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EPISODE 146 | Why you can’t grow alone

February 25, 2025

The most successful entrepreneurs know they can’t do it all alone. In this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show, I’m diving deep into why I know community is the secret ingredient to long-term success. This is the very reason I believe I have continued my business throughout being pregnant 3 times and now having 3 small humans. It’s the communities I am part of that have kept me going.

Join me as I break down the biggest benefits of surrounding yourself with like-minded business owners, including:
– The power of support & encouragement when things feel tough
– How collaboration leads to new opportunities and growth
– Why accountability keeps you consistent and motivated
– How learning from others can fast-track your success

And (drum roll) big news! I’ll also be sharing how Superhero Marketing, my business membership, is designed to give you the community, clarity, and strategies you need to grow with ease. If you’re ready to feel supported and empowered in your marketing journey, this episode is for you!

🎧 Tune in now, and let’s build successful businesses together!

xx Hayley


0:00:01 Introduction 

0:03:00 The Loneliness of Entrepreneurship 

0:08:37 Benefits of Being Part of a Community 

0:17:47 The Role of Community in Business Growth 

0:22:00 Conclusion and Call to Action 

Hayley Osborne

Hayley Osborne 

Hello and welcome back. Me in your ears for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show. I’m glad you’re here. This is episode 146 and it’s aptly called, why you can’t grow alone, but more importantly, the power of community in business, because you just can’t grow alone. And yes, it is another late-night recording of the Hayley Osborne show, because sometimes it just has to be that way for me.

And you can really tell that I love what I do right, because I haven’t missed an episode, and I really enjoy helping you as a business owner to be able to achieve, obviously, or hopefully, big growth with the least amount of time and effort on your part, whether you’ve worked with me or not in a paid form, or whether it’s just you enjoy listening to this podcast because you take nuggets of wisdom and you implement that, that into your business.

That is why I love what I do. I honestly love knowing. I love seeing people message me in my Instagram, on my DMs, in just saying, like, you know, today I listened to your podcast and I did this. Thank you so much for today’s podcast episode. You were so motivating. I listened to you on my walk this morning, like I get a lot of people coming into my messages and telling me how much they love the podcast.

So from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for tuning in. It means the world, especially when I’m recording this late at night, because sometimes it’s just the way it is in the house. It is quiet and I can think, and it’s just such a nice vibe. And so while it needs to be done like this, it’s not every week I shall do it like this.

And it’s just, you know, life is a beautiful blend with three young children and a growing business. And yeah, there seemed to be a huge amount of Calm in the Chaos, which I absolutely love. But today I wanted to talk about, you know, the power of community and business, and why you cannot grow alone, and you don’t really want to grow alone either, because, like, I think you get to a certain point, and every business owner will eventually hit that glass ceiling that you cannot seem to break through to recreate that as your new floor.

And then, you know you, if you are going it alone, and you have no community around you, and you haven’t embedded yourself into groups, then it’s a little bit harder to smash through that glass ceiling because you’ve got no one else to talk to. So you know, if you’re someone who’s ever felt like you’re doing this whole business thing alone, and you’re constantly making decisions by yourself and wondering if you’re heading in the right direction or not, and wishing that you had people around you who really get it, then this episode is for you, because the truth is, most successful business owners, they don’t do it alone.

They have a community around them. They have partnerships in business. They have staff, you know, but a lot of business owners that listen to this podcast might have a VA. I have help in my business. But in terms of, like, a full staff suite that doesn’t exist, a full CE suite around you, you’re the CEO. You are the CMO. You’re the CFO. You are the seat of everything. You are the C suite in your business, and so you know it. You need to do other things creatively, to set yourself up with a community in and around your business that uplift you to break through those glass ceilings to make them your new floor.

And so you know a lot of successful business owners, they surround themselves with a network of like-minded people who inspire them, who challenge them and support them. And these people are hard to come by, but when you sometimes have to pay to play, and I get that, but when you can surround yourself with the right people, I think that that is definitely really important to your growth and to your mindset and to your bottom line in every single way.

And I want to break down a little bit in today’s podcast episode why being part of a community is really the secret ingredient to long term success. There’s lots of reasons why. So stick with me. Hear me out until the end. Because I think you know, for a business owner like yourself, who I know is listening to this podcast, because you’re ready to grow, you’re ready to show up and, you know, make marketing easier and more effective, then I think this is for you.

Okay, so I think there’s a massive amount of loneliness when you have a business, and it can be one of the most fulfilling, liberating, like, most amazing things you’ll ever do. But like, let’s be honest, it can feel really isolating, and unless you have a partner who understands that, if they run their own business, awesome, you know my husband does, or if they don’t, if it can be like become a little bit harder than to be able to feel like you’re part of a team, too, and you’re wearing all the hats, right?

You’re making all the decisions. I’m actually if you’re watching it on YouTube, or if you’re watching some of my little clips on my socials, I’m actually wearing a hat. So it’s sort of funny that I said that. And you know, it can sometimes feel like no one understands the type of pressure that you’re under, and a lot of the time, we bring this on ourselves, right? So if you’re driven and you want to achieve great things, like me, you put yourself under a lot of pressure, and that is just you doing that to yourself, and that’s okay, right?

Like, I think it’s important to have massive goals, but, you know, I think it can be quite lonely when you’re feeling all that pressure of running a business and you’re not talking about it with anyone, and you don’t have anyone in your world that relates, which is why community is absolutely everything. So I think that having the right people in your corner makes all the difference.

And it’s not just about how successful you are, but it really is more around how supported you feel and how it can bring about the confidence of you know, how you show up, and the confidence that you are able to exude and feel along the way, and that that just radiates. And I think there’s definitely those two important things, you know, the confidence, and you know not, it’s not just about success. It’s more around confidence that can help you not feel so lonely when you are a part of a community.

And I think what are a couple of things? I’ve got a few little notes here. Sometimes I write dot points for podcast episodes, and sometimes I don’t. But I thought that I would start off with a few ways. Which will you know if you’re part of a community, benefit you. So you’re thinking, Yeah, but what are the benefits? What’s in it for me? Hayley, so let’s break it down. I think the first benefit of being part of a community, if you are not already, and if you are, you can definitely attest to this, it’s a supportive and encouraging environment.

So support and encouragement are, above all, one of the strongest things that you will receive when you’re part of a community. And we all have those days where nothing is working, or we feel like nothing is working and that I don’t like to use the word imposter syndrome, but I can’t think right now of another word that can replace that. But when you don’t feel like you’re enough, it kind of kicks in and creeps in.

That’s when the community is so helpful, or when you’ve got someone in your corner. So that’s where community, like inside my membership superhero marketing, that is where a community can come in handy and be really helpful, because there’s people in there that uplift you if you are using the community for what it’s built for, what it’s made for. So you know, they’re people that will remind you of your strengths. They’re people that are going to.

That you know that you’re not the only one that’s doing this. Other people are in the thick of it, too, and they are people that encourage you to keep on going. So the support and encouragement that comes from a community is like the 10th man or the 11th man on the field. There’s nothing quite like it. And even though they’re not working in your business, it doesn’t matter. They’re still very, very supportive of you and want to see you do well. So find your people and become part of I don’t think just one community.

Become part of a few communities, because, you know, you shouldn’t have your eggs all in one basket, but community is really important, and your you know, Your vibe attracts your tribe, and that’s definitely speaks volumes for the community that I’ve built inside superhero marketing, and it’s growing, and it’s beautiful, but Your vibe attracts your tribe, and so if you vibe with me, for example, there are other there are people and business owners inside superhero marketing that you would definitely become familiar with and friendly with and love what they do, because it’s like minded people, right? So that’s one thing.

The second thing that I wanted to point out is collaboration and opportunities. So nothing beats being a part of a community for this and some of the best business growth happens in terms of the opportunities that are around the corner through the relationships that you form inside of these communities and when you surround yourself with, we’ve heard this before. It’s just not it’s not cliche, but people that are like you, like-minded business owners or entrepreneurs, you know, referrals, partnerships, collaborations, all of these things happen naturally.

And I definitely can attest to that. It’s such a beautiful thing, and it’s not just about networking, okay? Because if you’re walking into a room or, you know, a community of people, and you’re just there to network, to grow your networks and your bottom line in terms of profit, it’s not going to work for you. It’s about genuine connections. And when you have that genuine connection with somebody, it makes it so much easier for everyone else to rise, and you rise with them. And that’s just what happens. People want to see you win. No one in business, if they’re genuinely really nice, people want to see you not win, even competitors.

So, you know, I have been on marketing podcasts from other businesses that do what I do, and I’ve had people on this podcast that do what I do, and I think that, you know, two heads are better than one, and definitely community over competition. And so when you like, genuinely connect with your own community, rising tide lifts or boats. So you cannot, like, discount the genuine connections above, like networking. That is definitely if you go into something like wanting to be part of a community, and you set out to you know, you’re going to network to grow your net worth.

I get it, but it doesn’t work that way. You know, they do say that most deals are done on the golf course. So whatever that looks like for you, if you’re a female, it might not be the golf course. But as the saying goes, deals aren’t done in the boardroom, they’re done on the golf course, they’re done in the cafe, they’re done in communities of business owners, so everyone rises. The third thing that I wanted to talk about is accountability and motivation. So let’s be real. I know that staying consistent can be really hard.

And I am, like, by nature, a super positive person, and I’m always like, glass half full, I’ll get it done. I’m very proactive. But even if I struggle, it can be hard. And I think that when you’re in a group of people who are showing up, who are doing what you know you want to be doing, and they are working on their marketing, and they are taking action, and they’re doing all the things. It’s much easier for you to stay on track as well. And that’s just what happens like it spreads like wildfire, and you don’t want to be the one to let the team down.

And so I think that definitely community is a factor of accountability and motivation inside the community, and that’s something that I’ve seen inside my membership, superhero marketing, where, you know, every Wednesday, we have a Wednesday weekly win, where I am. Start off the week, and I talk about my wins for the last seven days, and you know, you genuinely have to think about what it was in the last seven days that you won or that made you happy, or that you achieved, or that you know you’re kicking goals and it get it’s hard because you’re not always at the top of your game.

There’s peaks and troughs in running a business, and so inside superhero marketing, that’s something that I do every single Wednesday, and let’s be honest, like I have three small children that take up a lot of my time. So I think about my wins, some weeks are a particular win with the kids, some weeks are a win with business. But because I keep on pushing that needle and moving forward, it’s that 1% every single day that you do that will get you to that 365% closer at the end of the year to what you would have at the beginning of the year.

Like it happens, and it happens like when you keep on going. So it’s much easier to stay on track when you have the accountability and motivation around you. So if I’m asking you every Wednesday what your wins were, you’re going to be more likely to get things done throughout the week in order to show up, because if you’re the only one that’s not talking about your wins, it feels pretty shit. So I think there’s definitely motivation that comes from part of being a part of being a member in a community, or being part of a community.

That’s actually what I wanted to say, being part of a community. And the next point, which is 123, 4/5, this is a fifth point of the I think the benefits of a community for you as a business owner are, it is a shortcut to success. So one of the biggest advantages of a community is you get to learn from others. You get to learn from people like myself.

You get to learn from people like myself who are connected to people who you might not necessarily be able to get a seat at that table. And that I bring in guest experts into my community to talk about their zone of genius, and they’re really good guest experts. This year is lined up to be an absolute cracker. And some of the guests that I’ve asked, I’ve been so scared to ask, and they’ve said yes. So I’m pretty smoked. I’m pretty smoked.

I’m feeling pretty smoked. Actually, it’s getting on. It’s pretty late. I’m pretty stoked. I am stoked to go into this year to build and light this membership up in stars, because it’s going to be a great year for, you know, learning from others that have been there and done that instead of pretty much trial and error, and you get direct insights and strategies and shortcuts and support that saves you time.

Time is money that saves you energy, and that saves you above all frustration, because how many times have you gone in to do the thing, and you’ve had to go around in a big fat circle of a billion other little things to get to the thing that you wanted to do, whereas being part of a community, you know, usually, like within superhero marketing, I have so many templates and tools and tips and tricks that I have been using to grow some of the biggest businesses in the world’s marketing, and I have definitely created millions and millions of dollars’ worth of opportunities for business owners that I have helped.

And I have so many different things that are on an easy platter, tools, tips, swipe, copy tricks, like everything that I do for you to copy and paste. So I think it saves you time, and time is money when you have something that’s already done, so you don’t have to make it up from scratch. That’s the hardest thing. Making things up from scratch is, by far, the hardest thing.

And I’ve had three businesses and until I worked out how important it was to be part of a community, I started ever I did everything from scratch, and so when I did become part of my first excuse me business community is when I started superhero marketing for myself, because I realized the importance of it and how life changing it can be for business owners. And so I think that you know the energy and frustration it comes with, because everything takes energy, especially if you’ve got to do something new for the first time, marketing is not your zone.

Energy. Years, so you’ve got to think with your whole brain, and what might take you all day will take you five minutes when you have the right tools and advice that you need. It’s a funny thing, right? It’s like chicken and egg.

Anyway, We digress. But I think that, you know, one of the things that I absolutely love about superhero marketing is not just a membership, it’s a community that I design to help people like you in business, running a small business, typically, to feel supported, to get clarity around what your marketing activities and strategies look like to grow your business and grow your brand, because growing a brand is really important with proven marketing strategies that work, and marketing strategies, and marketing is, is a proven plan that works, a plan of attack to get the wheels in motion, to Have you achieving great things, I think is by far one of the most important things you can do for yourself, and in the long run, it’s an it’s a small blip in terms of an investment, for the return on investment that you do get when you have all your marketing foundations in Order, when you are able to build out your social media and your content, and that consistency through the line with the marketing that you do.

And you know over the next few weeks, I want to share with your different things in and around, how knowing what you’re doing with your marketing is an absolute game changer for your business, and I share that anyway, but in terms of visibility and, more importantly, business growth, stay tuned for what’s to come. I think if this episode resonated with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to send me a message on Instagram, that’s where I hang out the most, and to let you know that doors to superhero marketing will be opening soon, and you can add yourself to the waitlist now over on my website, or you can click on my Instagram link, and it takes you there.

But over on my website, you can add yourself to the wait list as big bonuses too, if you join via the wait list, which is open 48 hours before doors actually open, and I would love to see you there. So just send me a message if you have any questions as well. If you’ve loved this episode, send me a message again, because I just love hearing your feedback, and I love knowing that you are listening.

And that is it for today’s episode, guys, thank you so much for tuning in, and I will see you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show. I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe, so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday, and while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it.

Also, don’t forget to tag me @hayleykosborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can get learning too. Sharing is caring. If you want more, head over to https://hayleyosborne.com/category/podcast/ for today’s show notes and links. Catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.

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