I’m diving into the moves you can make to breathe new life into your business and shift things in a fresh direction. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed, uninspired, or unsure of your next steps, in this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show, you’ll find plenty of food for thought to help you reimagine what’s possible. You built what you built from the ground up, anything is possible!
If you’re feeling like your business is stuck in a rut, or maybe you’re questioning if it’s time to make a big change? Before making any drastic decisions, take a moment to consider new opportunities that could reignite your passion and transform the future of your business. We work hard to run our business and you want to put your best foot forward this year leaving no stone unturned.
If you’ve ever felt like giving up or you’re searching for the spark to get things back on track, this is the episode you need to hear. I’m right beside you every step of the way!!
0:00:01 Introduction
0:03:30 Hayley’s Birthday and February
0:06:30 Strategic Moves to Revamp Your Business
0:09:15 Supercharging Your Marketing
0:13:43 Reassessing Your Business Model
0:18:30 Exploring Partnerships and Collaborations
0:23:41 Asking for and Acting on Feedback
0:28:30 Final Thoughts and Encouragement
Hayley Osborne
Hello and welcome to another episode of The Hayley Osborne show. I am really glad to be in your ears today. This is episode 144 and it is a bit of a cracking one, because I know that sometimes we get to the beginning of the year and we’re like, oh my goodness, what am I going to do this year? What am I going to do differently? And a lot of the time, you’re stuck in a rut already, and you really want to think of different ways that you can probably revamp your business a little bit to breathe some fresh air into it for the new year. And so I thought cleverly I would come to your ears today to talk about four really strategic moves that you can make to revamp your business.
And I think it’s really nice to have an episode like this at the beginning of the year, because I think you know business owners, from what I am listening to through talking to my communities, is we need to be trying new things. And you know, same, same gets a bit stagnant, and so it’s nice to dive in and have a little play around with new things, if you haven’t done that already, to breathe new, fresh life into your business. This past week has been a special one for me, because it’s my birthday, which has been so nice. I’ve spent it with my family, which has been really beautiful, and friends.
And I’m really lucky, because actually two of my really best friends share a birthday very close to mine in February. And so February is a big month for my friendship group, because there’s always a lot of birthdays, and it’s just so nice to be seeing everyone and catching up. And if someone isn’t having a catch up or a party for their birthday, usually one of us is and so it always ends up being such a beautiful month for us, and it’s warm.
So if you’re listening and you are not in Australia, you know February in Australia is very warm, and so it’s always really nice to be able to get dressed up and not take a jacket and wear open shoes and just do all the beautiful things. And so February is really nice. One of my children was actually born in February too. And so it’s a really big month. On the friend front, on the child front, on the me front. And yeah, I just love the month of February for everything it brings.
And it brings to me, like, a bit of a pep in my step. And so that’s why I thought, you know, if you’re looking for some different strategies to breathe some life and revamp your business, I think this episode is for you, and this has actually been taken I read, I wrote an article recently for dynamic business. And so if you want to have a bit more of a read of the article, this episode is taken from that because I feel like it really struck a chord.
And so if you’ve been thinking about exploring a few strategic pivots, I don’t really like to use that word, but a few different strategic moves that could breathe, you know, a spout of new life into your business, which, you know, the business that you have. I know that you work so hard to build initially, and, you know, sometimes it just takes, you know, a few zigzags to get you back on the right track, if you’ve been if you’re feeling a little bit lost or a little bit like uncertain of Well, I’m not getting the traction that I want keep going, because you just never, never, never know what’s around the corner.
And with a few things that I highlighted today, it might help you a little bit. And you think, well, I never thought. Of that, and you just, you honestly don’t know, and I am definitely a testament to that. There’s lots of things happening in my world at the moment, and if you follow me on social media, you know that are definitely out of the blue, unexpected, and that’s kind of been the story in and around my business evolution, there are times where I’ve been asked and tapped on the shoulder to do things that not in my wildest dreams I would have thought would happen, but they have, you know, I, last year, was tapped on the shoulder to do an interview for the government for International Women’s Day for their advertising campaign.
And you know, never, ever in my wildest dreams, did I think that that would happen to me. But it did, and it did because, you know, there were a few key people that had a lot to do with that video that were watching me on LinkedIn from afar, never commenting, never liking, just watching. And so the motto of the story is, you never know who’s watching. And a few key things and a few key changes that you’re so close to your business you can’t see to make can really be the next thing that will have a huge impact and growth for your business when you make those changes.
And so sometimes you know you can’t see the forest through the trees, and so I guess that’s why you’re listening to this podcast, to be able to have me in your ears to help you, educate you, inspire you, help build your confidence. And, you know, just really upskill you in learning all things marketing, small business, marketing, confidence and strategy and so I think one of the first things that I want to say is, you know, really look at supercharging your marketing.
Okay? Because so this is point one or four, because sometimes what can be the simplest answer is not enough people know about your business, and I can guarantee you that you can talk till you are blue in the face about what you do on your through your marketing and say through your socials, but you’re still Going to get people who you think are in your world that say, Oh, I didn’t know you did that, or, Oh, I had no idea you opened up the membership and now it’s not open. Do you know how many times people say that to me?
I’m like, but I did everything I possibly could, besides paint the town red to tell those people in my world that doors to my signature membership, superhero marketing are open and now they are closed. And where have you been for that week? Under a rock? But people have lives, things happen, and so it could just be as simple as not enough people know about your business. So I think some of the things that you should do, aside from, you know, reinvigorate your marketing efforts by focusing on stuff that’s low cost but really high impact strategies.
So refocus your marketing, especially utilizing your social media platforms to engage with your audience. And after all, when it’s done, right, it’s pretty amazing. And they’re free, okay? They are free. So right now, there’s almost 5 billion people using Instagram, sorry, using social media worldwide, okay? And I know that this figure continues to grow daily. And imagine if you could capture, excuse me, that 1% of almost 5 billion, that’s almost 5000 now, if you could capture that 5000 could you service that number of people if they came to you when they wanted to buy from you, the chances are you probably couldn’t.
So when you think about those big numbers, even if it was like 50% of 5000 could you support that amount? 2500 could you probably not. And so just know when you put it into perspective. Are you engaging with your audience right on the right platforms? Have you looked into other platforms that might grow your business? So are you just focusing your efforts in the wrong area? So are you focusing your efforts on Instagram and Facebook? Why aren’t you looking into LinkedIn? LinkedIn is one of the biggest social media platforms that is on the rise right now, and it has had a massive, massive glow up. And so think about, are you using this properly?
And if you are not, it is time to lean in. It is not going anywhere. It is just getting stronger. Better and better. And the insights that things like this social media can give you to your audience is set to be refined into crazy mode this year. Okay, so they’re going to look at giving better insights into who your audience is and who is engaging with you, so that way you can create better content to serve them, because at the end of the day, these social media platforms work.
When you create awesome content, they want to encourage you to create the best content possible. So their platforms continue to grow, and people continue to engage with them. And so it’s just this churn, I know, but if you’re using it well, it also helps to grow your audience. Oh, my goodness, I am not going to cut that out, but I’m yawning so much because I am a tiny little bit tired today, um, and so then another thing in terms of supercharging your marketing.
So we’re still on point one is to optimize your website. And I know I’ve said this before, and I probably hound on it like a broken record, but it will increase your visibility, okay, and it will help people find you. So like I said earlier, sometimes it can be as simple as not enough people knowing about your business. If your website is optimized, the idea is, if you are coming up in people’s Google search results when they Google the solution and the problem or the problem that you solve and the solution that you provide.
So if they’ve got a problem, your website should come up as the answer, okay? And that could be in the form of a blog article. It could be in the form of just the content on your website. It could be in the form of a podcast episode. Like these podcast episodes, they’re all transcribed, and they all go on my website. Okay, so you should be the answer to the question that people are asking in their world. Okay, the solution. And then it’s like, oh, okay, well, here’s an easy solution. This person looks awesome. I’ve stalked them on their website, and now I’m going to buy from them. And it’s pretty much as simple as that. So if you can meet your audience where they are in their decision-making process, then you’ve done half of the work and you haven’t even paid for anything.
Okay, so it’s free, and you know, Instagram and Facebook now come up in the Google search, and so are you doing it? Well, have you got everything like a well-oiled machine on your website, and is it optimized okay to meet your audience where they are, and is your social media optimized to meet your audience where they are?
And so once you’ve got that right, and we’re still on point one, I think if you haven’t, if you don’t have a regular email. Consider creating a regular email to reach your warm audience, which is your database, to keep your customers informed about who you are and what you do, and keep you top of mind and keep them engaged with who you are and what you do. Because if they’ve signed up to hear from you and you are not delivering a regular email, you are spamming in reverse, my friend, and so your email list is considered, and I say this a lot, is your warm audience, okay? So these are people that actually want to hear from you and want to hear everything that you have to say, and then everyone else your social media. You know people that cite any kind of out of home advertising you do, like in flyers or magazines or billboards or posters or whatever that looks like a frame on bus shelters, their cold audience. Okay, they’re your cold audience. So if you’re, if you’re not nurturing your email list, which is your warm audience, of people just waiting to be primed to be able to buy from you. You need to start nurturing them.
Don’t know what to write. That’s okay. That’s what I’m here for. That’s what superhero marketing is here for, to be able to help you. Everything that you need is in there, ready and waiting. And like I always say, you know, 99% of people Google you before they pick up the phone, so make it worth their while and meet them where they are. Will that person that Googles you, your ideal client, know exactly who you are, the problem you solve and the transformation that you provide as soon as they land on you? Will they know?
So if they click on your website, does it say that at the very beginning? Hi, I’m Hayley. I help small business owners to create marketing activities and strategies to have the biggest growth with the least amount of time and effort. That is what I say. People know me as soon as they land on my website. They know what I do, they know my name, and they know how I can help them. Does that equate to you? Do you provide the same one sentence solution to their pain point as soon as they land on your website from a Google okay? And another thing still on point one is, don’t ever forget the power of word of mouth.
Okay, so encourage those that work with you satisfied customers to spread the word, and that can be in a Google review, a Facebook review, a written testimonial, a video testimonial. I have scripts for all of this and what to ask inside of my membership, and when your community in and around you catch wind of their favorite product or service in need of some extra love, you will be surprised what the power of people can create and build in and around you. Okay, so if you’re going to buy something? Chances are you look at the reviews before you buy. I know I do, and if they’re good reviews, I know that I’m already going to my intentions are already there.
My intent is to buy, and that just seals the deal. So if it’s something, anything, I always look at the reviews. So as a business, think to yourself, why aren’t I looking for Google reviews for my business or Facebook reviews or video testimonials or written testimonials? Why am I doing that? I do that when I have my consumer hat on. So why aren’t I doing it now with my business hat on? Okay, so put yourself in your customers shoes. Are you meeting them where they are? Are you delivering a solution to their problem as soon as they land on your website? Are you everywhere? Do you have that omnipresence? Are you?
Are you going all in right now? And that’s the question, and everything that I’ve spoken about so far is going to cost you nothing. There might be a few, depending on how big your database is, a few out of pocket’s expenses with the host. So whether you use Kajabi, whether you use MailChimp, or mailer light, or whatever it looks like, the bigger that your database is, you have to pay to play unfortunately or fortunately, because they’re not dumb. They create these beautiful platforms for you to reach your ideal client, which you make lots of money from.
Okay, so never be sad to part with a subscription that inadvertently is going to make you a lot of money in the long run anyway. But the power of word of mouth is beautiful. So if not that, then you’re going to be, I want you to seek reviews. Nothing screams like you’re amazing, like somebody else saying it for you. Okay, because you can talk about your product, your service, you can educate, you can entertain. You can inspire your audience. But that will only take you so far. People rely on people and word of mouth. So, you know, I think that there’s merit in that.
The second point I want to think about, is how you could reassess or create small shifts in the way that your current business model is set up. Okay, so take a big look, take a very hard, big look at the way your business model is set up and ask yourself, could it be changed or improved? Now, one thing that I like to do every year is take myself aside and plan out what my year’s going to look like, when am I launching? When am I opening up the membership? When am I going to have the next round of the magnetic marketing formula? When am I going to run my free master classes? What does that look like? How am I going to activate this year?
And I set up, set some time aside, just for that, their emails are off. My phone is in another room, and I really have a good, hard think, and it has to sit with you. And so at that time, when I do that, I ask myself, what could be changed and what could be improved in my business, or what do I need to do more of that people love? Is there a demand in your market as well that you’re just not catering to yet. Could you shift your focus to online sales or offer other virtual services? Or could you create a whole new service in your repertoire of what you already do that is more of a high-ticket item? Or, if you have only high-ticket items, could you create a low ticker item just because you’re going to make a shift? It doesn’t have to be massive, right?
It doesn’t have to be this big, monumental, like, sometimes even the smallest change or adjustment in your service or the way that. Delivering it, or the tag audience that you are focusing on, can open up massively new revenue streams. So when you take a step back and ask yourself, what could be changed or improved without just going on autopilot, because things get boring, okay, things become stagnant. So I just put a post out on social media. Happy birthday to myself.
And I said, you know, if you are stuck, I feel like I want to tell you what I said, because it was so cool. I’m going to bring it up. And it was like, I always get compliments on the segues in my captions and relating things back to business. But I pretty much said, you know, happy birthday to me. Yesterday was a fab day.
So Saturday was my birthday, and thank you to everyone for their birthday wishes. And I said, and if you’re not sure if you should show up as yourself and you don’t know where to start because your socials look like a corporate dog’s breakfast, aka, boring. Just start, start with showing something like this, which is a couple of pictures of me at lunch or my birthday, because birthdays are the best, and each one should be celebrated and so, so you know, don’t resort to boring. Don’t resort to it because you’ve always done it like this.
That means you have to do it like this. Maybe you just need to reassess the way that you do things and how they could be changed or improved to make them better or morph into something new. That is, you know, has some spark and, you know, lights you up. So even the smallest adjustments on the way that you deliver what you do can open up new revenue streams. So I want you to think about that, because it could just be that moment that you’re looking for to be able to really revamp your business this year. The third one I want to talk about is exploring partnerships and collaboration opportunities.
Okay, so collaborating with other business owners or partnerships, and I think it’s nice and important to be able to look for opportunities to collaborate with other businesses, either in your industry or in your community, because I say a lot as well. I say a lot of things, and I hope it’s just reinforcing this constant message with you that a rising tide lifts all boats just because someone is seen as a threat to you, don’t necessarily take it that way.
Okay, collaborating is honestly some of the best partnerships I’ve ever made, and long-term friendships I’ve ever made with business owners. When you collaborate and cross pollinate each other’s audiences, I think that’s incredible. When you strategically align yourself with other business owners, or, you know, others could even be other products, it opens up a new customer base, okay? And not only that, it reduces costs through shared resources. And whether that’s just a time thing, it’s still a massive reduction, okay?
And with that, it also helps you to create and come up with new and exciting ideas, because you’re actually working with someone else, and it could be the littlest thing that they say that gives you that massive light bulb moment. So don’t forget that. Oh my goodness, excuse me. Creating partnerships makes honestly the biggest impact, but you have to seek them out yourself. You have to ask the hard questions. So last week, I asked somebody to come into my membership as a guest expert, and I held on to asking them for so long because I was scared that they were going to say no and that they were out of my league, and that, who was I to ask this person to be a guest inside of my membership? Anyway, I asked. They said, yes, the rest is history.
And I should have just asked sooner, because if you don’t ask, you don’t get and this was a big, bold move that I made on purpose at the beginning of this year. I knew that I wanted to have them inside the membership to prove to myself that, you know, when you do the scary things, it’s pretty amazing what’s around the corner. So I think that that is, you know, why I also wanted to stay in and around collaborating is because it can actually spark so many cool and innovative ideas, which is how that has done for me.
So I’m pretty excited about that. And you know, the collaboration can actually provide a much-needed boost to your revenue and therefore your profit. And so you know, when you start creating these awesome building blocks for you, it. Also helps you to have a positive mindset on how your business is going and how it’s tracking, and what you can actually light it up and do inside of your business. And you know you can then compare, this is what I like to do, is compare where I started to where I am now.
And you just think, wow, just check yourself. Because if you had told the future, you eight years ago, seven years ago, that you would be where you are in business right now, and you would be doing this with three small humans by your side that you get to be with all the time, I would have not believed you. So keep going, listen to what I have to say, because I am proof that by doing these things that I am talking about, it creates success. Success then creates revenue, and revenue then creates profit. Okay, if there’s something that you’re doing in your business now, but you’re not charging for it, that might be a stack that you can add on as a value add, where you charge a different fee for Okay, so when I have the social media management client, say, for example, I don’t look after that many, but I do have a few clients that I work with, and they have to be a particular type of business that I work with, they don’t come into my world without me creating a social media strategy for them first, because then I know and they know that we are both on the same page, and this is the objectives that we hope to achieve together with me then looking after your social media.
Most of the time, I just create a strategy for my clients, and then they activate on that strategy, and that’s really, really awesome, but some of the times I do this, and so that was a way of me stacking something that I was already doing into my repertoire and actually charging a premium for it, because it’s definitely needed. You can’t do anything without a plan or without a strategy. And when you have it on paper, it’s like the Bible that you always refer back to, that’s bloody awesome.
And you know, that is what you feed off of, and that is what creates ideas and sparks that momentum to build the fourth one that I want to talk about. And I think I’ve been talking for a little while now, but I’m really passionate about this, because I really want you to do well this year in your business, and I really want your marketing to be a standout. And I really, really, above all, want it to be strategic. Okay, so if we need to revamp the way that our services or products look, do it with some strategy. Please listen to what I’m saying and use what I’m teaching you to build strategy in and around.
How you’re going to revamp your business and what you’re going to do take some time out, because if you’ve done it and you’ve always done it this way, then you’re probably never going to grow your business more than what it already is, because it’s time to do things a little bit differently. So the fourth thing that’s really important is to ask for feedback, and then when you receive it, act on it. Okay? So it’s nice to reach out to past customers or existing ones for feedback, and it’s always going to be hard, but it’s important to understand why they chose your business and what could be improved. You can have it as anonymous, so you don’t really know what people are saying.
And I have, I always send out feedback, and it is anonymous, especially after each of the courses that I do. And it’s so funny, because you get to know people and know their tone of voice and how they write. And so for me, I can kind of pick who’s written what, just based on that, getting to know people over eight weeks. However, it’s really nice, because you can choose to have it anonymous or not. And I think if you’re a business owner, you’ve got pretty thick skin anyway, so chances are, don’t ask it to be anonymous, because you are asking for feedback so you can be better and you can figure out what can be improved.
And you know, it’s nice to know why people chose your business, and it’s nice to know what you could work on, and that sometimes is all it takes for you to add extra offers and services or whatever it looks like for you, into your business by asking people what could be improved. We could do it this way, and we could add this onto it, and then we could charge this amount. Instead of having this measly little one zero amount, you could add an extra two or three zeros on the end of it. And I think when you’ve got these insights from people that have worked with you, or are working with you, it’s really, really invaluable, and it’s just an invaluable guide in making really meaningful changes. Because if your audience has gone to the effort of giving you feedback, they’ve taken time out of their day to share that with you, and it really does mean something. And so I think. It definitely shows when you do take on board that feedback, and you act on it, and you do receive, you know, whatever that looks like, and you do make those meaningful changes, it can really enhance how loyal your customers are.
And I do know that it does take more time, effort and money to attract new clients than it does to retain existing ones. So the client-like client lifetime ratio is a lot higher. And you’re probably saying, yes, Hayley, I’ve got a few clients that have done lots of different things with me, and that’s because it’s true. And so knowledge is power, my friends, and by implementing some of these things, these four things that I suggested, I think it will not only help to improve your business, but it will also help to improve your relationships with your customers and your clients, by showing them that their thoughts and opinions really matter to you, and you value each and every one of them.
So to take a step back, the four things that I think that are strategic moves to revamp your business are supercharging your marketing, if you haven’t extracted a digit with that, and you know you can give more. Now’s the time. Now is the time, while there are still free ways to reach your ideal clients, do it well, supercharge the absolute bejesus out of your marketing second, reassess or shift the way you currently do business and what your business model looks like.
That could be cool, and that could be definitely one of the things that will help you revamp your business. The third one was exploring collaboration opportunities and partnerships. And then the last one was for feedback. Ask for feedback and act on it. And that is all my friends for today’s episode of The Hayley Osborne show.
Hope you have loved it. Have an awesome day, and I’ll see you next week. Bye. I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe, so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday, and while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me @hayleykosborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can get learning too. Sharing is caring. If you want more, head over to https://hayleyosborne.com/category/podcast/ for today’s show notes and links. Catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.