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EPISODE 119 | Understanding your brands archetypes to attract more clients

July 23, 2024

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In this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show I’m sharing how understanding your brand’s archetypes is a great way to attract more clients into your world.

I explain what archetypes are, and how they’re based on human experiences, our emotions and helping your business communicate its values, mission, and personality in a way that will help you to resonate deeply with your target audience.

The concept of brand archetypes was popularised by famous psychologist Carl Jung’s theory of archetypes, it goes way back which is why I love it so much.

This concept identifies patterns and symbols that recur in stories, myths, and cultures.

This is an excellent foundational marketing episode you cannot miss.


0:00:01 – Introduction to the Hayley Osborne show and the importance of content creation

0:04:30 – Explanation of brand archetypes and their importance in building a successful brand

0:09:40 – Overview of the 12 primary brand archetypes

0:12:00 – Deeper dive into the Explorer archetype and how it relates to brands like Red Bull and Richard Branson

0:17:21 – Exploration of the Lover archetype and how it relates to brands like Victoria’s Secret and Marilyn Monroe

0:22:00 – Importance of understanding your brand’s archetypes to stand out in a crowded market and attract your ideal clients

0:24:00 – Conclusion and call to action for listeners to reach out to Hayley Osborne for further assistance

Hayley Osborne

Hello, my beautiful friend. And welcome back to another episode of The Hayley Osborne show. I am so glad that you are here. I’m just you know, I’ve got all my tech setup, which is cool.

So, if you don’t already know, this episode is a recorded video as well. So, it is going to be uploaded to my YouTube channel. So, if you find that, you know, you don’t love the audio, then you always have the video to look out on YouTube.

And I’ve also just turned my phone on to just capture some more kind of B roll content and things like that. So, you know it kind of before we get started into today’s episode, I’m just kind of painting this picture for you.

Because you can do this too, because you need to think of everything as content, right? And you have, I always try to have that mentality. And even though right now, in setting up my phone recording, for example, I don’t actually know what I’m going to use it for yet. However, it’s going to be there for me to be able to use and just get however I want to in the future.

So, today’s episode is episode 119. I cannot believe I say that every time. But you know, the more I run this podcast, the more I love it and lean into it. And the easier it actually has become to produce episodes because, you know, it has helped me really lean into my zone of genius. 

And I genuinely love what I do. I genuinely love giving you tips and tricks and motivating you to show up in your business as the best marketer, the best business that is consistent, and the best business that is always working on up leveling and upskilling.

 And so, I love this podcast. And you know, for those of you that are wanting to start a podcast, this is something that I teach my one-on-one clients as well as there’s some awesome PDFs inside my membership that will teach you how to start, launch and maintain a podcast. 

And honestly, this podcast has opened up so many doors for me and it’s given me the authority that I needed to cement me as a thought leader in this industry of marketing, especially in Australia, so I absolutely love it. 

Anyway, what I wanted to talk to you today about is understanding your brand’s archetypes to attract more clients. And if you haven’t done any work on archetypes, it’s such an old school way of building brands and you see invertedly some of the biggest brands in the world use this and I used this many years ago when I was working on the Jack Daniels brand. 

So that is my corporate experience. So, for those of you that don’t know, I worked in the marketing team for a company called Brown Forman and they own Jack Daniels, Sham board Finlandia vodka. l humidor tequila Herradura like so many alcohol brands, and I got to work on all of them.

As a part of the brand team, I started off the Instagram pages for Australia for a lot of those brands. Because this was the year that Instagram started. I started just before. Okay, so that was 2009. It seems crazy. 

And so, if you’re looking for some knowledge gaps and whether I’m good at what I do or not, I’ve been doing this and sitting part of like big, big teams for a really long time back in my corporate days. 

And so, I’ve been immersed in this industry for years, and right when it first started so I do know a fair bit about marketing and brand development and so I’m working on some of the biggest brands in the world. And that’s kind of where the foundations of my knowledge started. I also have a marketing degree for those of you that care. 

But you know, it’s years of knowledge and experience in my IP that have been able to allow me now to step into this person. So recently, you would have seen me on crutches, Business Builders, you would have seen me in Smart Company, you would have seen me unbalanced the grind, I’ve had a lot of media articles recently. 

And that’s all like the accumulation of years and years of hard work. So, I’m really proud to say that I’m also really proud to be doing this right now, at nine months pregnant. So, it is nine months, I’m like 37 weeks today. 

So, in a couple of weeks’ time I’ll be having a baby, my third baby, which is super exciting. And I still get to run this business, and there’s things in place, ready to go. And I’ve bathed a lot. So, I’m pretty certain and feel really comfortable going into this, the business will still keep running, which is super cool. 

So, if you wondered how I’ve done it, just reach out to me on Instagram, I hang out there the most. That’s not going to stop just because I have a baby. And yeah, it’s just like a beautiful, well-oiled machine anyway. So, let’s peel it back a couple of layers, what are brand archetypes you’re probably wondering now, are they very similar, or coexist and run parallel with your avatar. 

So, you would have heard that word more than brand archetypes. And what brand archetypes are, is a universally recognizable persona, or a character really. And this works beautifully with superhero marketing, because that’s kind of the character that I’m building. So, you would have seen my little superhero girl in and around the place if you’ve been following me for a while. 

And a lot of big brands use the archetype model to be able to create more relatable and engaging identities inside their brands. So, we used it for Jack Daniels gentleman Jack, that family of brands, we used it for their two killers, I’ve used it for a lot of other brands that I’ve worked with. And they’re really based on common human experiences and emotions. 

So, it helps brand archetypes help brands to communicate their values, their mission. So, I say brands, it will help your small business to create values, your mission, your personality, and in a way also help you to be able to tailor your messaging to resonate really deeply with who you want to target in terms of your audience, who you want to attract into your world who you want to build that know like trust with. 

So that way the trust factor is the thing that people buy from, right? When they know, like and trust you, they buy from you. Okay, so how are you going to attract these people, this is how you do it. And you know, this is deep work. So, if you haven’t had a moment in a while to be able to take time out of working in your business to work on your business, I would suggest that you give yourself a day to work on your business. 

Because if you don’t do that, from time to time, you’ll always get what you’ve always had. Okay, so we grow and evolve as we educate and upskill ourselves as business owners. And if you don’t take some time to work out what that looks like in your business. So, your forward-facing brand, so your website, your socials, your messaging, how you’re showing up.

And if you don’t align that with how you are evolving as a business owner, the two are going to drift very far apart. And so basically brand archetypes was something that has been popularized by psychologist Carl Jung, and in his theory of archetypes, which really goes back to identifying those patterns, symbols that recur in stories and myths and cultures. 

Okay, so there’s 12 primary brand archetypes. And if you are listening to this, and you are part of a bigger corporate team, I actually do VIP days as well where we can go through this and really night out what that looks like. 

And so, the 12 are if you want me to read them out to you, it’s super cool. So, the 12 are the I mean, you’re not going to retain this and that’s why there’s a transcript on my website if you do want to go and have a look from today’s podcast episode, but there’s 12 Sorry, there’s the innocent. 

There’s the Explorer, the sage that hero, the Outlaw, the magician, the regular guy, Gow the lover, the jester, the caregiver, the creator and the ruler. 

Okay, so they’re the 12 brand archetypes. And so, I teach some of this in what I do as well, I would love to help you with this. If it’s something that has kind of sparked your attention. Oh, no, my alarm is going off, hold on. 

Okay, that’s the alarm to remind me to take my baby vitamins. Because you know, when you run a business where it’s all happening, and you’re doing all the things, you drop balls. And so, you have to have mechanisms in place where you can remind yourself to do things. 

And so that’s one of them anyway, so I work I do VIP days for even if you are a small business, and you think you just want to smash it out and have that trajectory really, really fast. That’s something that I can help you with in a day, we can map out your whole strategy in a day. 

And so anyway, if we go back to the archetypes, it’s quite a strategic way of building your brand. And your business will be quite successful. Because this is a little bit of work. But it definitely pays off in terms of creating a really solid foundation for your business, to master your personality, your business persona, your messaging and everything to springboard off and optimize that throughout your business. 

So, if you’ve ever worked with a copywriter, they might do some of this work with you as well. But it’s more around branding and marketing work. And so, if we take one small, one archetype out of that, and if we kind of move through what that looks like, on that brand’s journey, there’s a few here, so I’ve got some really cool examples.

 So, if you think of, say the Outlaw, archetype, right? You might think of the brand Harley Davidson. If you think of the lover archetype, it might be a good example of that is Victoria’s Secret. If you think of the Explorer archetype, a good example of a well-known brand is Red Bull. 

Okay, if you think of the first one that I mentioned, which was the innocent, that’s a one of the 12 archetypes, you might think of the brand dove. Okay, so if we then take the Explorer archetype, and we look at the brand Red Bull, if we’re going further, and we think, okay, what is the personality behind that brand? 

Who that, you know, that is well known in terms of personality that would fit that explorer archetype. For me, I would say Richard Branson, okay, so he’s definitely the Explorer, kind of Red Bull archetype. Okay. So, if you think about that, in terms of his mantras, and what the Explorer kind of lives by, you would come up with the words Don’t fence me in.

 All right. And when you think about that further, you think, yeah, that really is Red Bull. Don’t fence me in. Right? I’m an explorer, that really is Richard Branson, don’t fence me in, I’m an explorer. Okay, so then you’ve got their personality, you’ve put a person behind the brand. 

So, it goes the same with marketing avatar, your avatar, right? When I go through that with my private clients, I want to know their name, I want to know their age. I want to know: Are they single, married, when is their life in a day, okay? 

Because then when you establish this, you end up creating a beautiful message to talk to your audience. That in no way shape or form fences people in, but gives, I guess, you a really good kind of grounding, and detailed profile of your ideal customer. 

But it doesn’t make assumptions or categorize this person into groups. It focuses on one person and outlines everything about them. And it helps you to tell your brand story and it doesn’t specifically not mean that you are targeting that one person. However, it’ll help you align your message and take your customers on your brand’s journey. 

So, when you can align your message, you people just come. Okay, your vibe attracts your tribe. But you’ve got to get really clear on what your messaging is, in order to be able to do that and appeal to the masses so to speak. And you might think I’m not talking about niching at all. I’m talking about your messaging and getting that story quiet, down pat. 

So, you keep telling it over and over and over. But you do it in so many different ways that appeals and gets on different people’s levels. So, when you try to appeal to everyone, you actually end up appealing to no one. Okay, and you’ve probably heard that before. And most of the time, I would definitely say that small to medium sized businesses are the ones that benefit most from having their own customer avatar and doing work like this brand archetypes sort of work. 

So, if we then move a little bit further down the track of, you know, we’ve looked at what kind of brands and explore might be Red Bull, we’ve looked at, what’s their personality, Richard Branson, what do they live by? What are their mantras, the mantra is for that Don’t fence me in? And you’re probably like, oh, yeah, that’s really cool. Haley. 

And then how do they help people? So that’s another question that is quite a good one, when you start looking at the archetypes of your brand. And in this case, the Explorer is differentiating themselves. Okay? They definitely are. 

And if we look back, and we look at another brand, so that’s kind of the emotions that you would go through is, what brand archetype out of the 12 Would your brand fit in? And then you look at what their personality is. And then you look at what mantras do they live by? 

And then you look at how they help people, okay, money can start to build really great storytelling in and around that archetype. So, let’s go back and let’s flip the script on the Explorer and do something more feminine. 

So, if we look at the archetype lover, okay, so the lover archetype, when you think about a brand attached to that you think about, I guess, say Victoria’s Secret, the lover archetype would also fit in if you’ve got a beauty brand, if you’ve got, like skincare, you are hairdresser, like that softer kind of brands that are more catering to like emotion.

So, you could be a counselor, or psychotherapist or psychologist that would kind of fit, you can kind of have one or two as well, so you’d have a hero archetype, and that might be the lover, and then you might have a secondary archetype. 

So, for the lover, maybe the secondary archetype might be caregiver. Okay. And so, if we look at lovers, Victoria’s Secret, and then you look at caregivers, and you might think about the brand Hallmark. All right, and so as a caregiver, so if we go down and have another look at what is the personality behind the lover brand, or sorry, the lover archetype, so we’ve got the brand, we’ve made it Victoria’s Secret, but what’s their personality? 

I would definitely say it’s Marilyn Monroe. Okay, so you see how this is painting, the beautiful picture, and then the personality behind the caregiver, if we say it’s the Hallmark brand, okay, that’s the cards brand. It’s probably something like the caregiver would be someone like Mother Teresa, or something like that. 

And then if we go down and have a look at what do they live by? What are their mantras? Okay, the lover mantra. And what they live by is following your bliss. All right, does that align with Victoria’s Secret? Absolutely. And the caregiver, if we look at Hallmark, if we look at Mother Teresa, and this is like a secondary brand archetype. 

So, I do think you have one hero and you might have to, like, you know, you’ve got your Batman and then you might have two Robins that kind of perk you up a little bit, but the caregiver would be compassionate for your neighbor and yourself. Okay, so it’s kind of like starting to tell such a beautiful story. And then how do they help people? How does the lover help people at Victoria’s Secret? Marilyn Monroe, fine and give love? 

That is how they help people and how does the caregiver help people? Oh, my goodness, no one is going off again. Come on. How does the caregiver help people to care for others, okay. And so, this is like such a beautiful way to develop a little bit more of, you know, a recognizable persona or character to create a more relatable brand, and to be more engaging as you know, how you show up as your business through your marketing and Like I said before, that these archetypes are based on common human experiences, and emotions, okay? 

And it will help your business, if you want to go down this path of doing deeper work to communicate your values, and your mission, as well as personality in a way that is going to connect and resonate deeper with your target audience, because that is the name of the game. And this is such, this work is such cool work to do, because it will be the thing that sets you apart from all your competitors.

Okay, so there’s no way if you’re listening to this podcast, that you’re the only one that does what you do, you know that you’re not, I know that you’re not how many coffee shops are there, there’s room to coexist for everybody. And everyone seems to be doing really well, because they stay in their lane, and they know their strengths.

Okay, so if you are thinking, I don’t actually know that it is unclear to me, this might be a really great way to go deeper into your business, and your brand, and your messaging, and your mission, and your personality and all of that, to be able to attract your ideal clients at a deeper level that stands out in a crowd of much of a muchness, okay, and this kind of goes on with everything that I say in and around, you know, the rise of AI and all of that, everyone’s going to start sounding the same, you don’t want that that is not going to grow your business, the thing that will grow your business is doing this type of deep work.

And so, I hope I’m going to wrap it up there. But I hope that this episode has been useful. And it’s educated you in a way that takes your knowledge to the next level . You know, not being the same as everybody else is starting to think about better ways to do things that will leave you a cut above the rest, because that is what you need to do.

I do know that stats show that it takes something like 22 times for you to appear in someone’s world before they consider you in their repertoire. So, if you don’t have that down, Pat, this might be the type of work that you need to start doing to be able to understand what your brand archetypes are to be able to attract more clients. 

And so, with that, guys, I really thank you for joining me today. And I hope to see you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show. All right, bye. Bye bye for now. I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday. 

And while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me at Haley Kate Osborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can learn to share it. If you want more, head over to Hayley osborne.com.au forward slash podcast for today’s show notes and links to catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.

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