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Episode 58: The power of mastering your marketing with Katrina Heausler

March 20, 2023

My guest today is Katrina Heausler – Founder, CEO & face behind KH Designed and awesome Superhero Marketing member. She’s sharing her story on the power of mastering her marketing and continuing to kick massive goals in her business because she has a plan for how she’s showing up across all areas of her marketing. Katrina is proof with a little planning, kick-ass marketing and hard work, anything is possible.


Hello, my beautiful friends and welcome to another episode of The Hayley Osborne show. I’m Hayley, and I am so glad you’re here. This is episode 58. As this episode airs today, the doors are officially open for the very first day and the very first time this year to my membership superhero marketing. I am so excited. This is so exciting. Can you hear it in my voice? Honestly, it’s a dream come true to be able to have created such an awesome product and teach so many businesses how to be better at their marketing. So, they can honestly get themselves to superhero status and, in turn, reach more people in their local community. It’s just awesome. Small businesses are what make the world go round, honestly. And it’s my goal to really educate as many of you as possible to make the right changes in your businesses so you can have the right impact that really matches your business goals. Oh, doors are open today. And oh my gosh, I’m excited. They’re open for seven days. So, in my true energetic style, I am hosting a free masterclass this week, which I would love you to come along to. It’s Thursday night, March 23rd, at 7:30 pm Adelaide time. You can register for this if you want to come along on my website. You can’t miss it on my website. It’s in the header. It is www.Hayleyosborne.com. In this masterclass, I will teach you my five most effective ways to become number one in your local area, both online and offline. It’s going to be super fun; it’s going to be full of tips that you can implement straight away into your business. It’s going to be full of aha moments because I want that for you. And I want you to reach new heights, so you can register for that now. www.Hayleyosborne.com That’s www.hayleyosborne.com to come along and learn an important step towards you becoming the superhero marketer in your business. Today is really exciting for me, guys, and I hope that you can hear it in my voice. Obviously, this is a podcast, so you do have to listen and you do have to hear the excitement in my voice to officially celebrate the membership opening its doors today.


Hayley Osborne:

My guest on the podcast today is Katrina Heisler. She is the founder, CEO and face behind KH designed and she’s also an awesome superhero marketing member. I’m so excited to bring her on the show today to speak to you. Katrina really helps overwhelmed homeowners transform bland dated spaces into inspiring interiors that embody your lifestyle and nurture a lifetime of beautiful memories. She’s not just an interior designer but gives people the ability to live a life that is sometimes only a dream. I really wanted to bring Katrina on the podcast to talk about the power of how she masters her marketing feels really organised and planned because of it and is achieving amazing things within her business as a result. Without further ado, let’s get into the episode.

Hayley Osborne:

You are listening to the Hayley Osborne show with me, Hayley, your host. This is your place to learn how to become the superhero marketer in your business to become the number one in your local community, both online and in your surrounding areas. Every week, I’ll be teaching you how you can achieve the best out of your marketing your business and be the most fearless superhero version of yourself. Small business owners are the backbone of the economy. And I’m here to demystify local area marketing to help you reach more customers, between myself from South Australia and my wildly inspiring guests from across the world. I’m so excited to discuss all things marketing your business with you. I believe in you. So, let’s get started.

Hayley Osborne: 

Hello, hi, Katrina and welcome to the podcast. I am so excited about this conversation. I’m so happy you joined me. How are you?

Katrina Heausler:

I’m good. How are you? Hayley? Thank you so much for having me on today.

Hayley Osborne:

Welcome. So, in order to introduce yourself properly to those listeners that don’t know who you are, I would love you to give an introduction to who you are and what you do.

Katrina Heausler:

Okay, so my name is Katrina and I’m an interior designer. I run a business called KH designed and I help overwhelmed homeowners transform bland dated spaces into inspiring interiors that embody who they are and their lifestyle and nurture a lifetime of beautiful memories. In a nutshell, as I mentioned, I’m an interior designer, and I focus on renovation and new build projects from a single room, which might just be a kitchen, to the full home. And within that, I even offer furnishing and styling selections as part of those services. We another renovating is a really stressful project, isn’t it?

Hayley Osborne:

It’s so stressful. And I love how you say like beautiful memories because that is essentially like the byproduct of what you do. It isn’t everybody’s zone of genius. So, I mean, you just light up people’s lives with, like, the end product because, you know, they do say changes like a holiday. But also, when you are sort of surrounded by, like, a vibe, which is your home, everything else just feels so much better.

Katrina Heausler:

Definitely. And that’s part of an initial consultation. People always bring aesthetic inspiration, but it’s also the lifestyle that you want to live, which might be something that’s inspired on holiday. So, the beach now that cafe lifestyle and all of those amazing things that you go on holidays to experience can be found within your home as well through good design.

Hayley Osborne:

Yeah, and you’re doing a lot at the moment, you’ve got young children, you’re running your business, you’re in like publications, you’ve got big projects. Well done.

Katrina Heausler:

Hey, and we as women get very good at working with that blend, aren’t we? We are we learn how to wear many hats.

Hayley Osborne:

Your marketing is looking hot, hot money. I will preface this and say that Katrina is inside the membership. She is a member of my signature membership, superhero marketing. And you’ve done absolute wonders with your marketing. It looks beautiful. You’ve put yourself out there; everything is buttoned up, and you’ve got all the things, I think, what’s the biggest thing that you’re proud of with your marketing.

Katrina Heausler:

It would have to be my digital branding, which was all DIY, and I’ve got you in my back pocket as well, who has been really helping to make sure I’m ticking all the right boxes. But yes, everyone says you must go out and invest in branding. And yes, 100% you should. But if you can do it yourself, especially with things like Canva out there these days, I believe I’m a bit tech-savvy when it comes to that stuff. Plus, I think that having a designer background, I really knew exactly what I wanted my branding to look like. So, my colours, my fonts. And it’s evolved over time. When I started my business just over three years now, my branding, and even my logo, and everything looked very different than what it is now. Because, like everything, your business evolves, and so should how you sell yourself through your branding, as well. So yeah, my digital branding or DIY, I find good branding helps pitch to clients as well, without having to say anything. It’s really important to get it right.

Hayley Osborne:

Yeah, and I love the fact that you love it and you’ve done it yourself. Because you have really tied it all together. And the fact that you’ve done it yourself really gives hope, I guess an inspiration to other business owners out there that think they need all the things and spend all the money when you don’t. You can do it yourself. But you can do it when you educate yourself on how to do it. Right. So yeah, you, I guess you had all the things lined up, and then you don’t know what you don’t know. And you get to a point where you know that you need to evolve things. And I guess that was the point where you join in superhero marketing. So, you could like upskill a little bit more, but you did it because you still wanted to have ownership and wanted to educate yourself on what you needed to do in your business. Because, you know, small business owners, essentially, we don’t have lots of money to invest in big design houses and, you know, agencies to build things for us. So, it’s really important that we learn how to do it ourselves. I think anyway, I mean, yes, the reason, right?

Katrina Heausler:

Yeah, definitely. You’ve always got to continue to upskill yourself. And, you know, my zone of genius is interior design. Your zone of genius is absolutely smashing everything in terms of marketing, so I needed to get into your brain.

Hayley Osborne:

Yeah, absolutely. What’s been the biggest aha moment for you that’s come from putting yourself out there and putting your business out there?

Katrina Heausler:

Just to I guess the biggest hurdle is getting over that self-doubt about putting yourself out there. And, you know, possibly, and what people would think I find, especially friends and family, those people that know you really well, to begin with. I had a fear that people wouldn’t take me seriously, or they would perceive and, you know, think, oh, she just tells people what colour to paint their house, and she just draws pretty pictures. But gosh, it’s so much more than that. It’s so meticulous because I designed to construct, and people invest in their precious homes for their future. But as soon as you started to back yourself, so I knew what I was doing. I knew my worth. But you’ve just got to start to back yourself and start telling people because no one, the only people that really judge you terribly, is yourself. You just get over that, you start telling people and that’s when your world will start to change because the dream clients will start to find you and connect with you. And believe in you also. Then, at the end of the day, it’s well, you know, not everyone is going to be a dream client. It doesn’t matter that if everybody doesn’t love what you’re saying, you’re not going to be working for everyone anyway. But those dream clients are never going to find you unless you do put yourself out there. So just getting over it and doing it.

Hayley Osborne:

Absolutely. And I think, too, you just don’t know what’s around the corner. And I do like the fact that you said your biggest fear of putting yourself out there was friends and family because it’s so true, right? Because they’re the ones that will like, I guess, judge you the most, but really what happens is they turn out to be your biggest advocates because they’re the proudest of you because they know you so well. And that I think is really well that’s I think it’s yeah, really, really important. So, would that be the one thing that you’d wish you’d done sooner, to just go all in and put yourself out there? So, you just get over that really quickly?

Katrina Heausler:

Oh. I would find myself in situations all the time where I wish I was telling people what I was doing. But out of that fear of, you know, that self-doubt that I had or not getting the respect that I hoped I would deserve? I just found myself downplaying everything. And then obviously, everyone else would just think that, oh, you know, she’s just playing around with this business idea. But no, it’s massive. It takes over your life. And yeah, just do it. Do it now,

Hayley Osborne:

That’s when we started working together. I helped you with your transformation message, that one-liner, that elevator pitch. And I know that I feel is the one thing as business owners that we need to get right. Because when we do, that’s the thing that gets put on the post-it notes in your bathroom on the mirror because the more that you repeat that message to yourself, the more you believe it, and the more you believe it, the more other people will also believe it, even though it’s true to what you do. Like, I have mine as well. But it’s taken years of practice to be able to get confident in saying that your confidence, I guess, instils other people’s confidence in you. And you know, what you’re doing is building dreams and making them a reality, which is a big deal. And it’s such a, like the position of like influence to be in, with what you do. It’s gorgeous. And then, you know, I see people’s businesses grow over the internet. And but you see these things, they’re what you do becomes a tangible thing.

Katrina Heausler:

Everyone is so overwhelmed when it comes to, I guess, business as well as renovating a building that they can kind of be very easily compared to theirs. We live in a digital world old now. We’re surrounded by images and what other people are doing and what other homes look like. And so, everyone’s just completely overwhelmed. I know what they want their homes to look like or their businesses as well. And just knowing how to get there that’s I take all that confusion out of the process.

Hayley Osborne:

Yeah, it’s lovely and I do think that if you are not strong in a particular field, you hire somebody that is like yourself, like I’m not amazing with interiors either, it’s difficult, I find that difficult, you know, the next time I go to do something I would have somebody like you come in and it’s the same I guess the flip side with your marketing so what made you invest in superhero marketing.

Katrina Heausler:

Because I know the power of good marketing, marketing your business, but also yourself. Because when you are a business owner, your business is who you are. So as a service provider, when people invest in your service, they’re investing in you. And I wanted to ensure I was putting myself out to the world, right? And real. I wanted to get it right on every level, and I knew you were able to help me with that.

Hayley Osborne:

That is so nice. Thank you. What would be the number one piece of advice that you would give to other business owners right now?

Katrina Heausler:

Start putting yourself out there and invest in the right people to, you know, home in their zone of genius because we are not good at absolutely everything. You know you’ve got; I’ve got my business, you’ve got yours. And yeah, we just all got to come together and support each other. Get over that self-doubt, or that fear or whatever is holding you back from just starting to tell the world about what you’re doing. And yeah, that was yesterday, if you haven’t done it already.

Hayley Osborne:

What’s the number one thing that you’re most proud of? In your business?

Katrina Heausler:

My business absolutely lights me up. I love the challenge that comes with each project because no project is the same. I love meeting and getting to know all my clients because your interior designer gets to know you very well to be able to design you the right house, you know, everything that’s in your cupboards and every little step that you take throughout your home. I can accommodate all of that. But at the end of the day, I absolutely love walking away from a project knowing that those clients have now got a KH design space that makes their life easier because great design is first functional and beautiful beyond expectation. I’m just so proud to be able to create these beautiful homes for people.

Hayley Osborne:

Yeah, and functional. Definitely. In today’s world, I think everyone is busy flitting here and there, trying to slow down their lives a little bit. And with functional spaces, you know, you do feel a lot flowier. I know that I really needed to have my office a certain way for it to function well because, you know, I have when I’m in here, I’m on, but then I’m mumming when I’m not in here, and so it needed to be able to, I guess fit that quick. You know, and I have a stand-up desk too. I don’t really stand up that much. And I bought it for that. But now it comes in handy to get little fingers away. Yeah. Not touch anything.

Katrina Heausler:

That’s it; you’ve got to just make your house, your space wherever you have function for whatever situation. Yours is your little people at the moment when they’re around trying to juggle your work and your babies. And you do it so well.

Hayley Osborne:

Yeah, and so do you. Do you actually like that I had to press record because you and I feel like we could talk so much about all the things?

Katrina Heausler:

Where we’re living the same life at the moment, I feel.

Hayley Osborne:

We both have two little boys. And just to juggle, we’re talking about, you know, between like business and navigating when they’re sick, and just like, oh, it’s, you know, I guess exterior looks really good, like on socials and you know, everything like that. But behind the scenes, I feel like everyone’s kind of going through the same thing. We’re all working hard. And today, we’re recording this on International Women’s Day. So, we’ll come out in a little bit, but I think it’s nice to shine a spotlight on, I guess, how far women have come in business. Because the, I guess, the gender, like the gender roles, women still are the ones to make the babies, push them out and care for the men, you know, can’t physically do that. We’re still doing all the things and I think it’s a really proud moment for you to have two young children and you are killing it in your business. You know, you’ve been featured in like publications. What are you working on at the moment? What are you proud of that you’re working on at the moment?

Katrina Heausler:

I’m loving all my projects, as I sort of touched on earlier, because they all bring something different, but I’ve got a bowling club, so a commercial project by the lake that’s going to be under construction shortly, but I’ve also just started a three-story home in a lakeside suburb near me. I’m up in Newcastle and that’s going to be absolutely stunning. It’s a 25-year-old home the clients in there are lovely people and yeah, just being able to give them a home that so they’ve lived there for 25 years already, but now to take that home into the rest of their lives. It’s going to be a really beautiful project to share and watch come to life. Yeah, I mentioned loving all of them. But yeah, I’ll shine a light on that one. Yeah, that’s called Lakeside Nord’s sake. Follow along.

Hayley Osborne:

Where do you see your business in five years’ time?

Katrina Heausler:

I would love to. It’s funny if you ask me this when I first started. I, you know, where I see it now is so much bigger. I was just happy to just have my business and do my projects and to see how it went. But now I’ve got big plans. I want to have a podcast one day myself. I want to get a little office not too far away from my suburb, you know, it’s still got to fit my lifestyle, a little office with, I’ve already got someone who helps me in the background is with getting some of my projects over the line because there’s so much work involved with them. But I’d love to have someone in my office with me as a design assistant. And a space where I can bring my clients to also, we can just spread out all their selections, their drawings. Just a beautiful space to be able to bring my clients into, you know, we’d still go to their homes, but they can also come into the office. And more publications would be fantastic.

Hayley Osborne:

And that’s all marketing, right? So yeah, to get putting yourself out there, use all the things that I give you to absolutely, like take it on board, copy and paste and just get the word out about you. So about you. Where can people find you for the listeners? Like, what’s your Instagram? What’s your website? If people want to connect with you, if people want you to be their interior designer? How can we find you?

Katrina Heausler:

Okay, so on Instagram, I am just @kh.designed and my website is www.khdesign.com.au. Just go through my website or even throw me a DM on Instagram as well.

Hayley Osborne:

You have a freebie too.

Katrina Heausler:

I have a freebie on my website. Also, it’s the six steps to creating a beautiful home. Everything you need to do at the very start of a project to get it up and running on the right steps. Because, you know, it’s all that early planning that can really set it up for success. So yeah, on my website, it will just pop up. As soon as you get on there. You put your email in, and it will go straight to your email.

Hayley Osborne:

I love that so much. What are your plans? Now? What are your plans? Like in the next year? You? How long do projects take? What you’re working on is, you know, six to 12 months? Surely bowling club? Yeah. So that’s amazing. You should be so proud.

Katrina Heausler:

Thank you. Yes. My projects are at least six to 12 months in terms of the design process. And then construction kicks off. And depending on any sort of delays because delays always happen in the building and renovating world. There is no stopping that is just life. Yeah, I could be with someone, which is why I get to know my clients. I could be with them for two years plus, sometimes, especially on large builds. I would say in the next year as well. I will be looking at getting my own podcast started up as well. So yeah, if you’re following me on my Instagram at @kh.designed, you’ll see when that gets up and running as well. But yeah, that’s probably a 12-month plan, but it will happen.

Hayley Osborne:

I’m excited for you, Katrina.

Katrina Heausler:

You’ll have to come on, Hayley. Oh, I can’t wait. I can’t wait.

Hayley Osborne:

Then I’ll have you on in another 12 months’ time and we can see how far you’ve come back. It’s been so amazing to have you on the podcast. Thank you so much for joining me. I’ll see you inside superhero marketing.

Katrina Heausler:

Oh, definitely, thank you. Bye.

Hayley Osborne:

I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday. And while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me @HayleyKOsborne over on Instagram and share this podcast with your audience so they can get learning too. If you want more, head over to www.Hayleyosborne.com/podcast for today’s show notes and links. I’ve also got an awesome free eBook, a new one waiting for you on my website, the 10 Essentials every local area marketing plan needs, and I will catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.


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