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Episode 20: How to get the FUNK out of imposter syndrome & hacks I’ve taught myself

May 23, 2022

You are the real deal and it’s time you start believing it! All your accomplishments are a result of YOUR knowledge and yours alone, YOUR hard work, and YOUR consistency, persistency and all the preparation you’ve done in order to get where you are today. In today’s episode I share 7 of my hacks to get the FUNK out of your own way! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did recording it.




EP 20 – How to get the FUNK out of your own way & hacks I’ve taught myself in dealing with imposter syndrome

Hello, my awesome soul inspired friends and welcome to another episode of The Hayley Osborne Show. I am so happy you’re here listening with me.

Today I’m going to be sharing with you How to get the FUNK out of your own way & hacks I’ve taught myself

I’m sure every business owner at some point or another has been in a bit of a FUNK, whether it be super short periods or longer periods, you just don’t feel good enough to be doing what you’re doing. You feel like you shouldn’t be in the position you are, you feel like (and I think this is funny analogy) but a child in an adult’s body!

That my friend is called imposter syndrome. It’s not actually a clinical thing, but it is a *thing* that rears its ugly head for business owners, and not even business owners, but so many of us along the way with different things.

Some questions we might ask ourselves are:

How did I get here?

Am I good enough?

This person is doing so much better than me?

The list goes on and on…

Isn’t it terrible that we tell ourselves these stories!

These are the stories in our heads that if we don’t nip it in the bud, they manifest into a pit of unhealthyness!

So how?

It’s time to get the FUNK out of feeling like an imposter! AND KNOW:


All your accomplishments are a result of YOUR knowledge and yours alone, YOUR hard work, and YOUR consistency, persistency and all the preparation you have done in order to get where you are today. Don’t discount this on a “feeling”.


OK, so the first way and total HACK of mine that I have taught myself along this awesome path of running my business is to say who you are and what you do over and over again. Be it in the mirror or in conversation. This has to be out aloud. The more you say it aloud, the more you will start to believe it. This is the power of the mind, and we are here to be the controller of that powerful beast.

It’s time to project your voice to the world (or the mirror to start). This WORKS!!!

So, for me:

I am the CEO of an awesome company and brand called Social Soul. I help business owners to grow their business with ease, increase their clients, earn more, and live a life they love in the process. I am your marketing business coach!

I am an online course creator teaching you how to attract more paying clients faster, get unstuck with your marketing, reach, and help more people, have a bigger impact while generating more $$ in the process.

I create social media strategy for amazing business owners to harness the most powerful form of marketing the world has ever seen, and use it to its full potential, propelling to new heights.

I create marketing strategy for business owners to have clarity for what they want to achieve within their business, know exactly WHERE to spend their money to get the best bang for their buck and generate a steady flow of new leads that turn into customers.

BANG BANG! Did you get that?

Now make a note to repeat for yourself who you are, the problem you solve and the transformation you provide.

By saying this out loud, you will gain confidence around your business and getting the FUNK out of your own way and say see-ya-later to imposter syndrome. Who even are you! Catch ya!

This works. It did for me. The more you say it, the more you also believe it and you just start to walk the talk on auto pilot.

You should be so proud of yourself!


Another way to get the FUNK out of your imposter syndrome is to:

Let go of perfectionism, done is better than perfect. Can I tell you why? Well, I’m going to anyway haha.

Because no one knows what you’re doing besides you. Get the dang thing done and live. Be it your website, your social media posts for the week, whatever it is, get it done. Don’t wait until the thing is perfect or until you’re confident to show up or press play, that will NEVER happen. You get confident by pressing play. You get confident by showing up more and more. It just builds.

In the 3.5 year of my business, I have overhauled my website twice and I continually make updates at least once every 2 or so months. My first website looked nothing like my current one. Nothing. As I’ve grown in my business, so has my ability to really refine what I do, and trust me, it’s changed so much. I also know I will continue to evolve and just get better and better every year. That’s what we’re meant to do as business owners. Evolve and grow.

Another great example of this is a new product I launched last week called:

60 Days of Cracking Captions

I’ve wanted to release a product that helps people with their social media caption writing for some time now and I just didn’t have the space do it. I knew that through all of my mentoring and coaching, this was the number one thing paralysing people in moving forward with being consistent with their marketing, and essentially turning this into making more sales within their business.

I see the mistakes people make all the time across their social media falling into the trap of posting for the sake of it, OR worse…sliding into the old, been done, sales posts with XERO flavour.

What you get:

  • 30 personal prompts
  • 30 business prompts
  • Delivered to your inbox straight away, hello copy and paste and starting immediately so you don’t miss another day.

Did I mull over this for probably way to long, yes. BUT – it did take me less than 2 weeks to create and launch. Because I simply got out of my own way, knew deep down that this was going to solve my audiences’ problems and launched it. AND I’m glad I did because I have already had sales and great feedback! Awesome right!

So if I can do it, you can as well.


Something we all need to be better at is being kind to ourselves. Especially as women, we have a way of beating ourselves up over the littlest things! Men don’t do this or think in this way. They just go about their days and get on with it. It’s time for us to take the soft approach and be kinder to ourselves. Think of the way you talk to a friend who is seeking your advice. You would do it with a very kind heart.


Celebrate your successes as well as track your success

Buy the thing, have the massage, have that bath in the middle of the day. Whatever it is that makes you feel good, do it in order to celebrate something good that has happened in your business. I can tell you this, if you start to do it with the smaller wins, you will definitely do it with the bigger ones. Work hard and celebrate your wins. There is no use waiting until you do the thing, make 20K a month, start the routine of celebrating your wins now, because if you don’t get in the rhythm, chances are, when you do hit those goals, you won’t do it then either. I think this “celebrating stuff is really stepping into our feminine energy and it’s very healthy.


Share your failures. You don’t have to scream them from the rooftops but you should share them with someone initially to get them off your chest. Then, when you have overcome them and reached new heights you can share them with your audience and the tips you did to overcome the thing you did.


Accept it and embrace the feeling. Imposter syndrome comes and goes. From time to time you might feel like this and that’s normal. You see something someone else has done, a social media post of some sort, you’re triggered by it in some way, shape or form. That’s ok, it’s how you deal with it and respond to your feelings that matter and that ultimately defines you.


This leads me on nicely to the next hack. Stop comparing yourself! It’s the unhealthiest thing you can do and is a trigger for that nasty imposter syndrome. My thing: unfollow everyone that does what you do, or hide their account so you never see their content and eventually you’ll forget. There is power in staying in your own lane. The power here comes in the form of you letting yourself be creative. You are giving yourself the space to create, to fall into you and what it truly means to show up in your business as your unique self. You’ll eventually see that it’s pretty darn good. You do things as you want, when you want, and how you want. If you don’t want to do what everyone else is doing across their socials and slide into that “oh she’s doing it so I should do it mode”, then unfollow and hide that content. You’ll be surprised the energy you create around yourself and your content.

To recap

The key things I have covered today on how to get the FUNK out of imposter syndrome & hacks I’ve taught myself

  • Repeat and say who you are and what you do over and over again, until you yourself believe it.
  • Let go of perfectionism, done is better than perfect
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Celebrate your successes/track your success
  • Share your failures
  • Accept it/embrace the feeling
  • Stop comparing – unfollow everyone that does what you do, or hide their account so you never see it and eventually you’ll forget and stay in your own lane

That’s a lot of juicy goodness right there for you and I hope I’ve inspired you to make some actionable decisions in your business, create some boundaries around yourself to celebrate, let go of what you don’t need, move forward faster, be kinder to you all to ultimately to fast track your results.

I’m here for it and I am here for you!

AND that, very much concludes this episode my lovely friends and thank you so much for listening.

If you have any questions about anything I’ve said, feel free to drop me a DM on Instagram @socialsoulmedia which is where I hang out the most. I’m always up for a great chat. A big thank you for loving on this podcast, it means the world to me.

xx Hayley

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