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EPISODE 126 | The secret to scaling your business is in your pocket

September 10, 2024

Are you ready to scale your business from your pocket?

In this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show I’m sharing some truly awesome tips with you on exactly how you can do this and what you should be using and integrating into your world right now to make doing business super easy.

Because when it’s easy we make more time for ourselves to grow our business, work on our business OR have free time to do amazing fun things which help to invigorate new and exciting ideas.

What’s in your pocket is valuable and I can’t wait to share this episode with you! Hang on to your seats my friends because this is a wonderful episode.

While you’re here, I have a new key marketing tool for you over on my website which you can access here: www.hayleyosborne.com titled: 3 essential posts your biz needs to get more people through the door – with templates & swipe copy!

This is a must for you to implement into your business to optimise your social media and make the most of the platforms.

0:00:01 Introduction to the Hayley Osborne Show and its purpose 

0:01:30 The secret to scaling your business is in your pocket 

0:03:00 Leveraging cloud-based apps for business efficiency 

0:05:30 Cross-platform content creation and sharing 

0:07:57 Utilizing utilities and well-being apps for business growth 

0:09:30 Creating before consuming: The power of content creation 

0:11:00 Equipment and tools for business success 

0:12:00 Encouraging listeners to engage and share 

Hayley Osborne
Hello and welcome to another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.

I am glad that you are here. And today I wanted to talk about something very practical and very much loved by everybody, and that is the biggest way to grow your business is in your pocket. Now I’m sure that you know what I’m saying when I say that it is in your pocket, it is in your handbag. It is in your hand. It is by your bed when you go to sleep, it is on your coffee table, and that is obviously your phone.

And what I want to say is there’s no work-related task that is impossible to handle using a cloud enabled smartphone. Okay, so most phones have cloud-based apps which links to your computer, which links to your online you know, logins and subscriptions to all the things and so you can grow your business from your pocket, very, very easily.

And so, when I say cloud enabled, if you’re like, I don’t know what you mean, Hayley, what I mean by that is things like, so for me, I have the Google Drive app on my phone, as well as obviously, Google Drive linked to my files.

I have the Dropbox app on my phone, which is linked to the files on my computer, and so it’s all cloud based, and it’s all linked. So, if I need to access something when I’m on the flight, I can do it so fast while I’m on my phone.

And this has been such a game changer for me, specifically because I have young children, and it just makes it really easy to continue to do business and in a really efficient and time effective way.

And so that’s what I want to kind of share with you today, because if you’re not using your phone to your biggest advantage, I feel as though you’d be wasting so much time and energy sitting on your desktop, whether that’s a laptop or a bigger computer, whatever.

But when everything is interconnected, it is by far so much easier in terms of ease of transaction of you doing things than when it is not. So, if you don’t have the Google Drive app or the Dropbox app on your phone, I highly recommend that you put it on there, because it has made my life so much easier, and I know that it can make your life so much easier as well.

And then if we start to look at other things too. So, team management is a big one, and I have, I use Slack to manage my team and things that happen in and around that, and I have the app on my computer so it doesn’t go through Google, and it’s so much better because it just sits there.

And I also have the app on my phone, and so if excuse me, by any chance, I am not working that day, but my team has access to my phone to communicate with them through slack. Because one thing that I’m really proud of is I don’t have emails on my phone.

And if you haven’t done this yet, and you do have small children, I highly recommend that you take emails off your phone, because even if you don’t, you can be so much more in the moment with things. And I don’t have any notifications on my phone that come through at all. So, no social media notifications are on.

The only thing I do have, if you need me, you have to call me, or you can text me. And I use Voxer for my private clients. And so, they’re like the three, really, and WhatsApp actually. Excuse me, they’re the three, four, like dynamic. Like apps, I would say that are leaving me like accessible but otherwise I have to physically open up things to go in and see what is happening.

And I really like it that way, because I’m in control. And so, emails are off, so my team can’t access me over email. Day to day, they can email me if they want to, but if they want an instant response, then slack is the way to go.

And I’ve just found it to be so beneficial. Another thing is Asana, and so I have the app on my phone as well as on my desktop, and that’s a really great way for project management. And you can see where you’re at or your team is at with different projects and the status, and it’s just a great way to stay updated. And so having that on your phone just makes the ease of transaction so much quicker.

And honestly, these few things have cut out so many emails because, you know, nobody likes a full inbox. And you know, I don’t want to have 100 emails sitting in there from my team when I come into work for the little time that I have.

And so, this is a way that has made me so much more dynamic and also given me time back to be able to work on the things that matter when I am in my office. And this, these things that matter are ways to be able to grow my business, right?

And so therefore it’s in my pocket. And then, you know, using a smartphone, you’ve got, like, amazing cross platform connectivity, and this means that almost any link or any piece of digital content can be easily shared through multiple platforms from your pocket, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, you name it, and you know it also then allows you to create content directly on your mobile.

So that means using your camera roll as well, as you know, photo albums, and you can link them straight into apps, like in shot, cap, cut, Canva and more, and you can do it from your phone.

Yes, you know, in most cases, you will have more functionality on the desktop, but it doesn’t matter, because Done is better than perfect, and you can, if you can make sure that you get it done, then it is so much better than procrastinating and not doing it at all.

And if you have a strategy around getting it done and you get it done, then that’s better than perfect, and then you are more consistent, and then you are top of mind to your ideal audience. When they want what you have to offer, you are there.

And so that is the beauty of it. And you know, once you’ve finished working on projects, on your phone or on the desktop, whatever, because it’s all integrated, right? It’s one login. You can easily export them and upload them to your social media platforms, either from your phone or from your desktop, which is something that I love.

Another thing, obviously, that will help you to grow your business in your pocket is utilities. So, I have a little folder on my phone called utilities, and this is where I can do the banking from my phone. I can reconcile my Xero from my phone, which I love. Can’t do everything, but I can do enough to have it still ticking along and being instant.

And then, you know, another folder I have for my phone, which is so integrated and lovely, is well being. And so, there’s apps that I use to hold me accountable when I go for my runs. And, you know, stay fit and healthy. And I think that that’s really important in keeping a fresh, positive mind and releasing great endorphins.

And so, the well-being part does fit in to being able to grow your business in your pocket, because without that, the other one just doesn’t exist.

And so there’s so many different things that you can have that are now integrated, that are cloud based, that will help you to be able to scale your business in your pocket, and it’s it feels so much better when you can create before you consume, especially if we start talking about content, and there’s no excuse for you not doing that, especially if you’ve got assets in your Dropbox or your Google Drive, which then can be saved to your phone from your phone into your cam camera roll, and then can be uploaded into places like Capcut in shot Canva, if you need to re add or do anything, you can do it all from your phone.

And so that is the beauty of having such an integrated smart. Phone, and we all have them, love it or hate it, I think it’s such a beautiful way to continue to grow your business in your pocket and scale your business.

So if you haven’t given it a try, if you want to find out a little bit more about the things that I use inside my business, I have a free download called the equipment I use for my business. It’s very, very specific and easy to find. It’s on the homepage of my website.

This gets a lot of downloads, actually, and it’s got all the things that I use in my business, including the microphone that I’m talking on now to record this podcast, as well as the ring light that is facing me, because I’m also recording the visual, so this will go on my YouTube channel. It’s got in there, what light boxes I use, what tripod I have, you name it, everything.

And you know, I think with it, when it comes to equipment, it’s the same as the, you know, cloud enabled parts and pieces on your phone. You don’t know that you need it until you’ve got it, and it starts to make your life so much easier. So, head over and download that. It’s such a great guide.

And otherwise, if you have any more questions around how to scale and grow your business from your pocket, I would love to chat with you. That is all my friends for today, have the best rest of the day, and I will see you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.

I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe, so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday, and while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it.

Also, don’t forget to tag me @hayleykosborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can get learning too.

Sharing is caring. If you want more, head over to https://hayleyosborne.com/category/podcast/ for today’s show notes and links, catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.

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