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EPISODE 134 | The 3 pillars of a Magnetic Marketing strategy

November 5, 2024

These pillars aren’t just buzzwords! In this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show, we’re diving into the three core pillars of a magnetic marketing strategy: Attraction, Connection, and Conversion. Like I said, these pillars aren’t just buzzwords—they’re foundational elements that every service-based business or personal brand needs to consistently attract and keep dream clients. If you’ve ever felt like you’re constantly chasing clients or struggling to stand out in a crowded market, I’m ready in this episode to shift your approach.

We’ll start by exploring the power of Attraction—what it truly means to draw clients in by aligning your brand with their deepest needs and desires. Then, we’ll move into Connection, the pillar that takes you from a mere business presence to a trusted, relatable voice in your industry. Here, I share some examples on how to create real, meaningful connections that keep clients coming back for more.

Finally, we’ll break down Conversion, the natural result of an authentic marketing strategy done right. Rather than feeling pushy or salesy, conversion becomes an easy, seamless step for your clients to take. If this resonates with you and you’re ready to learn more, this episode is the perfect introduction to my upcoming course, Magnetic Marketing Formula, where I guide you step-by-step through creating a magnetic brand that effortlessly attracts, connects, and converts.

Doors are OPEN TODAY! YAY! Visit: www.hayleyosborne.com to join! AND coinciding with this I am running my 3-day Marketing Makeover Challenge, filled with helping you upskill and learn. You can join in HERE.


0:00:01 Introduction to the Hayley Osborne Show 

0:04:30 Overview of the Magnetic Marketing Formula 

0:09:00 Details of the Eight-Week Program 

0:11:00 Marketing Makeover Challenge 

0:15:00 The Three Pillars of a Magnetic Marketing Strategy 

0:20:00 Practical Examples and Actionable Steps 

0:22:00 Conclusion and Call to Action 

Hayley Osborne  

Hello, my beautiful friends, and welcome back to another episode of The Hayley Osborne show. This is episode 134 and this is a very exciting episode, because as this episode airs, doors are open today to my magnetic marketing formula, which I’m so excited about. This is a course that I have built, that I’ve never built anything like this inside of my business, and I’m really excited, because it’s such it’s the thing that I have found a lot of business owners have definitely needed inside their businesses. And so over the years I’ve been in business, I have recognized there are certain parts and pieces of the gaps, I guess, that exist in business owners, knowledge and marketing.

And so I’ve tried to fill those gaps in this formula that I’ve put together, which I think is pretty awesome, so within the magnetic marketing formula. So today doors are open, you will learn the key elements to create a digital marketing system that effortlessly attracts your ideal clients and builds your business towards sustainable success while feeling really aligned with your values. It’s pretty much the marketing superpower that your business needs to build your marketing foundation.

So that means messaging brand website properly, okay, in a way that’s really aligned, and then making sure that the rest of your digital footprint is also aligned with that. So socials, marketing funnels, email marketing, we will build them all and make sure that they are super optimized. So messaging, optimize brand, optimize website, optimize socials, marketing funnels, email marketing or optimize and you know exactly what you’re doing.

So then once that’s done, we’ll wrap it into a digital marketing plan so that you actually have a plan. And I know that sounds amazing, because it sounds amazing to me to have everything sorted and figured out, especially as we go into a new year, exactly how you are going to activate your business when it comes to driving results and sustainable success, okay, and also feeling really aligned with how you’re doing it. 

And so if you’ve kind of felt like you have been throwing spaghetti at the wall when it comes to the way that you are bringing people into your business, the way that your marketing is, is it out of whack? Is it kind of misaligned from one month to the next, this is something that will really help you in your business. 

And you know, it’s not only going to set the stage for attracting the people that you want to attract inside your business, but it will also make sure that you know you will attract your ideal client through being authentic and aligned Okay, with your business’s purpose, your vision and your mission and why you started in the first place. And so you’ll be able to have the clarity and confidence to build a brand that resonates and magnetically draws in clients who truly fit with your business. And so I’m pretty excited about this, guys. This is an eight-week program. Doors open today. So if you’re listening to this, today is the fifth of November, and doors will be open for just this week.

Okay? So I want you to come along, this is going to be the best thing you’ve done for your business. This, this part of the year to really protect your business into next year, to really understand what it is, what digital marketing pieces are missing from your business, those aha moments, those light bulb moments, and really be able to then cut a. Yourself into the new year with ease and flow. What is also happening and it starts tomorrow.

So go and register tomorrow, meaning the sixth of November. So Wednesday, the sixth of November through to Thursday the seventh and Friday the eighth, for half an hour every day at 11am I am running my marketing makeover challenge. So it is for 30 minutes every day for you to be able to make over your marketing to convert. Okay, so here’s what you need to know about that. Over the three days, you’ll learn what your marketing foundations are, what works and what doesn’t.

Day one, day two, you understand how to align your digital footprint, and I have some freebies as well if you come along live, some bonuses that are pretty cool. So 50 hooks that convert, as well as some call-to-action boosters. So these are a couple of things that you know. The hook is the most important thing people see when you are writing your content, so that is the part that reels them in to want to read more. And I’ve built a beautiful list of hooks that convert.

And then the last day. So day two, like I said, understand how to align your digital footprint. And then the third day, learn how to use AI to optimize your marketing content, and have a lot of fun doing it. So that’s what you need to know. It’ll be, it’ll be 30 minutes every day for three days, so you can make over your marketing to convert.

And what I’ve also done is set up a Facebook group just for this week to hold you accountable and get stuff done. And I’ve got some action things for you to do every day that will keep you accountable, to share inside the group, which I think is really quite valuable. And so I would love to see you come along. You can register on my website, hayleyosborne.com. It’s free. And if you’ve been thinking about it, if you’ve listened to me talk about the magnetic marketing formula.

If you’ve been thinking about joining the eight week program, it would be nice to come along to this challenge to see how I work, and see if you like me, and get a little bit of a taste, but it is for you to build your marketing plan from the ground up and help you get really clear on the magnetic marketing formula that you need as a business to create the biggest growth with the least amount of time and effort.

So it is quite a formula, and when the penny drops, it is such a lovely suite of connectivity through every touch point inside your business. And so, you know, I know this is the missing piece to a lot of business owners, confusion with how they should be marketing and what they should be doing and if everything is set up right. And I say this a lot, but when you’re very close to your business, you can’t see it anymore, and you think, yep, yep, home page on my websites.

Great. But is it optimized? Are you really using the space properly to attract people to your website, keep them there and help them look around so they’re the things that we work on, which I’m really excited about. I’m really passionate about this space. If you can’t tell, if you listen to me all the time, you’ll know. But I’m really glad you’re here today, because today I want to talk about the three pillars of a magnetic marketing strategy.

Okay, so like I was saying, I’m so glad that you are here with me today, because what we’re diving into is the three pillars of a magnetic marketing strategy, but it’s something that’s at the core of what I do and what I teach. So if you’re a service-based entrepreneur, you’re a service-based business, a personal brand, or even just a business owner wanting to stand out and attract your dream clients, then this episode is for you. Now, a little heads up. What we’re covering today is foundational to the way I teach marketing, and it’s really at the heart of my upcoming course. So the course is open today. Doors are open today for you to join.

So if these three pillars resonate with you and you’re looking to take things deeper, I’ll be here to guide you every step of the way. But first I want to break down what these three essential pillars are, and the first one is attraction. So let’s start with attraction. And I don’t mean just catching people’s attention. I’m talking about creating a magnetic force, so to speak, that will draw in your dream clients because they see something.

Working in your business that they resonate with on a deeper level, attraction, in this sense, in terms of marketing and being magnetic is about aligning who you are, like you, with your audience, okay, so who you are with your audience, and that could be you, or who your brand is with, with the audience that you have, and with what your audience needs, and then you’re showcasing it in a way, or you in a way That’s really authentic, that is consistent as well and compelling.

Okay, so as an example in practical terms, let’s talk about your branding, and I don’t mean your logo and your colors, and I’ve spoken about this before as well. I’m talking about the whole experience that people have when they interact with your brand. So think about how you want your audience to feel when they see your content, how do you want them to feel when they read your messages and your captions, or how do you want them to feel when they visit your website? So this is all part of that magnetic appeal.

So this is the feeling that becomes a magnetic part of why people are drawn into your business. And the second part of that is you need clarity on who you’re speaking to. So defining your audience, obviously, is the first part, but understanding what drives them in and what they’re struggling with and meeting them, where they are is important and what they are, what their aspirational goals are, and then take it to the next level. Okay, but you have to start from the ground up, and it’s about saying, I see you, I get you. I’m here for you. I’m here to help you.

So you know your audience only cares about what you can do for them. They don’t care about you. They care about how you can help them. And when your audience feels seen, they’re automatically drawn to you, quite naturally and organically, right? So I hope that makes sense. It’s just such a beautiful, easy way to teach, and I definitely like to teach in a way that gives you lots of examples. I teach in a way that tells you what and tells you how Okay, which I think is really important, because there’s nothing like being practical.

So I want you to walk away with actionable steps to be able to activate on and implement in your business, because I need you to get results. And when you are winning, I’m winning. That’s how it works. So if you have been listening to this for a while, or you’re on the fence of working with me, just know that when you succeed, I succeed. So it’s in my best interest to help you as much as I possibly can. So that’s the first pillar, really, is attraction. The second one I want to talk about is connection. So it’s where the magic starts to happen.

And once you have attracted these dream clients into your world, you need to connect with them, right? And you need to do it in a way that goes beyond that surface level interactions. And so, you know, it is hard to attract new clients and retain them and keep them or a new audience, retain them and keep them. It’s getting harder and harder. And so with that, and you might have seen engagement go down over the last couple of weeks on your social media.

That’s across the board. That’s happening across the board. So if you’re not learning how to do this, well, you will get left behind. And I often say that marketing isn’t about talking to people, it’s about talking with your audience and building relationships. And you know, instead of talking to them, you’re talking with them, and you’re building relationships along the way. So it’s about you understanding where they’re at and meeting them where they are through your marketing and through your messaging and how you show up.

So it is important, and this is where you share your stories, that as well as your you know, your experiences, and those beautiful conversations that I know, that you’re having that allow your audience to feel like they really know you. And so I think that my marketing is definitely that, you know, I really, I have pillars inside of my business, content pillars. So right now we’re talking about marketing pillars in terms of your strategy, marketing pillars.

But if you break it down to the next level, my content pillars, I have them all sorted, so that way I know what I’m prepared to share. I Am on my end that I know will get people to know and trust me. So if you don’t have those figured out, this marketing formula is definitely something that I think that would help you become more magnetic. And so that’s what it really is all about. And so we’re talking about connection, and it does require you to be consistent.

It does require you to have a presence that is seen and heard by your audience, which means that you do have to be consistent. And so that’s why you need to break it down further from your marketing strategy every day. So what does your content strategy look like? And we talk about this in the magnetic marketing formula. And so it doesn’t mean it doesn’t mean that you need to post every single day on your social media, but it does mean showing up consistently in spaces where your audience hangs out, all right? So it could be through email, it could be through socials, that’s fine.

It could be through reading your blog, okay, visiting your website. Or it could even be at events. So if you’re more of an in-person thing, if you’re more of an in-person thing, if your thing is more in person events, then that’s definitely for you, but being there where they are, it intentionally builds familiarity, all right, and that consistency builds trust. So to deepen the connection, think about engagement. So how are you then inviting your audience to interact with you? Are you asking questions? Are you sharing polls? Are you responding to their comments? It’s a two-way conversation, right?

So think about the way that you handle your marketing in a digital sense, should be how you handle yourself when you step into a physical room full of people at a networking event. If you’re getting comments, respond to them, and that takes practice, right? It’s a two-way conversation, but it helps your audience feel valued and understood. So it’s really essential for building a loyal following. And if you don’t have that part, right, okay, that connection, then that’s something that we can work on together through the magnetic marketing formula. And like I said, if you’re skipped halfway to this point, doors are open today.

The third pillar of a magnetic marketing strategy, let’s just get straight to it, is conversion. Okay, so finally, let’s talk about conversion. It’s the pillar where all the relationship building leads to action. And let me just say conversion doesn’t have to feel salesy or forced, okay, because that’s icky and yucky. But when the first two pillars so attraction and connection are done right, the conversion becomes a natural next step. So it’s about creating a clear path for your audience to take action. And this could be as simple as signing up for your newsletter, booking a consultation, or, you know, purchasing a product or service, but it has to feel like the right choice for them, not just something that you’re pushing and, you know, and if you have a magnetic marketing strategy, then you should be using value driven content, okay? And that’s to guide your clients through their decision-making process.

And it should be easy, but it’s your job to educate them. It’s your job to inspire them. It’s your job to give them a taste of what’s possible with you by their side, and when your audience sees the transformation that’s possible for them, then taking action doesn’t feel so hard. In fact, it feels quite the opposite. It feels very empowering rather than feeling pressured.

So each of these pillars, each of these three pillars, work together to create a strategy that’s more about drawing people in rather than chasing them. And if you’re thinking, yes, I want to create that kind of magnetism for my brand, then the magnetic marketing formula, my course, is where we’re diving even deeper into each of these pillars. And this is the place where I’ll guide you to create a business that not only attracts but also connects and converts in a way that feels really natural and in a way that feels really aligned with who you are and with that, guys, that’s the end of today. I want to encourage you to come along.

We start tomorrow with my makeover marketing challenge. It’s my three-day challenge to celebrate doors opening to the magnetic marketing formula, and it’s 30 minutes short and sharp. I really get straight to the point. I have done this a long time, so I have narrowed in exactly what I want you to learn, to create some action points for you over the three days and. It will give you a taste of how I work. And also the point is, to be able to then go deeper in the magnetic marketing formula after that. And so I would love to see you there.

Without further ado, I’m going to wrap it up. Thank you for letting me be in your ears today, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow in the marketing makeover challenge, and I’ll catch you then. Bye. I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe, so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday, and while you’re there, leave me a review. 

I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me @hayleykosborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can get learning too. Sharing is caring. If you want more, head over to https://hayleyosborne.com/category/podcast/ for today’s show notes and links, catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne Show.

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