already, there are a couple of really nice little videos and different things that also showcase my latest photoshoot.

I would love you to go over, register, and come join me live. It’s nice for you to join live because what you get live is basically me. So, you have me to ask questions that you might have as we go along. And when you show up live, from my experience, you’re committed to achieving an awesome outcome for your business and, ultimately, for yourself. And there are stats around this. So I know that that works. And so, on day one, you can expect to learn how to establish your marketing foundations and what they are, what works and what doesn’t. On day two, you will learn how to optimise your content and increase your sales guys. I’m so excited for this. Head over to Hayleyosborne.com to register. And I hope to see you there.

Let’s get into today’s episode and welcome in Hannah!

Hi, Hannah, and welcome to the podcast. I’m excited to have you here. Finally, you are on my podcast. Yeah. How are you?

Hannah Willsmore:
I’m good. Thanks, Hayley. I’m excited about our chat. Finally, today as well.

Hayley Osborne:
I have done my own little intro already. But in your own words, I would love you to tell the listeners who you are and what you do.

Hannah Willsmore:
I’m Hannah. I am a mum to a little one and a midwife and I support pregnant and postnatal women to achieve an empowering birth and positive transition to motherhood. I have had my business for around eight years now and have a few different ways that I work with families, from education courses in pregnancy and one-off sessions to support families through to supporting them after they have their babies through the first six weeks and beyond.

Hayley Osborne:
Wow. And what you do is game-changing and affecting lives and helping, especially, helping parents in their most vulnerable state. So how you communicate that, obviously, this is, you know, my zone of genius is marketing, how you communicate that is very delicate. And you have to be so good at it. And you have to, like, refine that and refine that. And your messaging, no doubt, has to speak from the heart, like right there, to attract your core customer because you’re dealing with something so sensitive and beautiful life. How old is your little one?

Hannah Willsmore:
He is 16 months?

Hayley Osborne:
We have little ones the same age boys. It’s so fun running a business with small humans.

Hannah Willsmore:
It is it is a delicate balance.

Hayley Osborne:
Oh, my goodness. So yes, congratulations on doing it all, like the mumming and business. What would you say your biggest win is right now, like having the Juggle?

Hannah Willsmore:
My biggest win, I think, probably is feeling like I have got the balance. Right? I feel like I’m jinxing it just by saying because it changes week to week, you know, and they get sick, or you have a bigger week with work or something. But I feel like, I’ve really, I’ve got a lot more mindful of how I spend my time, especially in the business and really, you know, in the business, prioritising our clients is the top priority. Still, like you said, it’s a really personal time. And, you know, obviously, in the healthcare industry to where we’re providing clinical care. So you know, giving really good care to our clients and my clients is my number one priority in business. But then, of course, there’s all the other stuff as well. And then being a mum and, and balancing that. So I feel like, yeah, it took a little bit coming back from maternity leave to find my feet. And to work out how it was going to work. I sort of thought that I would just come back and just do a scaled-down version of what I was doing. But I found that it doesn’t business don’t really run like that, like, you know, you know, it’s not just you can’t just, you know, just tap in and out on the day that you’re working. And so, yeah, just really refining things honing in on what the ways that I love to support clients, and where I feel like my zone of genius is in helping people and just keeping focused on that. While, like I said, balancing being a mum. So that’s probably what I feel like my brain is at the moment because I feel like I’ve got that worked out a little bit more.

Hayley Osborne:
Yeah, and it’s nice when you feel like you’ve got. I like the word balance. I also like the word blend, and someone brought that into my life a little while ago. And like, I love that feeling of that blend as a business owner, and you run a successful business and a mum and you’re, like, present with him, like 99% of the time, which is so nice. It’s such a good feeling to be able to do both. I often say like, I would never be able to cut out in a corporate job being a mum because, like, look, the mum guilts are there, you know, even if you’ve got to just step into your office, which is inside your home, and shut the door and do the things but I think it would be a lot more mum guilt. If I had to go into that, get into the car, go to a job and then do that whole like shuffle. I feel like I often say like, I feel so lucky, but it’s not lucky. We’ve built this for great. Yeah, so no luck. It’s, yeah, no, it’s not luck.

Hannah Willsmore:
It’s a lot of work. I think to to get to this point, when I look back, I when I started my business, I was not at the point of having kids at all. But as that wasn’t on my immediate radar. However I knew that I wanted more flexibility than what I was going to get working in the hospital. And that was sort of one of the driving forces behind starting my business, as well as wanting to provide better care for people and more consistent support and holistic support. But it was that factor of being able to build a business that then allowed me to still work and enjoy my work but also be a mum and be a mum in the way that I wanted to. And I agree. Sometimes I think, you know, in those crazy weeks where you feel like that blend or that balance is not going so well. I still believe this is better than I got when you’re working a shift in a hospital for our family.

Hayley Osborne:
Yeah, 100% and I agree with you, not for me, not in a hospital, but being away from home. I think it’s, Yeah, so much better. So tell me about your business. What are you currently doing in your business? What does that look like right now?

Hannah Willsmore:
For me, a lot of the work that I’m doing at the moment is through group workshops. So, working with parents, they would do a four-week course with me in pregnancy. So that’s something that I’ve been doing for eight years running these courses. And that’s something that I’ve focused on quite a bit in this time. I think doing groups is obviously a good use of my time as well because I can work with more than just one family. And having limited time, now working part-time, I don’t have the capacity that I had before does it lots of people. So that’s worked quite well, I think, for me, but also for clients, because it means that you know, I can, I have a lot more availability to support people. Whereas there was a point when I had to turn away people because I had too many inquiries for one-on-ones. So that’s been good.

Hannah Willsmore:
I have a team of midwives that work with me as well. So a lot of my day-to-day supporting them. And I guess, looking at the ways that we can provide more support to clients and more services that fit the needs of pregnant and postnatal mums, so we do postnatal packages. So our clients will have their own midwife that sees them throughout the for support. We’ve got started the first six weeks after their baby’s born to support with lots of things like, of course, things like feeding, but also just that emotional transition, and having a baby and building that trust as a parent, and yeah, all of that, that kind of stuff that can be a bit overwhelming. So I’m often supporting our team with any clinical challenges that they might have, or just a second opinion, or chatting with people who are interested in our services. And then also I spend quite a bit of time with social media planning and with marketing, because to me, marketing, it took me a bit to get my head around, I think, as a, I don’t know if it’s a health professional thing, or maybe just it was me, it was maybe just me, but I, you know, kind of selling, doing sale felt a bit odd and a bit weird that I think it does for a lot of people. But now I see it as if people don’t know that we exist or how we can help them. Then we’re kind of doing a disservice to them, if they don’t know that, that that option is out there.

Hannah Willsmore:
And so for me with social media, and you know, websites and blogs and the podcasts that I have, it’s really about providing value and information to people and them getting to know us and me and what we’re about so that they can decide if we’re the right fit for them or not. So I’ve spent a lot of my weeks doing podcasts and doing some social media stuff and trying to connect with my audience on there, as well.

Hayley Osborne:
So, before you came into Superhero Marketing, which is my membership, what were you previously doing with your marketing? what was that kind of tipping point? I know you know the answer to this because we’ve had this conversation. But what was that tipping point for you? where were you at with your marketing?

Hannah Willsmore:
Yeah, I think I, I used to feel like I was very across the marketing. You know, over the past few years, I invested a lot of time in doing training and courses and attending things. And I got to the point, which is a very lucky place to be where I was really busy. And so then, for a while, I didn’t focus on marketing much because I didn’t have any capacity to see anybody else. So it really took a backseat for quite a while. And then I had my son and then I was on maternity leave. And then, coming back, we offered some new services. And obviously, I had the team working with me now as well. So we had much more capacity. So, I wanted to get back into it. But I didn’t know where to start. I felt like I didn’t know, what was happening with Instagram. I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing anymore. Essentially, I had the basics of, I guess, connecting with our audience and yeah, helping people to get to know us. But other than that, I was just I was a bit stuck. I guess I didn’t know where where to go.

Hayley Osborne:
What was the step that made you go? Yup, I need to do this.

Hannah Willsmore:
I think it was just feeling like I needed some guidance. And I enjoy, you know, social media stuff and marketing and, you know, doing a lot of that stuff. So, I didn’t want to outsource it.

Hayley Osborne:
I didn’t know and it shows that you enjoy it. So, if everyone’s listening, whoever’s listening now, what’s your Instagram handle so people can follow you?

Hannah Willsmore:
My Instagram is @Hannahwillsmoremidwife

Hayley Osborne:
You can see that you generally love doing that. You’re always there doing, you know Q and A’s questions, asked me anything, you’re always putting yourself out there and being raw and genuine and honestly providing the best feedback and care. And, in your line of work, being like the allied health space, you can’t say certain things, you can’t give advice. You can’t provide testimonials. You can’t do certain things. So you have to navigate around that. And still, I guess, stock market in a really? I don’t know what what is the word I’m looking for. Not an authentic way. But a in a careful way. Yes, authentic, but careful not to break any rules. Because the byproduct of that is, I guess, getting shut down or fined? Or whatever that looks like?

Hannah Willsmore:
Yep. it could be both. Yeah, yes, exactly. And so I guess I’d sort of, you know when I’d look into other marketing things, sometimes I felt like it was about, yeah, sharing client videos, and sharing testimonials and things like that, which we can’t do as health professionals. Really. And so yes, I felt like you were totally across that. And so then I think I’d listened to your. I followed your page and listened to your podcast for a while. And then I think when you open the doors to the membership, it was just kind of the perfect timing for me to go, Yeah, I need some more, more direction on just where I’m going. And also someone to bounce ideas off of.

Hayley Osborne: Yeah, I feel like that’s important. Because when you’re so close to your business, as a business owner, you can’t see it anymore. And you don’t know what you don’t know. And all it takes is for someone to come in, who is an outsider and be like, Hey, why don’t you do it like this? Why didn’t I think of that? Yeah. And the reason that we don’t is because we’re so close to it. So it’s like you’ve always done it. So you’ll always do it. But maybe that’s not the best way. Maybe there is a better way that is quicker, less time-consuming, more efficient, like all those things. And I think that’s the beauty of having someone in your corner is to go, hey, you know, so?

Hannah Willsmore:
Yes, exactly. And honestly, that was, you know, it saves you so much time because you, you don’t spend days thinking about something you can just, you know, I would just shoot your message. And I know, we’d have lots of conversations and things and be like, What do you think about this, or you were done? You know, send me a message on Instagram about a post that I’d put up saying, you know, remember to put this call to action? You know, remember to put this in or and I was like, oh, yeah, like, it was it was good. Like it was, you weren’t you were very involved in what was going on. It wasn’t just sort of a, you know, this is what I’m teaching that to you was sort of what I felt like you were watching what I was posting and then providing feedback. Not in a scary way, but in a good way. Yeah, no, it was good. Because you’re right, you do things in a certain way. And I think as a business owner, you’re aiming for efficiency as well, in some regards. And so I think you do, sometimes, repeat habits and ways that you’ve done things that maybe are not the best way to do it. So yeah, it was it was really helpful.

Hayley Osborne:
Yeah, nice. What’s been your biggest realisation when it comes to marketing?

Hannah Willsmore:
Biggest realisation, I think, is probably around staying consistent. Staying consistent, not only with showing up regularly but also consistent to your kind of your business mission and your values and your and who you are, I think. Not sort of getting distracted by shiny objects and, you know, things that other people are doing and stuff like that, I think, yeah, really focus keeping focused on your goals for your business and how you can support your clients or your audience and keep them focused on that.

Hayley Osborne:
Yeah, I mean, I often say, like, stay in your lane because there’s nobody in that lane. And in the world that we live in today, it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. There are always going to be lots of people doing what you do. So you’ve got to, I mean, competitor analysis is important, but staying in your lane will keep you true to, like, what you just said, mission values, what’s your objective for doing it and not kind of get that shiny object syndrome, which, you know, it happens because social media is like, it’s the best marketing tool the world has ever seen. But it also can be super detrimental if not used in the right way for small business owners. So that’s important. What’s that one thing that you think that you’ve done and that could be consistentency I don’t want to answer the question. But to move your marketing forward or have a bigger impact on your audience.

Hannah Willsmore:
I think consistency is part of it. But probably also really dedicating the time to that. As I think most business owners will have this challenge that you’re working, you’re working in the business a lot. And so you really, for me blocking out that time to work on the marketing has been huge and really to, you know, work through like the workbooks that you’ve got, and spending that time writing out the business values. And spending that time dedicated to marketing, I guess, I think is important, like so not only just consistency in, in showing up and sharing and creating posts and that kind of thing, but thinking about spending that time looking at our point of difference and looking at really where our zone of genius is supporting clients, and then how we can convey that in the marketing. And spending a bit of time on that. I think dedicating time to that, as far as consistency each week, has been one of the biggest things in moving the needle forward and just really getting focused, not trying to, you know, tick off all sorts of boxes and all different avenues just focusing, like, for me, Instagram is sort of the main place that I focus, and a little bit on email marketing. But that’s something I’m focusing on more at the moment. So it’s probably a bit more front of mind. The podcasts are a big sort of marketing. I wouldn’t say strategy. But you know, that’s something that I put a lot of focus on.

Hayley Osborne:
It’s one of your foundations, isn’t it?

Hannah Willsmore:
Yeah. And I love it. I love talking. Yeah, it’s, I enjoy it. And I personally enjoy listening to podcasts, too. And I think as a mum, and when I was pregnant, like, it’s just a great way to learn, too. So yeah, focused on those things and not get sidetracked. You know, like things like, and you might tell me off for this, but like, my LinkedIn seriously needs to work. And I need to, you know, go back over and look at your stuff around LinkedIn. But also, a lot of my clients, I guess we have some sort of, like, professional, how do you training for midwives and other birth professionals. So there’s a little bit of that. But it just wouldn’t have limited time. I’ve sort of honed in on a couple of things, rather than trying to do everything, which I used to. I guess I used to feel like I could do everything because I had more time.

Hayley Osborne:
I think it’s so brilliant just to, I think, look, I think you need all the things to have that well-oiled machine that is available, wherever someone taps in, except for when you are time poor, doing one thing and doing it well, is important, and getting it right. And then you’ve got that to replicate over onto other platforms when you have more capacity. But that’s also an element in business like we need to be kind to ourselves. And I know that you are like when you are out and doing things with your son and you know, you’re not like in the business working in his you’re always doing activities, being outside going for walks. And I think that is also an element of being kind to yourself. And, you know, I think you are better in your business after filling up your cup.

Hannah Willsmore:
Yeah. And I think I also feel with that kind of balance or that that blend I There was a time where I think I was trying to achieve the same as far as, like, all my marketing and all of my networking and things compared to before I had my son. And I realised that I literally have a lot less capacity for this now. And that was that’s my choice that I wanted to be able to be present with him. And I try on the days when I am home with him not to work unless he’s napping, which, you know, is always a bit up in the air, isn’t it? So yeah, I try. I tried to switch off. But there was a point where I would try and sort of just do some emails quickly, or I would try to reply to emails while I was cooking dinner. And just like the stress from that and the overwhelming. You know, it’s just I wasn’t that a good mum or a good partner? Because I was, stressed, but then I wasn’t. I wasn’t doing the best job in my business either.

Hayley Osborne:
Yeah, and I think what I’ve learned is like you do the mum thing, and you’re in it, and you do it well and then when you’re not around them, they’ve, you know, being cared for or whatever, you do the business and you’re in it and you’re doing it well. When you try and split it, it’s like you’ve just got all your brains firing off and something will go wrong. And is that worth it?pulling your leg, and I just can’t do this. I’m going to fall apart, so it’s better just do one thing that I’ve done and I don’t know if you have this. I’ve deleted emails off of my phone.

Hannah Willsmore:
Yes, I have only done that, maybe a month or so ago. I would delete it and then put it back on. And but now, Yeah, I haven’t had it for a month. Yeah, it’s a game changer.

Hayley Osborne: isn’t it massive? I just, like, if I could give like one piece of advice to someone in our shoes, or just trying to do lots of things at once is you don’t need them on there. If something is that urgent, someone will call you, as long as you’re checking in, like once a day or top and tail of the day. Like they’re a distraction that can be dealt with, you know, later. But I love it. I love not having them on my phone.

Hannah Willsmore:
Yeah, it’s made a big difference. Instagram is my thing at the moment because it’s it is, you know, you probably find the same, like there is that personal element to it, you know, you’re checking out stuff. It’s not purely a work thing. And so, sometimes I find, like, my current thing is making sure that I don’t just scroll Instagram until I go to bed. Yeah, because I think, yes, I might be looking at some parenting stuff or, you know, activities to do with that, or just, I don’t know, whatever connected with friends and stuff. But then you get a message from a client or something at 11 pm. And, yeah, that’s my current thing. And just making sure I’ve got good boundaries around that for myself, so that I can have that downtime, and then have a better brain capacity to then support my clients that I’m working with.

Hayley Osborne: That’s great. Now, what advice would you give business owners about their marketing?

Hannah Willsmore: I think you want to learn from someone that knows what they’re doing. And is the expert in it? Yeah, it’s generally, you know, for me, it’s not my zone of genius. And most business owners they’re great at what they do. You know, they’re like I said, I’m a midwife, lactation was what I kind of do. But for other people, you know, even if, say, they’re, they’re a builder, or something like that, that’s their zone of genius, I would say that most business owners or marketing probably wouldn’t be our zone of genius. So I think, just don’t try to do it all yourself because you’ll spend so much more time trying to work it out than it’s probably worth. And it doesn’t mean that you have to outsource it altogether. I think that was always my thing, but I enjoy it. I don’t want to hand it over to someone else. And I do. I find it sounds a bit inauthentic like I wanted. I’ve still wanted to be the one writing the copy and everything.

Hannah Willsmore:
Investing, learning from people like yourself who know what they’re doing, who know about marketing, where it’s their zone of genius so that then you can apply that to your business.

Hayley Osborne:
Good advice. And on that, where can we find you properly? Where do you hang out? I know. Tell us, Instagram, website. I’ll put everything in the show notes for anyone who’s listening and wants to click through and stalk you a little bit more.

Hannah Willsmore:
I hang out on Instagram the most. Like I said, probably a little bit too much. But I’m definitely on Instagram the most. So yeah, my handle is @Hannahwillsmoremidwife. My website is www.Hannahwillsmore.com. And that’s where I have lots of resources there is a free resource library that people can access with lots of things like, a hospital packing checklist and a tutorial. Yeah, it’s been it’s been great creating that. And having that resource library so that people can tap into it no matter what part of the journey they’re at, you know, whether they are breastfeeding, or whether they’re pregnant or whether they’re planning a baby. So yeah, I’ve got resources and a blog. And obviously, the podcast that I have as well is called Changing Birth with Hannah Willsmore. And I try and put up lots of episodes on there, and lots of different educational topics and guest interviews with different people.

Hayley Osborne:
So we’ve got a hospital packing list, and we’ve got a lactation

Hannah Willsmore:
Engineer to express video.Which, you know, if you’re breastfeeding, we planning on breastfeeding is helpful. And something that we can kind of do proactively to prepare for breastfeeding. I also have an affirmations printable. So that’s more than mindset work in pregnancy, around preparing for birth and preparing for parenting. And affirmations is not just about, you know, I want to have a natural birth. It’s about how we want to feel and how we want to feel in those last few weeks and helps us to feel confident about birth and parenting and mothering, caring for a little baby. So, yeah, there’s a few resources in there.

Hayley Osborne:
I feel like it’s a scary journey when it’s your first time, and if anyone is listening and they are pregnant for the first time, I feel like you are a wealth of knowledge to tap into because knowledge is power in this space in every space. But you know, well, I know it was a scary time for me.

Hannah Willsmore:
No, I think it is. And we do, I mean, we support families, no matter If it’s their first, second, third, fourth baby, you know, wherever they are on their journey, but yeah, we predominantly work with parents expecting their first baby because I think it is overwhelming. And it’s a time where there’s just so much that’s new. And there’s so much to learn. And there’s often a bit of a negative vibe in society as well, you know, you’re not going to get any sleep, get your sleep now, like your life’s going to change forever kind of thing and doesn’t have to be like that. It’s amazing. But it can be challenging. And it is, it’s a lot, you know, but it can be positive time. And that’s it. That’s what I experienced when I had my son, you know, had an amazing birth. And I had an amazing journey afterwards. And I look back on that time, that first six weeks and that newborn bubble was being like, one of the best times in my life and yeah, I want everyone to have that experience.

Hayley Osborne:
Yeah, that’s beautiful. I love that time is so precious and they grow so fast, then turn into little Gremlins like mine.

Hayley Osborne:
Yeah, beautiful. All right, Hannah, thank you so much for joining me today. And yeah, I loved it.

Hannah Willsmore:
Thanks, Hayley. Thanks for having me. Bye. Bye.

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Hannah Willsmore Website
Hayley Osborne Instagram
Hayley Osborne Website

The Hayley Osborne Show Favourites

My favourites

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The Hayley Osborne show

EPISODE 123 | The quickest way to optimise your Instagram account

EPISODE 100 | The 100th Episode – A Milestone Celebration & here’s what I’ve learnt

EPISODE 95 | My framework for building a successful week (as an entrepreneur and mum of 2 little humans)

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