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The Hayley Osborne Show

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EPISODE 147 | Show up, stand out, succeed: why marketing is non-negotiable

March 4, 2025

You’re either making marketing happen, or you’re making excuses. No fluff, no grey area, just the truth. In this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show, I’m breaking down exactly why marketing is NOT optional if you want to grow your business.

I chat about:

– The biggest excuses holding business owners back

– Why consistent marketing is the key to credibility and sales

– What it really takes to build brand awareness (hint: it’s not magic, it’s marketing!)

– A challenge to help you take action right now – oh lala goldddd

PLUS, an exciting announcement! Doors to Superhero Marketing, my signature membership, are opening soon. If you’re ready to stop the guesswork and start marketing like a pro, this is your chance. Get yourself on the waitlist now before doors open to get some serious bonuses here: https://shm.hayleyosborne.com/superheromarketingwaitlist2025

No more waiting. No more wishing. It’s time to step up and make marketing happen. Hit play and let’s do this!

I’d love it if you can subscribe & leave a review if this episode fired you up and helped to motivate you! Let’s grow together.


0:00:01 – Episode Introduction 

0:03:30 – Membership Announcement 

0:05:45 – Marketing Reality Check 

0:07:13 – Investing in Knowledge 

0:09:00 – The Power of Showing Up 

0:12:30 – What Making Marketing Really Means 

0:14:45 – Overcoming Excuses 

0:16:48 – Call to Action 

0:19:30 – Closing Remarks 

0:21:00 – Podcast Outro 

Hayley Osborne

Hello and welcome back to another episode of my awesome podcast, the Hayley Osborne show. I’m really glad to be in your ears today. It is a beautiful day today. I’ve just been on a run, so the dopamine levels and all the things are at an all-time high, which I absolutely love. That’s my jam. And all cylinders are firing. I appreciate you being here listening today.

Today is episode 147 and it’s a pretty interesting one. So pre facing this, doors to my signature membership superhero marketing are opening soon, and it’ll be the first time that they’ve opened for I want to say nine months, because I had a baby last year, towards the end of last year, and so, you know, I didn’t open the doors. I nurtured all my beautiful members inside. But now I am going to open the doors again, and it’s set to be pretty bloody awesome, and I’m really excited.

So for the past few weeks, I’ve been recording this podcast of an evening late when my small humans are in bed. However, today is its daylight and it’s Yeah, so you might be able to hear it in my voice a little bit more, but you know, the show goes on all the time, and this is something that I absolutely love to do, and I have all of my amazing systems and processes set up in and around this podcast and my business to be able to support me to create this.

And so I continue to do it. And so as a side note, if it’s something that you’ve been thinking about doing, but you’ve been just sitting on the fence because you think it’s going to take you a long time, I would add yourself to the waitlist of my membership, because that is something that I teach inside of the membership, and it’s not as hard as you actually think. And I would love to show you how I do it. And if you’re thinking I couldn’t possibly fill my plates full. My Plate is so full, it’s not funny. So I have three small children, and I run this business. I have a variety of avenues and things set up in the business, and how I am connected with you. And so, you know, life is full.

So if I can do it, anyone can do it, and I want to show you how. Anyway, today I wanted to talk to you about showing up, standing out, and succeeding, okay, and why your marketing is a non-negotiable, because it is a non-negotiable, and this is the place. And so if you’re watching, this is on YouTube as well, so I recorded it, and I’ve got these beautiful earrings on at the moment. They were my mom’s from the 80s, and I have so many pieces of jewelry of hers from the 80s.

So if you’re not watching on YouTube, go and have a look, because they’re just stunning. So, and these are clip-ons, actually, so I just love them, and I just want them to, like, last forever, but I’m not sure if they’re very funky, but cool, right? So anyway, this podcast, if you’ve been a long-term listener, I thank you so much. But you know that I don’t sugar coat the truth, because let’s be real. Business success isn’t about luck. It is about action.

And today’s episode, it’s a straight up call out pretty much to make marketing or make excuses. Now, let’s be honest, you’re here because you want to grow and you want to attract your dream clients, you want to increase your sales, you want to make a real impact. But here’s the deal, you’re either making marketing happen or you’re making excuses. Okay, that’s it. There is no gray area. It’s black or white. And I wanted to start off this episode with a bit of harsh truth about marketing that I think that you need to hear and marketing is not optional.

Okay? It is not optional. It is the backbone of every single successful business. Yet I see it all the time, that business. Soon as sitting on gold, right, which is your business, it is your golden nugget, but refusing to show it off. Why? Why are you refusing to show it off? And I see people come to me and they say they don’t have time. I’m not sure what to post. Marketing doesn’t work for me. I’ll do it later. But later never comes. We are now at the beginning of March, okay, as this episode comes out, and so later, like, guys, you know, we are approaching quarter one of the year, like 2025 so later never comes.

And if you’ve been putting it off, guess what? A year from now, your business will be in exactly the same place as it is today. And that’s not gross, that’s pretty much stagnation. And stagnation will we all know that sucks. So I think there’s some harsh truths from me that I wanted to share with you that I think are important. And if you know you like I think I listened to a podcast episode the other day around where you should be investing in when you are young and you’re starting out your business, and it shouldn’t be in parking money for and I’m not a financial planner, but it just resonated with me is, you know, parking money in places where you can see compounded growth is not the place to grow your money.

The place to grow your money is in your knowledge, especially as you’re starting out. So invest in things that are going to help you to grow your knowledge, because no one can ever take that away from you. Knowledge is power, okay? So the more knowledge you have, the more you will be able to import things into your business that you didn’t know that needed to happen. And when you have that knowledge, knowledge is power, and knowledge makes more money. Okay? So that’s where the compounded growth should be.

So if you haven’t invested in yourself this year and your business now is the time you know, I would love to see you join superhero marketing so I can help you take away those you know spent sitting kind of, whatever you’ve got going on fence, sitting inside of your business, and those harsh truths to be able to move forward, to be able to create marketing because it is not optional when you have a business, especially in today’s age where you know we are pumped with so many marketing messages every single day that it’s hard to stand out, and it’s becoming harder and harder, and so If you’ve got a few tricks up your sleeve, a few little golden nuggets of knowledge, a few things that you know you that help you continuously grow, you are much further ahead than what you would have been had you not. So later never comes.

Don’t put it off. Stagnation sucks, and I don’t want that for you. So there is magic in showing up, and when you show up consistently, and I’m a super positive person, it creates visibility, and visibility leads to credibility, and credibility leads to sales. That’s how business works. That’s how my business works. I’ve been showing up on this podcast now for a couple of years, and it has done just that for me. I’ve been consistent, which has made me more visible. Visibility leads to credibility, which leads to sales. It is just the way it works, but you have to get started and you have to be visible, which you have to be consistent to be visible.

And it’s how business works, and it is how you will grow marketing. It’s not just about selling at all. It’s about building trust. Okay, the people in your audience might not need you right now, okay, but when they do, if you’ve been present, if you’ve been showing up, if you’ve been adding value, if you’ve been sharing your awesome experiences, then you will be their first choice. That’s just what happens, and that’s when the magic happens. And if they’re not engaging, you know people are watching. That is exactly what happens to me. People are watching from the bleachers everything that I do, and they’re not liking, they’re not sharing, they’re not commenting, they’re not DMing me.

They are watching, though, and even my competitors, I know that you’re watching, I know that you’re listening, and I’m cool with that, because I know that no one can ever be like me. Okay, you might be in marketing. You might have competitors of your own that are watching, that are lurking, that are reading, that are absorbing, and then they are trying to learn from you and how you do it. They can. No one can ever be you.

Okay, so that’s your golden nugget, and people vibe with your energy. And you know, 100 people can do what you do, but it’s your energy in you that sets you apart. And so when your ideal clients are lurking, reading, absorbing. Um, when the day comes that they need you and they need what it is that you have to offer, you’ll be the only name that they think of. And that has happened to me hundreds and hundreds of times. Okay, it is glorious. So be that person for your audience. Okay, so what does making marketing look like if you’re really serious about business growth, and you obviously are, because you’re listening to this podcast, here’s what making marketing actually means.

It means showing up consistently, consistently, and not just when you feel like it. It means showing up when you actually have a plan and a strategy to show up with, okay, because that will help you to create valuable content that puts you in a position of authority. Okay, that’s what marketing actually means. Okay, so you’re engaging with your audience, you know, and all of your ideal clients, and you are spending time commenting, liking, interacting. So you’re showing up in your own space, then you’re engaging with your ideal clients, because they you know they are, and that’s what you should be doing. You should be commenting, liking, sharing, DMing, replying, and this altogether optimizes your digital presence. Okay, this is marketing so it is a two-way street. This then optimizes your website, how your how people are finding you through their search, okay, your social media, then your email, because if you’re showing up consistently, people are seeing you.

They’re wanting what you have to offer. They’re going to become part of your database. It’s just what happens? It is like a beautiful bouncing bowl, and we are here, well, I’m here to teach you how to close that circle, fill those holes in that bucket, and have a strategy where you know you are feeding people into your world like a well-oiled machine in a really beautiful, organic way, with a smile and a really genuine personality. That’s how I want you to show up. And so it’s not just about posting or placing an ad or running a bus shelter advertiser, putting letterbox drops, doing every kind of aspect. Okay, it’s not about that and hoping for the best. It’s about having a strategy. That is what marketing actually means. And before you say, Hayley, I don’t have time for that, let’s get real.

You make time for what matters. And if you want your business, your business to grow, marketing has to be a priority. Extending yourself has to be a priority. So how do we avoid making a billion excuses because life happens. We get busy, okay? And if you catch yourself making excuses, call yourself out. Self-Awareness is one of the best business tools that I think that I have, and I want to help you to create more self-awareness for yourself, to be able to use that as a tool, right, especially for your marketing.

And instead of saying, I don’t have time, maybe you could start to reframe it as marketing isn’t a priority right now, and see if that sits right with you. If it doesn’t feel good to say that out loud, marketing isn’t a priority right now, because that just means that you don’t want new clients coming knocking on your door. If it doesn’t feel good, change it so I don’t have time to say marketing isn’t a priority right now. That doesn’t feel really good, so change it. And here’s a simple mindset shift where marketing isn’t a chore, it’s an investment.

Every post, every email or conversation that you have with somebody is a step closer to your dream clients, to your dream income and your dream business. That they are the things that marketing can create for you. Okay, it attracts your dream clients, it attracts your dream income, and it attracts and promotes yourself to becoming closer to your dream business. Doors are opening soon to superhero marketing guys, and if you’re nodding along right now, knowing that you really need to step up your marketing game, because I’m sure that some of you are, I’ve got really great news for you.

Doors are opening very soon, and it’s the chance to get the guidance, the strategy and the support that you need to market your business like an absolute goddamn pro without feeling really overwhelmed or stuck in a cycle of. Of where you’re just not taking action, because that doesn’t fly with me. Imagine having those expert insights as a bit of a clear road map. Plus, you know that community, which is invaluable, of like-minded, awesome, awesome humans, business owners, cheering you on every step of the way.

And if you’re serious about making marketing, finally, something that’s a non-negotiable in your business, then it’s your sign right now, keep your eyes peeled, because I’ll be sharing the details really soon, and trust me, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to transform the way you market and grow your business. You can add yourself to the waitlist now by heading over to my website. It’s at the top of the website. Or you can go through my Instagram account. Link, it’s there too. But add yourself to the wait list if you’re serious, because there’s some really cool bonuses that go along with that, and you’ll have access 48 hours before doors actually open by joining the wait list, which is also really awesome, and you will receive a couple of really cool bonuses. You can see that on the waitlist page. So go and add yourself to the waitlist right now. And you know, in saying that, I really want you to take action today.

So I have a challenge for you. I want you to make one marketing move right now. No overthinking, no. I’ll do it later. I want you to post something valuable on social media. I want you to send an email to your audience, okay? I want you to go and optimize your socials. I want you to go and optimize your website. I want you to go and engage with some of your ideal clients, and I want you to be able to plan your marketing for the next month if you don’t know how to do any of those, and if you don’t know how to create some sort of a plan, that’s what I’m here for. Okay, so that’s what happens inside CB Harry marketing.

So do those things, and whatever it is, just do it. Alright? Because when you make it a habit, your excuses no longer have a place in your business. And I think that’s a beautiful one liner. Is that done better than perfect? I say that a lot. It’s at the top of my notepads. I absolutely love it. Done is better than perfect, and it works every single time, because how you show up now is not going to be how you’re showing up in a year from now, in five years from now, because you learn as you go. So Done is better than perfect. And so I think that when you make marketing a habit, your excuses, they don’t have a place, okay?

So you have two choices. You make marketing or you make excuses, only one of those will grow your business. So which one is you going to choose today? So hit action. Okay, and let’s make marketing happen, because magic is waiting behind the curtain, and you really just have to show up for it. Go and add yourself to the waitlist for my signature membership, superhero marketing. It is the best place, I think, in the world to be able to grow your business, to be able to create activities and strategies to have the biggest growth with the least amount of time and effort, because of me and because of my knowledge, and because of all of the things that I have in there, templates, tips, tricks, tools for you to be able to use and implement, implement straight away until next time.

Guys keep being that superhero marketer that you were born to be, because there is so much awesomeness on the other side when you make marketing instead of making excuses until next week, I love you guys and catch you later. I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe, so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday, and while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me @hayleykosborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can get learning too. Sharing is caring. If you want more, head over to https://hayleyosborne.com/category/podcast/ for today’s show notes and links. Catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.

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