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The Hayley Osborne Show

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Episode 31: Part 1: 4 game changing things to high vibe your marketing

August 8, 2022

It’s time to HIGH VIBE your marketing in your business. Stop fence sitting and take it to the next level. Growth does not happen if you are the only thing holding you back. In today’s episode I discuss 4 game changing things to high vibe your marketing, why these are important and the things you need to think about to reach more people and grow your business like the superhero you are.




Hi guys, welcome to my podcast. A very big thank you for tuning in and listening wherever you are today. It means a lot and I do know you are learning a LOT from me along the way (mostly because you tell me in my DM’s) which makes me so so happy). So thank you.

This episode today is brought to you by my signature and newly launched membership Superhero Marketing. A place where I have now started to teach my students how to become the NUMBER 1 in their local communities, both online as well as their surrounding areas. It’s such an awesome space and I am so so happy to be able to be in this position of passing on all my skills, knowledge bombs and templates to everyone in this fabulous group.

Doors however to join the Superhero Marketing membership are closed. BUT if you have visited my website hayleyosborne.com to find out more, you would have seen that doors will open again in November. If you want to be the first to know, there is a section on the website to join the waitlist. Now, by doing this you will receive an extra special BONUS when doors do open which I am also excited for.

But we’re here today, listening to this episode for a reason. Today, I am giving you the honest, brutal nuts and bolts and knowledge of everything I teach and everything I stand for in the busy world of marketing.

I studied Marketing at the University of South Australia. I read countless books during this time, and still do on everything business and marketing related so I continue to upskill myself since those university days 15 years ago…OMG so long!

We learned how to conduct all sorts of market research, pricing theory which was super accounting focused, positioning and marketing management. That was the foundation for all tactic marketing communication like advertising, pr and direct marketing. (and would later be social media, the mecca of all meccas and a love of mine). Since then I have been working with marketing and branding that very heavily intertwine with one another.

Fun right! Fun and LOADS of knowledge to pass over to you, my awesome business community.

There’s so much advice out there on what you should be doing. You should spend time on this, you should be doing that, you shouldn’t waste your energy on this…and so on and so forth. It is a LOT, and I can almost hear you saying yes and nodding your head. It is a lot and it is a lot for business owners to take in all at once, which really leaves you feeling nothing but overwhelm.

I don’t want this for you.

You have to run your business in whatever that zone of genius is…so that’s one thing. THEN you have to create some kind of awareness somewhere along the way to bring in new customers, tell people about what you do to increase the sales, revenue and profit in your business right! The things that essentially put food on the table and pay for a roof over your head.

So the next 2 episodes I have decided to split into Part 1 (this episode) and Part 2 (next week’s episode) because I just found I had so much to say and give you that it was honestly too much to include in one episode. I LOVE listening to podcasts. It’s my driving in the car love language and upskilling time. Aside from reading books at night, I LOVE to listen to podcasts as an education tool and to hear all sorts of awesome stories from awesome people all around the world.

The reason I am telling you this is I am all about you having a great experience listening to this podcast. So, my solo episodes will always only ever be 20 minutes give or take MAX. Enough for you to get from A-B in your car or go for a quick walk, learn something you can take into your business and upskill yourself along the way. Ho-hum!

OK, we digress a little, but what’s a podcast without a great story in the mix right!

The very first game changing thing that essentially HIGH VIBES your marketing is your brand.


Your brand is fundamentally the number one thing that helps you stay connected with your customers, gives you clarity and the ability to stay focused and show up as authentically as possible. It represents YOU. It represents how your customers see you in the sea of other businesses (and my oh my it’s a busy marketplace out there) and also represents what people are putting in their minds about what they can expect from you or your business.

If you are the only one in your business, then this is just you. Your brand is essentially you. It becomes a blend of your personality and what you do as a business. So many times, over the years I’ve had different owner operator businesses come to me feeling really disconnected from their business.

This usually stems from several things:

  • Your personality has become so far removed from what your business and brand stands for.
  • Your physical branding no longer matches your vibe
  • You are so disconnected from the words on your website that you can no longer show up across your marketing as your authentic self.

Your businesses branding, or branding you personally see in general is that gut feeling you feel about a product, a service, or a business you interact with regularly. And if you’re interacting with them regularly then chances are they have something you love that attracts you to it in the first place and encourages you to buy from it/them.

Your branding exists to making people feel something. Feel good, feel valued, feel important, feel nourished, educated and the list goes on.

Your branding is your look and feel in the marketplace, it’s your design and essentially what connects your heart. What connects your customers to you from a feeling level. So have a think about how your brand makes your customers feel.

It’s the brand you have built that connects your already existing paying customers into crazy roaring fans.

EG: Nike.

They have a strong brand identity

They own it and manage it well.

Their name, their logo, their tagline.

These things are their trademark

Then they have a brand image. What people say about them.

It’s far beyond their products.

It’s their emotional value

It’s based-on trust

It’s based on relations

The brand is built on how Nike makes people feel – that gut feeling.

You can’t control your brand, but you can manage the identity and influence the image

This is why it’s important to show up consistently in all branding and marketing.

The second game changing thing that will really HIGH VIBE your marketing is your strategy.

2. Strategy

But why why why? Why do you as a business owner need this? What are the pro’s? (Obviously there are no cons when you want to grow your business right!) A strategy exists to help to clarify your vision, mission and values. Have you really sat down and thought about this? What each of them are? What you really value as a person and a business?

The blending of your personality and your business I find more and more is the one thing that needs to happen. Especially if you’re a small business with 1-2 staff. Otherwise, like I mentioned before you become quickly disconnected from the latter, your business.

Having a strategy helps you to find your segment in the market to focus on and serve. Serve well and create some serious magic in this space.

So when you start to think about this you need to ask yourself questions like:

  • What does the market you play in need?
  • Why is it that they need what you have to offer?
  • Who is your target group?
  • Where do they hang out the most?
  • Then most importantly what are the trends happening in your world at the moment? Your zone of genius. Can you identify any opportunities and gaps anywhere along the line.
  • What are your competitors not doing that differentiates you from the rest?
  • Where do you fit?

A strategy’s main purpose is to find you a unique position in the market where you are the only one and really smash it out the ball park.

This is your long-term plan. Your long-term growth plan. Growth meaning your plan on how you are going to drive sales and grow your business into the 6 or 7 figures you are so driven to achieve.

But, without a strategy on how to get there…it’s merely just shooting the breeze and writing fancy things on a piece of paper. Throwing spaghetti at the wall.

Remember, you’re not in business for a haircut. That’s why we go to hairdressers.

I’ve loved chatting to you about this today. Honestly it lights me up. It’s my zone of genius.

This is what HIGH VIBE marketing is all about.

And on that high, that’s all for today’s episode my awesome friends.

I really hope I’ve inspired you to start HIGH VIBING your business and your marketing and really step into becoming the NUMBER 1 in your local community. Now is the time, don’t wait and let yet another day, week, month or year pass you by.

If you have any questions about anything I’ve said, feel free to drop me a DM on Instagram @hayleykosborne which is where I hang out the most. I’m always up for a great chat.

A big thank you for loving on this podcast, it does take time and energy to put together and I would be so appreciative if you could leave me a review. This helps the podcast get in more ears and reach more awesome business owners who I could help in some way shape or form. It would honestly mean the world.

xx Hayley

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