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EPISODE 118 | Improved performance and productivity: How establishing a healthy relationship with food translates with Suzanne Ingleton

July 16, 2024

In this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show I am talking with Suzanne Ingleton on one of my most favourite topics outside of helping you grow your business, health. Suzanne is an expert in eating psychology and hypnotherapy and shares valuable insights into how our relationship with food, exercise and sleep impacts our focus, productivity, and business success.

This episode is worth paying attention to because if you donโ€™t have your health, you most certainly donโ€™t have your business. Health is the new wealth and I encourage you to put yourself first and press play.


00:00 Introduction

00:53 Hayley introduces Suzanne and her expertise in eating psychology and hypnotherapy.

03:29 Suzanne describes her work helping clients overcome fears around food and improve their relationship with food.

04:26 Hayley reiterates Suzanne’s phrase “Health is the new wealth” and asks her to explain further.

05:00 Suzanne discusses common emotional eating triggers for entrepreneurs and provides strategies like creating a “what else” list.

06:33 Hayley asks for more tips on conquering cravings during high pressure periods.

09:46 Suzanne emphasizes the importance of good sleep and shares bedtime routine strategies.

11:08 Hayley asks how to implement self-care with a busy schedule.

13:53 Suzanne recommends rituals like morning exercise and using the “four D’s” method to free up time.

16:35 Hayley asks how hypnotherapy can aid focus and decision making for entrepreneurs.

20:00 Suzanne explains how self-hypnosis works and its benefits for relaxation and performance.

23:38 Hayley wraps up by thanking Suzanne and sharing where listeners can find her.

Hayley Osborne

Are you excited at the thought of growing your business? Welcome to the Hayley Osborne show. This is the place where you’ll learn how to get more high quality leads and sales in your business. My goal with this show is to help you grow your business, be inspired, nail your creativity, get the best out of your marketing, and show up as the most fearless superhero version of yourself. I’ll be teaching you the tailored frameworks and tools I use to unlock my client’s superpowers and turn them into quality leads and inquiries. And I want the same for you. 

I started my first business at the age of 25 and continue to build three successful businesses along the way. Small business owners are the backbone of the economy. And I’m here to demystify marketing, make it easy for you and help you reach more customers. Let’s do it. Have you ever wondered why certain foods and certain amounts of exercise and certain amounts of sleep really help with your focus and your attention and your ability to perform and your productivity levels as a small business owner, because today’s guest is amazing expert Suzanne Ingleton, who is from sa weight loss hypnosis, but she is a hypnotherapist and eating psychology coach specializing in helping women and men conquer their mental battles with food. 

And I wanted to invite her onto the podcast today to talk specifically around, you know, health is really the new wealth for business owners. And this is a term that I have taken from Suzanne because she does use this and how business owners can really understand the psychology of eating, exercising food works in terms of the performance inside their business and how it can help them. So this is something that I am bringing you today with such excitement because you would all know that sport plays a massive part in my life keeping fit plays a massive part in my life. 

And I accredit that partially as well as the way I eat to the level of success that I’m able to have inside my business, especially with a couple of small humans and one on the way. And so I wanted to bring Suzanne onto the podcast today so she can share her zone of genius as a specialist in this area. And, you know, she shares so many tips and tricks, so I know that you will definitely learn something from this podcast episode. And without further ado, let’s get into it. Hello, Suzanne and welcome to the Hayley Osborne show.

Suzanne Ingleton
Hello, Hayley. I’m so excited to be here.

Hayley Osborne

I’m really, really excited to have you on as my guest today, I’ve actually never had anyone like you, as my guest and what you do on the podcast, it is valuable so in your own words, give a little bit of a rundown to my listeners about who you are and what you do.

Suzanne Ingleton

Okay, so my name is Suzanne Angleton, I am known as the weight loss coach, my business is SA weight loss hypnosis. And I do specialize in helping women and men to, to overcome their fear around food, to improve their relationship with food to get off the dieting cycle, to to live their best life, and I actually show them how to eat as a human being, which is very interesting. And people just go wow, this is what we do all the time. 

However, you know, this lifestyle that we live in, particularly for women in business, or you know, I’m one of them, we get into quick and easy and we get into quick fix and we don’t pay attention to what really matters in terms of our health. So you know, I’m really focused and passionate on helping people to live their best life but looking at it from the perspective of health because that’s my highest value. And I have a big story around that. And I don’t want people to fall into the traps that I fell into.

Hayley Osborne

I know that you often say health is the new world for women in business. Yes. I love that. I think you should put a trademark on it because it’s such a good lineup, but if you don’t have your health, you definitely can’t have any wealth. And that’s just fundamentally what it comes down to. So I guess you also do hypnotherapy, right?

Suzanne Ingleton

Correct. Yes. So I’m a Hypnotherapist. I’m an Eating Psychology Coach. I’m a master NLP practitioner. I specialize in women who are going through menopause. So I, you know, I do quite a few things, bring them all together. Yes, you know, under the umbrella of health. Yeah, so

Hayley Osborne

For anyone that doesn’t know, NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. And I like that you do blend them together because I feel like there’s not just one way there is a high a hybrid model is the best because one fix isn’t going to fix everything that happens in our lives. But I wanted to specifically ask you a couple of questions more around small business owners and relationships with food and health and fitness and all that kind of thing. 

Because, you know, everyone that’s listening would know that I try to keep super fit. And the fitness thing is the thing and eating, is the thing that kind of sets me apart to be able to function with true small humans on the way that keeps me thriving, and that I definitely credit to my success and my energy levels in my ability to focus. But in your experience, I want to ask you, what are some of the common emotional eating triggers for entrepreneurs? And how can they begin to address these really effectively? Because when you’re stressed, you eat and I know that you know, I’m not like, not guilty, I do eat sweets.

And if I am stressed, I’ll eat my thing. Like if I’m working ladies popcorn, but can you share some of that with us? And I’m with me, because I’m curious.

Suzanne Ingleton

Sure, so emotional eating, you know, this is something that we are born to do. It’s interesting that so many women that come to see me are very, sometimes ashamed. They just can’t work it out and feel like they’re out of control, because they don’t feel good, and they eat to feel better. But this is part of us as it’s a biological function of a human, to eat to feel better. And it’s set up from back from birth, it’s part of our DNA. And so you know, as a small, crying baby, given the breast or the bottle within nanoseconds, will stop crying. 

Because they get them, they get food, they get love, they get warmth, they get kind words, they get this whole bundle of love, and it makes them feel better. And thank goodness, because if we didn’t like food, if it didn’t make us feel better, we wouldn’t last very long as a human, you know, as a human race. So we need to enjoy food, food does make us feel better. And it actually immediately instigates the parasympathetic nervous system. So food is the fastest thing, there is no medication on this earth that will make us feel calmer, quicker than food, then that is what it’s designed to do. 

However, as we, as we grow up through life and through learned behavior or habitual ways, we learn to eat to self soothe that that’s what we do, without considering because it’s not in our radar that there are other things, food is not what we’re really hungry for all the time. There are other things. So, you know, we’re eating to soothe. As humans, we seek pleasure to avoid pain, food is pleasurable, the pain of overwhelm the pain of something didn’t go right pain of boredom, pain of, you know, feeling sad, angry, fear, hurt, guilt,

Hayley Osborne

all those things that small business owners feel in a day, totally,

Suzanne Ingleton
we’ll go, Okay, we just want to numb out we’ll just eat that that will you know, that will take it away. Or it will be a distraction that will take away this hard problem that I’ve got to do, I’ll just get up, I’ll walk away from my computer, I’ll go to the kitchen, you know, for working from home, I’ll grab a cup of tea or and a biscuit, and I’ll think about it and eat. So you know, these are things that we train ourselves habitually to do. But, you know, when we stop and think, Well, what is the cause? 

And this is the work that I do with neurolinguistics is to work on the root cause of what is driving the behavior? So an emotion drives behavior, but what is driving that emotion? What’s the thing before that? And that’s where we need to look and focus on Okay, do we need to eat the frog first thing in the morning, you know that? That saying, do the worst thing that you can possibly think of in the morning, eat the frog, and then it’s done. Rather than sit on it, you know, halfway all through the day going, oh, I need to do this. I need to do this. But then you just keep distracting yourself with other things. 

So sometimes we just have to look at what we’re doing. Prioritize, eat the frogs. And then and then you know, move through the day because if you’ve done the thing that you don’t want to do, there’s less likely for you to need distraction to feel you know, to feel better for it.

Hayley Osborne

Yeah. And so, yeah, doing the hard task, getting it out of the way quickly, you are less likely to eat crap food.

Suzanne Ingleton

Absolutely, yeah, absolutely. We train ourselves to do that. So it’s a condition programming in our mind that, okay, and you begin to do it mindlessly. So habits are mindless, but it doesn’t mean they’re not changeable. You know, we create these neural pathways in our brain to go this way. But we don’t want to go that way anymore. We want to go that way. So don’t go this way, go that way. So we have to train ourselves to do something differently. 

And what I often work with my clients is to create a What else list? What else can I do, instead of eating because the food is not going to fix my problem? So you know, women in business, perhaps they just need a break? Perhaps they just need to get up from their computer, go outside and get some fresh air? Perhaps they’d need to do something blocky perhaps. Do you have a glass of water? Yeah. Just get outside and go for a walk.

Hayley Osborne

That’s what I do. Yeah.

Suzanne Ingleton
Because, yeah, it’s quick. It’s effective. You get your lungs moving, you get oxygen moving through your body, perhaps it’s just a glass of water that you need instead of food. So you know, it’s a cup of tea, or you put on some music, or you know, go and play with the dog or grab a hug from the kids, whatever it is. Create that list? Because it’s not a need. Yeah,

Hayley Osborne

I love that. Yes. So good strategy, or what else list and you could have that on your desk, just sort of narrow on your whiteboard. Most people have a whiteboard, just to say what else? Okay, what else, though? That is something that I’ve started doing too. And I don’t know, if you recommend this is Oh, look at the time, and I’ll go right, I know that I need some morning tea. By 11am. 

If I’m not finished with this thing, I’m not getting up, but I should finish this thing before then. And then the reward is an apple or, you know, and that kind of will stop you from snacking too much, because that’s not good either. Right? You can’t just snack on healthy foods even all day? Because surely that I don’t know, I’m not the expert here. But

Suzanne Ingleton

I guess

Hayley Osborne

Is that not good? Well, look, and

Suzanne Ingleton

it depends what you’re snacking on, you know, when you’re snacking, and the quality of the food and why you’re snacking. So, you know, my thing around having a healthy brain, because, you know, we’re all about, we’re pretty much all in our heads, we sit at our desk, and everything happens up here and you know, the top half down here, nothing, nothing happens. So we want to look after ourselves from a nutritional point of view. 

And if your brain is distracted, or it doesn’t recognize that it’s had a meal, so if you’re eating while you’re working, your brain doesn’t realize you’ve eaten something. And so it will actually send out messages, more messages that I’m hungry, give me more. And there’ll be a habit that’s attached to that. But even before that, we need to satisfy the needs of the human body, which is having enough protein, healthy carbs, vegetables and healthy fats, like the three things breakfast, lunch and dinner. And in between, you know a busy mind is going to be a hungry mind. 

So you know, you might need to have those healthy snacks as long as they’re the best quality, not the biscuits in the you know, the crackers and things. So if you’re having apples and nuts and you know for morning tea and afternoon tea or hummus or whatever those things are healthy bliss balls. That’s okay. As long as you are, you know moving as well and eating the best quality food right throughout the day.

Hayley Osborne

So would you have any other strategies that you can share with business owners that can help to, I guess, conquer their cravings, mostly during high pressure periods because I feel like that’s what triggers the most so the list is a good one. Any other suggestions? Yeah.

Suzanne Ingleton

Good Sleep, sleep. Absolute that is the found the foundation of a healthy human body is making sure that we have enough sleep so eight hour sleep, horizontal all night, not not waking up and then going I’ll go but I go back to sleep really quickly or I just go to the loo and then I go back you know and then I’m in bed again. That’s not quality sleep, it’s broken sleep. And so you know if you’re not getting enough sleep your body is under low grade stress because it’s not getting it’s time to repair. And if we are under low grade, chronic stress, it happens a lot. 

It’s happened for years, then your body will crave more sugar and go on wanting more energy. So a person that doesn’t sleep well it’s a little more likely to be craving quick and easy snacks than sweet snacks so we need to get it right from the get go. And even before you have a good sleep you know there’s that good bedtime routine and as a business owner I know I’ve been stuck at my desk till dawn 10 At night not good. 

So you know, we got it sometimes these things happen, we can’t say no, we can’t do it because you know that there is a need but we can support ourselves right up until that time so having because of the electromagnetic frequency the EMS that come from you know, all the devices that we have attached to us all the time. So having a good bedtime routine, or wearing blue light glasses to mitigate the blue light putting your screens on low light so you know your brain is not getting as much of that because what happens then is we’re interrupting this our sleep hormone which is melatonin and if we’re constantly on our devices getting all this blue this EMF stuff we’re messing with our head so the hormone that we need to sleep to heal and repair our bodies isn’t happening so we’re likely to wake up and that is creating tired brain foggy brain slow you know we’re not as clear as we want to be. So

Hayley Osborne

just for a bit of personal stuff here I’m about to go into a world of no sleep short busy days and no sleep so I am having a baby and one thing that I just took out of that is to one thing that I can do if I if I’m not getting that enough sleep is take out screen time so no phones after seven o’clock no whatever so I get that time but what what am I going to do? 

How am I going to just ride the wave? It’s a short time like I don’t want to end up in a state where I know this is not a personal counseling session by any means. us but they are surely people listening that are thinking oh that’s okay for you in a perfect world you know where you can get that and maybe you don’t have small children or a dog next door that’s barking all night or you live you know somewhat like you know so there’s lots of external triggers that might come in the way of that perfect suggestion. Yes, so

Suzanne Ingleton
I guess this is also where we need to look at what we can do knowing that you know, it’s not ideal and some will say up to two hours before you go to sleep and a lot of people go what a two hour what am I do for two hours. And for everyone it’s going to be different. This could be another what else list? What else can I do? Instead of being on my screen? Could you read a book? You know, could you have a nice warm bath? 

Could you listen to some music, could you meditate, could you color and draw? I was talking to an amazing alight artist Cathy zip from Kathy’s app designs who is a Mandela artist. And she showed us a way to just really totally get into a flow and actually it’s a hypnotic trance like state of drawing your own Mandela or coloring in you know doing something to give your brain a rest if you’ve been if your brain has been active for eight hours then it does it needs a rest so for you to get more out of it and to be more productive the next day you need to recharge it and by you know being in a quiet state reading a real book not not off a screen doing some coloring in you might be doing some kind of review work but but nothing that’s too taxing like you know not not not doing all your finances and your tax return and stuff at night. 

Something that’s going to slow down playing music, but create that what else list what else I don’t know who I don’t know if anyone does this anymore knitting or sewing. But some people can find maybe there’s a hobby, something that they can do that is relaxing that they enjoy, but it’s going to start winding them down for calming for sleep and it could be a matter of experimenting. What else can I do? Yet that didn’t work? Maybe it’s stretching, maybe it’s doing some yoga or some kind of exercise, which is also going to be hugely beneficial for your mind and body listening to his podcast and meditation. catching up on some of those low level calming listening things.

Hayley Osborne

Yeah, I was gonna ask. So, so many business owners really struggle with time management. And from an expert in your field, what would your top tips be for integrating, like mindful eating exercise into a busy schedule?

Suzanne Ingleton

Okay. And I think this, this is where I fall to my rituals and practices of creating things on a daily basis. And sometimes we need to bend time, because we all have the same amount of time. But when we put things when we look at what’s important to us, and then create that time around that I find personally to do things, you know, the things that I do for me, so I’ve got me time is in the morning, that’s the best time for me to do something, anything after you know, 10 o’clock is someone else’s someone else’s time, they’ve got my time. But before that I am in control of my time. 

So bending time to work out, well, how can I always think well, what can I do rather than I can’t do this, I can’t do that. Because we get stuck into this little box of I can’t, and your mind doesn’t open up and expand into what you can do. So thinking about, well, what can I do to bend time for me? And does that mean going to bed earlier. And so I can wake up earlier and have you know, my hour of quiet my hour of power in the morning, my own quiet time to do whatever I want to do, whether that is meditating, doing some yoga going for, you know, going for to the gym, or going for a walk, doing some kind of exercise at home? Looking at what you can do, another thing that I’ve come across, which I love, is the four DS. Have you heard about it before?

Hayley Osborne

What are you gonna say?

Suzanne Ingleton

That thing, you know, our list, we’ve all got lists, right? We’ve all got these massive to do lists. So look at your to-do list and get four pieces of paper out and go, which are the things that you can delegate, which are the things that you can delete, which are the things that you can delay, and which are the things that you need to do. 

Yeah, so those four days looking at, well, how what, how can I have those four days, give myself the gift of time, like we were talking before, you’re the only person that can use the gift of time, and, and support others to support you. So perhaps it is delegating something? Or deleting something? If it’s been on your list for you know, more than a month? Well, does it? Is it that important? Digit.

Hayley Osborne

And delegating doesn’t have to be something inside your business, either, right? It could be like getting your house cleaned or saying to your sister or brother or sister in law, who whatever, can you please come and do my washing today? Because I really need help. Like, I definitely, I think have leaned into especially over the I’m gonna say five years. I am not a hero. And I don’t mean to do all the things. And so I don’t need to like stress about that stuff. So I have learned to lean into family and friends and ask for help. And I don’t need to do everything myself. And yeah, I think that’s massive, massive if you are no one needs a what’s the word? 

It’s not a hero, no one needs a Oh, I forgot I’ve lost my train of thought that happens is that no one needs to be a martyr, you can outsource things quite easily. And if you’re thinking oh, yeah, but I don’t have the money. It’s good for you to say that data. Like that’s, you know, getting family or next door neighbor help or, you know, hey, you’re mowing your medium strip? Do you think you could just do mine as well? Like, I’ll bake you a cake. You know, like, stuff like that. Like, it all adds up? Right? The little things, the delegating is huge. And if you can have help inside your business, and that’s massive, too. But if you can’t, then what else can you do? There’s lots of ways you don’t?

Suzanne Ingleton

Yep, that’s right. And that’s looking outside of the square and thinking and trying other things. I think another thing is learning how to say no, sometimes that that is a biggie, we were very much inclined to say yes to everything, particularly you know, when we’re in small business, we want to you know, we do want to get our reach out, we want to, you know, help others. But sometimes we have to learn to say no, and whether that’s upfront, or you just say I’ll get can I get back to you on that one and then come up with the you know, the reasoning behind it. 

So you can say, actually, I can’t do this but someone else could, you know, and it may be taking yourself off parent is student or parent committees or, you know, whatever is happening. If you’re because you’re a busy person, we get lots of stuff done right. And most people will give you things to do. So this is where you might, you know, it can be interesting, but helpful to say, No, I know, today.

Hayley Osborne

So Suzanne, could you explain that I want to go back to hypnotherapy? Because I don’t know enough about this subject. And I, I’m not ignorant to it, but I’ve just never kind of even looked into what it is and how it might help. But could you explain how this is your expertise, right in how we might aid in enhancing, like focus and discuss decision, decision making skills, skills in like the small business setting for entrepreneurs, because I feel like that’s a little loophole like that could be a nice hack, or just things that people may not know about that it could help them. And this is something that you have expertise in? Yes.

Suzanne Ingleton

So hypnosis, I love hypnosis, it’s the most powerful tool that we all have, we can all do it. And, you know, hypnosis is something it’s a very natural thing for us to do. Most of us are in hypnosis, many times of the day, it’s an altered state of awareness. And if you are, if you’ve ever watched TV, or you’ve been to the movies, or you’ve been driving, and you’ve thought, Oh, I can’t remember how I got from A to B 100, I hope I didn’t go anywhere nearby. You know, this is where we are in total focus, we’re in folk, it’s focused awareness. You know, our autonomic nervous system is doing what it should be doing. 

And if something you know, you know, driving, if God forbid, something were to happen, everything would kick into play, and we would react. But our mind is in a focused state of awareness, we’re driving, we know that we’re driving, but when our mind is off somewhere else, and that’s okay. And so when we watch TV, our mind is totally focused on the TV. If we’ve been to the movies, we totally believe that Superman flies in the air. 

And wow, how amazing is that? You know, but this is because our mind allows it, and we are fully focused. So hypnosis is something that anyone can do. I can’t control anyone’s mind. So I can’t make anyone do anything that they don’t want to do. All hypnosis, in fact, is self hypnosis. So I’m just the guide, I am guiding someone to go into an altered state, which is a very relaxing state. And interestingly, with hypnosis, we know the power of relaxation, and we know that the mind needs a rest. Two minutes of hypnosis is worth a 20 minute rest. 

So you can take yourself into hypnosis. So in fact, before this session, yesterday, I was doing a podcast as well. I took myself into hypnosis, to just you know, access the resources of my subconscious mind, because it holds all everything that I need. So you know, all the answers that I need to the questions that you know, that you’re about to ask me. The confidence levels that I need, everything that I’ve learned, everything that, you know, in my awareness since day.is, in my subconscious mind, and all the resources that I need. So under hypnosis, I can access all of that I can just give myself permission to go okay, yes, mind, you know, come up with

Hayley Osborne

your work. Yeah. vilest. Yes, absolutely.

Suzanne Ingleton

And, you know, I’ve found this really helpful, particularly, when I’ve been giving talks, you know, just taking myself into that state, where I am clear and focused on my thoughts. I’m clear and focused on what I need to do. You know, I’m visualizing the outcome which is successful. And that’s part of my neuro linguistic training, as well. I’m focusing on what I can do, and I’m focusing on the successful outcome. 

But hypnosis, putting yourself into a state of hypnosis or being in hypnosis, can you imagine 30 minutes of hypnosis and feeling like you’ve been swinging around on a hammock for the last five hours, you know, just feeling nice and relaxed. This is the benefit that it brings to a human body and when our body is in a relaxed state, it’s in its best healing state, optimum digestion state, optimum mind state of rest. So hypnosis is incredibly empowering, incredibly empowering, and powerful, a wonderful tool

Hayley Osborne

lies. So for our listeners, how can I find you, yes. How can we find you to stalk you and see what it is that you have to offer?

Suzanne Ingleton

So, my website is www.sa weight loss hypnosis.com. I have an Instagram page called the weight loss coach. And I have YouTube, I think that’s also the weight loss coach, and I’m on LinkedIn as well. So yeah, I Oh, my email address is Suzanne at sa weight loss hypnosis.com.au. So, you know, I’m more than happy to offer a free 30 minute chat. So if someone you know, wasn’t quite sure how I could help them, they can just give me a call, you know, booking a call and we can have a chat and I can let them know. Okay, well, this is how I can help you. depending on you know, what their needs are

Hayley Osborne

beautiful. Well, Suzanne, thank you so much for joining me today. And for being in the ears of all my listeners. It’s been insightful, beneficial. I’ve got a few tips that I’m going to do now in my life, which I think is going to be really helpful. And I’m sure that the listeners have taken away heaps as well. The show notes will be on the website for everyone that wants to go back and have a little look. I’ll link to Suzanne’s Instagram website and everything is as easy as a transaction so you can see it there. And yeah, thank you so much for taking the time, Suzanne. It’s been awesome. Thank

Suzanne Ingleton

you. It’s been absolutely my absolute pleasure. And I’ve really loved having a chat with you today. So thank you Hayley, for having me.

Hayley Osborne

I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday. And while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me at Hayley K. Osborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can learn to share. If you want more, head over to Hayley osborne.com.au forward slash podcast for today’s show notes and links to catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.

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