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EPISODE 121 | 10 posts your business needs to have more people walk through your door

August 6, 2024

So you’re not converting your audience from your social media onto your database like you should be? I’ve got you covered.

In this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show I’m sharing with you the 10 posts your business needs to have more people walk through your door and why your business must have these posts across your social media. It’s one thing “always posting” and another thing to be creating social media content with a strategy.

I know it’s a full-on job creating content so you want to make it worth your while as a business owner and not waste the precious time you have.

The best thing you can do is to create a strategy across your social media, because if you don’t, you’ll inevitably end up throwing spaghetti at the wall and getting nowhere.

Start by listening to this episode and if that perks in your ears, then a social media strategy is the next step for you.

Learn more about how this can help your business here: https://hayleyosborne.com/social-media-strategy/ While you’re here, I have this podcast episode wrapped up into a key marketing tool for you over on my website which you can access here: www.hayleyosborne.com 10 posts your business needs to have more people walk through your door.

If you loved this episode, this is a must for you to implement into your business to optimise your social media and make the most of the platforms.


0:00:01 – Introduction and overview of the episode’s purpose

0:01:30 – Importance of social media marketing and having a strong strategy

0:03:00 – First post: “How to Work with Me”

0:05:00 – Second post: Founder profile

0:06:30 – Third post: Origin story and mission

0:07:32 – Fourth post: “Work with Me for Free” offer

0:10:00 – Fifth post: Introductory video

0:11:00 – Sixth post: Client testimonials and success stories

0:11:30 – Seventh post: Behind-the-scenes content

0:12:30 – Eighth post: Industry news and thought leadership

0:13:30 – Ninth post: Showcasing expertise and “zone of genius”

0:14:30 – Tenth post: Expert interviews

0:15:30 – Recap of the 10 essential posts and call-to-action for the free download

Hayley Osborne 

Hello, and welcome to another episode of The Hayley Osborne show, I am glad you are here. And you’re gonna want to listen to this episode. Because these are the things you need to know in order to optimize your business, where it matters most in your marketing. 

And a big part of that marketing should be on social media, because that has the biggest impact right? alone on Instagram, there are 2 billion monthly active users. And so I encourage you, if you are not capitalizing on this, then I suggest that you put together a great strategy, which will partly include what I’m going to take you through today. 

So what I want to take you through today in this episode is 10 posts, your business needs to have more people walk through your door. This is really important. And this is something that I teach the businesses that are that one on one coaching and I teach inside my membership as well. Because, you know, you don’t want to be creating all this noise inside your business. 

But your foundations, they’re not set up properly. And so this is part of that. And I want to take you through that right now I’m sitting in my office, as this podcast episode comes out where I’m planning right now to have my baby. 

And so that is what I am sitting here batching doing creating some awesome things for you to keep learning and upskilling as that gets closer and eventual eighths. And so I’ve been wanting to share this episode for a while. And the reason that I haven’t shared it yet is because I’ve also to coincide with this podcast episode, I have a new download for you. 

And I think it will tie in beautifully. And so because this is episode is the 10 posts, your business needs to have more people walk through your door, I’m telling you what you need to put on your social media in your in your marketing, which is LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, you know, if you use Twitter to talk, whatever, this is what you need to be posting. 

But also it’s like I’m telling you what, but I’m not telling you how, okay, because it’s a little bit hard to be able to do that in audio, or even if you’re looking at this visually. And so the show is a free download of the work that I’ve worked on, because I think that will help you even more. 

And it’s the three essential posts, your business needs to get more people through the door with templates and swipe copy for you to activate straight away. So that is a free download that’s sitting there waiting for you on my website right now, the three essential posts, your business needs to get more people through the door with templates and swipe copy attached to make it really easy for you to get started. So you’ve got my templates, and the words ready to go for you. 

And so what I want to talk about today is 10 of them that you need to have on your profiles, and then three of them through the download, you can get started straight away and use my tools. So that’s why this has come out at a really great time. So without further ado, let’s just get into it. 

The first one that I never say that I need to see more of across your social media is how to work with me, right because we’re not here for a haircut. And so you need to tell people how to work with you. So you need a post pinned to the top of your Facebook and the top of your Instagram and also going out on LinkedIn how to work with you it should showcase a series of tiles. 

So you know 10 Or so tiles like a carousel post of all the different ways that people can work with you because these are your social Media platforms, your account pages, not your feed. That’s you know what, what people see the content come through in, but the pages, you need to treat like a macro website. 

And so they need to showcase the best of you in such a short space of time. So this is how you get started. So how to work with me, a lot of people don’t have this and it’s something that I find to be really important. 

So you need to show your products or your services in one post, and you have to have a clear heading on top of this post, how to work with me, I read this way. Okay, so you for me to work with me, you can join my membership superhero marketing, you can go and request, inquire, to have me create a social media strategy for you. 

I can help you with your marketing strategy and build that for you. I work with obviously my one on one coaching clients is another way to work with me, I also have VIP days is another way to work with me, 

I have a short course called superhero storytelling, that is another way to work with me. And so I showcase all of these on my social media, because you need to tell people what you want them to do with the next thing once they hit your profile, click through download this, this is launching, here’s how you can work with me. 

Super easy. So make sure you have a post that actually says how to work with me and list it out. And then whatever you listen to creatively, you also pop in the captions because different people respond to different ways of advertising and marketing. 

Okay, so you need to make sure that you tailor to everybody’s needs. The second post that you must have to get more people through your door isn’t about me. So this is like your founder profile. Okay, everyone wants to know who the person is behind the business. 

Even if you’re not the face of the business, it’s nice to know that humans buy from humans, okay, so the more human your brand is, and the more human you brand it meaning your social media, the more relatable that your business will be. Okay, so you need to have your founder profile there about you, what makes you tick, why you started your business, how long you’ve been in business? If you have a family like you, what is it about you that you want people to know? And get to love? 

Okay, that is number two. Number three, is your origin story, as well as your mission. All right, so how did you get started? What’s your backstory? What does that look like? What is your mission in having the business that you do? 

Okay, and don’t forget, people are nosy, more and more. We’re so nosy as consumers that we want to know the ins and outs of people’s businesses and lives and all the things and so that’s all very well and good. If you’re sitting here and you’re saying, Yeah, but Haley, I’m not prepared to bare my soul. 

Well, guess what, neither do I. So I don’t share my children on my social media at all. And that’s on purpose. That’s with a strategy because I don’t need to, they’re not my porn. That’s not what got me to where I am. 

And, you know, I just, it doesn’t fit. And so they don’t get a look in, even though they take up a big part of my life. But I have a strategy that enables me to share heaps of other things. And so I work towards that. And so it kind of takes part in my origin story. 

But it doesn’t, it’s not like anywhere in my mission or anything like that. And so I think people want to know a little bit more about you, because we’re noisy. So that’s number

 three, your origin story, as well as your mission number four, is so good, how to work with me for free. Okay, because 99% of people firstly are going to Google you before they pick up the phone around, they’re going to find your website, hopefully, and that is the suit and tie version of your business.

They are going to find it over on your social media, which is the shorts and T shirt version of your business. And if they come in around the other way, so they come in through your social media, people are going to want your free content before they actually purchase from you. 

So you need to have some ways listed, so that your audience can work with you for free. And you might be saying well, what is that Hayley? Well, for me, I’ve got lots of different free downloads that you can access to get your journey started in marketing your own business because you know, not everyone wants to work with big companies to help them market A business, I think it’s important as a business owner to be able to do it yourself and understand how it works before you can outsource anything. 

And so there’s lots of downloads to help you do that for me. So what does that look like for you? And then again, like I said, at the beginning, I’ve got a freebie, which is linked beautifully to this podcast episode, it’s the three essential posts, your business needs to get more people through the door with templates and swipe coffee, copy coffee, maybe I need a coffee for you to activate on straight away. 

And so it’s that is the how, okay, so I’m telling you why you need these things. And this is the gift from me to you on how to do them. Alright, because that is what is like a bit of a roadblock that makes people stumble a lot of the time. So go ahead and download that. 

Listen to this as well, at the same time. The fifth one is, I know, you’re going to be like, Oh, Haley, the fifth thing that your business needs to have more people walk through the door, in terms of a social media post is a video of you introducing yourself in your own words, alright, which a lot of you are like, Oh, no video. 

But there’s data there that says that video has a 33% higher return on investment than any other medium. Okay. And I think partly because it gives us a story of the real you. But also because you know, consumers are lazy. And we don’t actually have to do anything when we’re watching a video. 

It just, it just plays, we don’t have to scroll, we just like to absorb and listen. And that is the reason why I think that you know, a video of you introducing yourself will work really well. And showcase your personality which people want to see before they even spend any money with you. So just think no one’s gonna give you their money. 

If you cannot clearly articulate these things across not only your website, but your social media. So these are the posts that I see often that businesses don’t have, that they need in order to help get more people through the door. 

Okay, the sixth one is obviously showcasing your client wins. Because when you can see people’s success stories and testimonials, nothing screams You’re amazing, like somebody else saying it. Okay, so that’s a massive, massive one. The number seven is a behind the scenes post. 

So what happens in a day in the life of you, what happens behind the scenes in your business? Are you able to create a short little video of the behind the scenes, so something that will be will is on my website now is in superhero marketing, there’s a little behind the scenes video of what the back end of the membership looks like, because you’re not going to invest in something when you don’t know what it looks like. 

So a behind the scenes post is really important, if not one of the most simple I mean, all of these are really important. And so get on to building these straight away if you don’t have some of these integrated into your marketing across your social media posts. Number eight is an industry news post. Okay, so this shows you’re credible. 

So if you don’t have any credible media at the moment, get onto that straightaway, and start pitching yourself to be in publications. I think that is a surefire way to launch your credibility on a local, national and even international level. And it’s not hard, especially when we have all the tech tools at our fingertips. If you don’t know what to say. 

That’s something I teach inside the membership. And so watch out or come to a free masterclass of mine. And you will learn when doors open the wait list is actually open at the moment for you to add your name on because I think it’s important for you to leverage international opportunities from your computer. 

Number nine is to demonstrate your thought leadership. So continue to showcase your zone of genius. Any way that you can showcase why you do what you do and why you’re good at what you do. Really, really important because at the end of the day, people want to buy from credible sources. And so the more that you showcase this, the better. 

So make sure you have that appearing as a post in your social media, which will help to get more people through the door. And number 10 is beautiful interviews with experts in and around your industry. 

Now, this is easier for me because I do have a podcast and I do have interviews with experts in the podcast. I do have guest experts who have come inside the membership to teach my members how to do different things that aren’t my zone of genius. And these things are, especially on the podcast, obviously, it’s free to consume. But if you can do interviews with experts, it showcases, you are great at collaborating and cross pollinating your audiences. 

And it also shows that you have a lovely Zona genius, especially in conversing with other people. And it gets people understanding how you work with other people. So if people have been thinking about working with you, this is a really beautiful way to see how you interact with others. If you don’t have a podcast, I suggest going live and bringing people in to interview live. 

Or you can interview them over video, and then upload that onto your social media. You don’t necessarily have to have a podcast, you can get on the Zoom chat, use that as your social media post. There are so many ways and I’ve got so many ideas, but then we’re top 10. And so they’re the 10 posts, your business needs to have more people walk through the door. 

If that excites you go and download my freebie. It’s the three essential posts, your business needs to get more people through the door with templates and swipe copy for you to get started on this straightaway. All of the show notes will be on my website. 

And as you know, I hope to have you in my world soon. If you want to hear from me every week, you can sign up to my email list too. There’s so much goodness that happens every week. But download that freebie because it will help you and it will help you get started straight away. I hope you have the best rest of the day. 

And I will see you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show. I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday. 

And while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me @hayleykosborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can get learning to sharing is caring. 

If you want more head over to https://hayleyosborne.com/category/podcast/ for today’s show notes and links catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.

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