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EPISODE 105 | How to take your audience from enquiry to paying client and beyond with Maree Kirkpatrick

April 22, 2024

In this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show I am talking with Maree Kirkpatrick about how to sell what it is you have to offer in a genuine easy way without feeling like you have to be someone else. Maree talks about how small business owners can grow their businesses using her strategies and frameworks, without having to be pushy, or hustle hard to be an amazing salesperson. It’s time to learn how to sell what is that you do and take the guess work out of sales. We talk about the battle of what comes first, sales or marketing. We also talk life, family and running a business. Maree is one of my favourite humans in business and compliments so perfectly what it is that I do. She shares the same love for business, friendships, and family as I do, and I am so excited to sit down with her and have this conversation. Where to find Maree Kirkpatrick:


00:01 Introduction and background on Marie

01:02 Marie introduces herself

01:12 Explain focus on sales vs marketing debate

01:47 Define what a sales process is

02:59 Importance of having a sales process

04:34 Sales doesn’t have to be uncomfortable

06:28 Mapping out your current process

07:32 Starting place if you don’t have a process

09:51 Common mistakes without a process

11:56 Marie’s programs and services

13:52 Pain point selling is outdated

15:48 Importance of sales for business growth

17:47 Finding Marie and her resources

Hayley Osborne  

Are you excited at the thought of growing your business? Welcome to the Hayley Osborne show. This is the place where you’ll learn how to get more high quality leads and sales in your business. My goal with this show is to help you grow your business, be inspired, nail your creativity, get the best out of your marketing, and show up as the most fearless superhero version of yourself. I’ll be teaching you the tailored frameworks and tools I use to unlock my client’s superpowers and turn them into quality leads and inquiries. And I want the same for you. I started my first business at the age of 25, and continue to build three successful businesses along the way. Small business owners are the backbone of the economy. And I’m here to demystify marketing, make it easy for you and help you reach more customers. Let’s do it. Maree Kirkpatrick, welcome to the Hayley Osborne show. I’m really happy that you’re here.

Maree Kirkpatrick

I’m super pumped. I love all the conversations we have. And I’m really excited to now actually have them recorded onto a podcast to share with other people.

Hayley Osborne

I know. So I would have given a little intro anyway. But Maria and I have known each other for a couple of years, I’d say now, maybe a little bit less. And we’re just kind of like to give all the listeners a preface that magnetizes each other. Well, I was magnetized to you. And then we’ve just kind of developed this beautiful friendship because you have a gorgeous personality. And you are a smart lady. And so I had to get you on the podcast, because there’s this constant debate of sales and marketing, and which one comes first. And they’re both relevant, but you’re a complete expert at what you do. And I think the sales process is really important. And I know that small business owners will benefit from this like a million fold. So I’m excited to have this conversation with you. So in your own words, tell everyone who you are and what you do. So

Maree Kirkpatrick

Thank you for saying all of that. I just want to say that when I first met you, I knew you’re my people as well. And I think with women in business, sometimes we don’t always click with everyone. But I knew as soon as I met you, I was like, yeah, she’s my person. Let’s hang out with her. Anyway, my name is Marie Kirkpatrick. I am a sales and business strategist, I help women in business learn to sell what it is that they do look at their messaging, their marketing, and to actually be really clear on the value that they get across for their clients. Yes,

Hayley Osborne

So let’s talk about the sales process. That is the question that you ask everybody. So what is a sales process? So

Maree Kirkpatrick

A sales process is a series of steps that you take an inquiry or anyone that jumps on to any part of your business, your social media, your website, your email, list, anything along those lines, the moment that they touch your business all the way through to them becoming a paying client and beyond? So how do we take them from the inquiry all the way through to a beautiful paying client, start that relationship, and then onboard them and nurture them and look after them and maybe look at repeat business or referrals, and, you know, really nurture those relationships that come through? I find a lot of people these days in business are so focused on finding more leads, rather than looking after the ones that have already inquired with them. So a sales process really sets up that structure for you to follow, takes away the mental load, makes sure it’s high converting, it’s just sexy. Really?

Hayley Osborne

Yeah. And I will say I had to brush up on my sales process, because my zone is marketing. And I do know that you cannot have one without the other. And I’m not sure which one comes first. But if you don’t know how to sell what it is that you do, you are going to be in a world of pain. Because essentially, that’s the conversion. That’s you’re not here for a haircut. We’re here to make money. But what I find a lot of people that run small businesses thinking about sales is that it is quite yucky, sleazy, icky. So how do you, I guess, bridge that gap?

Maree Kirkpatrick

Yes. So sales doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. It’s when people feel like they’ve got to push things onto people that it becomes that uncomfortable, gross. No one likes being sold to but everyone likes to buy. So the way that I like to look at it is how do we pull people in? How do we show people that this is where they need help? This is how we can help them. We are a great choice for them, we care about them. And I believe that the best way to sell is through connection. There’s no point in trying to push a product or service onto someone that doesn’t need it, doesn’t want it, or isn’t interested in it. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had cold calls regularly happen to me. I always think, well, there are so many other ways that you can do marketing these days. 

And even when you said, what comes first sales and marketing, and I know I’ve had this conversation with so many marketers, right, I believe that if you don’t have that sales process set up, and you turn on your marketing tab, and there’s holes in your sales bucket, you lose time, you lose money, you lose energy, and you potentially ruin your brand. If someone inquires with you, and you let them fall through the cracks, they’ve then gone and told someone else that hey, I’ve spoken to that person they never got back to me or yeah, they said that they were going to send something through and they didn’t like all of that is brand damaging. 

And people these days talk. I mean, we’ve always talked, obviously, but social media is around people, more than happy to express their thoughts and feelings on businesses. These days. It’s really easy to give feedback and talk about other businesses and the experiences that I’ve had. So for me, it’s like how do we tighten up that sales process so that everyone that comes in contact with us, has a really great experience and wants to go on, tell people and become raving fans of ours?

Hayley Osborne

Yeah, and it’s definitely that time, energy, money, not in that order. That is the most valuable commodity. And we were just talking about this the other day. It’s like those things, if you can get back those things and do things more efficiently, then that makes up for a wonderful business model. Because we’re all searching for it. Absolutely.

Maree Kirkpatrick

And I know that being a mom, my time is limited, my energy is limited, my mental space is limited. I want things to be really easy. I want to know that. For example, like I took a couple of weeks off the business. A couple of months ago, I had some friends and ended up quite sick. And so I just stopped everything that wasn’t essential within the business. I still had inquiries coming through, I still knew that people were getting looked after, I still knew that that process was set up and to work for me rather than me working my business constantly. Yeah, so sales can really be a beautiful system to support you as a business owner.

Hayley Osborne

So where does somebody say someone’s listening and going, I don’t even know where to start? What is she talking about? Do I have a sales process? Like? What’s the starting place?

Maree Kirkpatrick

So the starting place, if you don’t know what a sales process is, or you’ve never heard of one or you’re like, Yep, I’m hearing what she’s saying, but I just don’t get it. I would literally get a pen and paper. And I would draw out what are the current steps that people go through in your business? So if someone reaches out to you via social media, maybe it’s on messengers, messenger? What happens? What are the sorts of conversations you’re having? 

If someone says, How much are you? Do you automatically give over a price? And then have people judging you for that price? Or do we need to ask a couple of questions to really dig in and find out what it is that they’re looking for? How can we help them? What are those steps that we can take them through to give them really great information to help them make a really great decision? Whether they work with us or not, is okay. It’s not about 100% conversion. That is not what sales is, if you’re, if you have 100% conversion rate, you’re doing something wrong, you’re either too cheap, or you’re not aiming high enough in your business. That’s just a little side note. And I know, like the salesperson, I say that to a lot of people, but then when I’m talking to someone, I’m like, Man, why didn’t they convert? I want my, my sales, right, or my conversion rate to be 100%. But it’s not and that’s okay. I just have to keep telling myself that it’s okay not to be perfect. No, it’s not. 

Yes, so for me, like, map out those steps and understand what you can do to educate, nurture. Add reassurance into people that are inquiring in your business, what things can you automate, to take things off your plate, but it also means that if you’ve got that sales process, if you do decide to take time off, or you do decide to bring in a team member or a VA or anyone along those lines, they already know what that process is, you’re not expecting them to hit the ground running. It’s about having those processes set up to support you and your business rather than you constantly pushing the pedals on your business and keep you know, pushing yourself uphill, the sales process supports all of that.

Hayley Osborne

Yeah, and it is a structure much like setting up. You know, I feel like every business needs a sales process. Every business needs their counting software, every business needs their emails working like a well oiled machine, they need their calendar, right? Like they need their marketing, like those things in business are necessary to continue to grow. And sales are no different. So I feel like small business owners, I want to say women in particular, but I’m sure it’s men as well, that shy away from, like, I guess upskilling around selling and learning how to storytel and build trust and build authenticity, because consumers these days can sniff through bullshit and absolute mile away. And so you have to get really clever as a business owner back to your core to be really organic in your approach to the way that you sell your product.

Maree Kirkpatrick

Absolutely. And the thing is, whether you choose to sell or not, is totally up to you. I can talk to you about sales till the cows come home. But unless you love it, I frickin love it. Okay, don’t tell everyone, but I do. I secretly love it. But I also believe that your clients or your potential clients are going to have that problem whether you choose to sell to them or not. The difference is that you can either choose to serve them or someone else can. 

And all sales are literally serving more people, helping more people showing them that I know that you’ve got a challenge, or I know that you really want this. Let me help you. Yeah, come into my world and I can show you the best way to do stuff, because I’ve met so many women and men, but mostly women in business that are so good at what they do like so good, absolute brilliant at their business at their skill set, but they just don’t know how to sell it. And so there’s constant uncaps unkept, unkempt separate

Hayley Osborne

best yet

Maree Kirkpatrick

say, Chris can be great, yeah. And I’m like, wow, if you could sell, if you could learn how to sell what it is that you do, you can help so many more people and the impact that that has, on the greater world on the greater people on the greater experiences that people have. So sexy,

Hayley Osborne

I think, to me,

Maree Kirkpatrick

yeah. And I can see it, I can see it. When I meet people, I can tell whether, within two minutes of talking to someone about their business, I can tell whether their business is going to work or it’s not. And I’m also not the sort of person that will work with everyone. I know this sales trick is supposed to work with everyone or do whatever it takes to convert a sale. That’s what I was taught when I was learning to sell, which is absolute rubbish, yep, trying to be politically correct and not swearing. But it’s absolute rubbish, like, not everyone’s going to be your ideal client, not everyone’s going to like you, your service is not going to be right for everyone. 

But for me, if I can’t see how your business can grow, and if I can’t see what I can implement into your business to increase your sales, I’m not going to take your money and work with you. That’s silly. Yeah. So it’s about finding the people that need your help or that want your product or service. And it doesn’t necessarily need to be from a pain point. I’ve worked with businesses that have sold products that are like designer bags, 567 $100 bags, No one wakes up in the morning going on to drop $700 on a bag. Right? It’s about the positioning, and it’s about understanding what is it that people are looking for, when they go to buy a bag? Is it the feeling that it’s like designing a product or not? 

They’re going, someone needs my bag? No people are buying the emotion and the way that it makes them feel and all of that sort of stuff. So it’s about understanding what it is that your clients are looking for. And how can you help them along that journey with the feelings with the products or services with the challenges that they may be having, depending on what it is that you do? Pain,

Hayley Osborne

point selling, and pain point marketing is like 10 years old, gone, very old school, I feel like there is not much of a place for that. And so if you have that in your repertoire of selling, it’s time to look at that and reinvent the wheel because I don’t feel like that’s the nice way to sell. People want to be uplifted, they want to feel good. They want to be positive. They want to have all of the good things that come with your product. Not that or service, not the pain point. Yes, I think you can address some what it is what it isn’t, but pain point selling. Those days are gone.

Maree Kirkpatrick

I think it’s also very masculine. Yeah. And so when women are like, learning to sell, especially, there’s a whole heap of people that teach to sell, obviously, in the industry, the bro club, there is a bro club. Absolutely. But there’s also a lot of women that teach that same skill set because that’s what they were taught. And I was taught to sell that same way. Yes, 20 years ago. However, it never felt good for me. I’ve never felt like it ended up draining me. It felt rubbish. 

It felt uncomfortable. It felt like I was, like convincing people to work with us or to sell whatever it was we were selling at the time. But for me now, it’s like, I really want to find those people that I want to work with. And I want to help friends, like people that I want to become friends with. And I want to see your business succeed, too. I want to see you have those wins, I want to see you double your numbers, I want to see you have the biggest launches that you’ve had. That’s the sort of stuff that I like even talking about now I get goosebumps. That’s the sort of stuff that lights me up. That’s the sort of stuff that makes me want to jump up and down on my bed and be like, Yes, I can’t believe that I get to do this day in and day out. Because they’re happy. They’re growing what they want to be doing. And they’re doing it from a really easy, safe, happy place.

Hayley Osborne

Yeah, you’re a big cheerleader. It’s lovely to watch. Our

Maree Kirkpatrick

thanks. Yeah, I and that’s why I may not only work with those people that I really want to be in their corner when they call me or message me and be like, hey, Marie, this is what’s going on, or what do you think about this? And I’m like, Yeah, what about this? What about this, and I’m strategizing with them at sometimes eight o’clock at night at nine o’clock at night, depending on what time kids go to bed and what else is happening and where they are in their launches or things like that, you know, so I think that’s important.

Hayley Osborne

And it’s important to be flexible in your approach, like with everything, you know, yeah, I’m as well as, like, how you approach dealing with different people in their sales journey? Absolutely.

Maree Kirkpatrick

And I think sales needs to be tailored, it needs to be tailored for you, it needs to be tailored for your business. And a lot of people say to me, Oh, it’s okay for you, Marie, you’re really outgoing. And you know, you’re a natural at this stuff. People don’t realize that I’m a complete introvert. Like, I have my blanket on when I’m doing a presentation or a VIP day with clients, as I’m going out with my dressing gown, even if it’s 35 degrees, I’ve got the air conditioning and the dressing gown on. Because my energy like I’m, it’s not my natural, easy state for me to be so out there with stuff.

Hayley Osborne

Yes, but people don’t know that. Because you are. And I’ve said that to you so many times. I’m like, let’s show the real you and you’ll have but what does that mean? Oh my god. But you

Maree Kirkpatrick

Now, people want to see photos of me in my dressing gown with the air conditioning on. But I think it’s also about understanding who you are, and how you want your business to go. If you don’t want to be that pushy salesperson. Don’t be no one likes a pushy salesperson anyway, find ways that light you up, find ways that you enjoy connecting with people. And once you find your people in your vibe, people will be attracted to that anyway. They’ll know that you’re there people

Hayley Osborne

100 Yeah. So let’s talk about all the cool things that you do in your business and that you’ve been doing in your business, because you do some pretty cool things. So let’s talk about your programs. So you’ve got her Sam’s Club? Yes.

Maree Kirkpatrick

So so. Yeah, so her sales club came from a place where I wanted to help more women. And I wanted to help more women in a space where we could get ranty, we can get frustrated, we can get really vulnerable, but safe. It’s that place that you have people that will say to you, I don’t think that that’s going to work. Because the last thing I want you to do is spend 12 months, 18 months, two years, five years, trying to grow your business and it’s not working. 

Because maybe your pricing is off, maybe your product or service isn’t right, maybe the ideal client that you’re targeting is not working, maybe your messaging is not on point, maybe the way that you talk about your product or service is like speaking a different language to your clients. So her sales club is in that beautiful membership space where we come together, and we sort out your sales, your processes, your systems, all that sort of stuff. But we also make sure that everything you do within your business is money generating activity, to the best of its ability. We set you up for success every 90 days, we do our 90 Day planning. 

We do SEO dates to make sure we’re doing our tracking and looking at our metrics and data to see what’s working to see what’s not to see what we can optimize. So her Sales Cloud is something that I’m really really excited about. It is, I believe , going to be a game changer for a lot of women in business. Because if I could just change that dial to show people how easy sales can be. Their business will make Yeah, so much more income so much more impact out there in the industry.

Hayley Osborne

Yeah, I feel like there’s a gap in the market for a program around sales that is sexy, that is aspirational, especially to women that is accessible. I already say that there are so many gaps with this industry like the sales industry, because there’s heaps of bro clubs, but honestly, I don’t know anyone that does what you do. Yeah.

Maree Kirkpatrick

And I didn’t realize that there was such a big gap in the market. Because I’ve just been constantly helping people. But if it was kind of like the chicken or the egg, what came first, and so people needed money to learn how to sell. But my price points were quite high from a VIP perspective. And so they were like, Okay, well, I’ll have to save up or figure out a way to work with you. And then I was like, What can I do to make this more accessible to more business owners, because some of the best businesses can fall apart because they don’t have enough cash flow or sales coming through their door. So her sales club needed to be something that most people can get their hands on. Yeah.

Hayley Osborne

And also, I know that we have these conversations between you and I, but the whole talking about money and how much cash you bring in versus like, profit and revenue, and like, it is still quite taboo. Like it is not something that women really talk about, or can talk about openly. But I love that you provide that open floor to be able to discuss it. Because you and I speak the same language, we’re very black and white, there’s no gray area, and we have massive goals. And so when you have all of those things, like the space that you’re creating with her sales club, like those money conversations are not hard, and they’re not taboo. And I feel like when they’re open and in the air, you actually can be like, get more help. Because you’re transparent about your numbers. And it’s like we’ll hang on a minute. Like a rising What’s the thing a rising tide lifts all boats? Yes. Whatever it is.

Maree Kirkpatrick

Oh, ships I think it is. Oh, ships.

Hayley Osborne

Oh, yeah. yachts, let’s just say yacht. Okay. Yeah. And so like, with more women winning equals, like, just a better economy, a better place to live, like just everything. And so, yeah, I really love that about you.

Maree Kirkpatrick

I think there’s a, I think there’s a potential for women to hold back on sharing their successes, because they don’t want to look greedy. They don’t want to look like they’ve ripped a whole heap of people off from a money perspective. But I believe like, if you if one of my clients comes to me get so

Hayley Osborne

excited, look at your face right now.

Maree Kirkpatrick

When one of my clients comes to me and says, I’ve had the best launch I’ve had, that, to me, equals money in their pocket. But the money’s just a side thing. I remember when I first started out in business, and I thought, wow, like when I’m earning this amount of money, everything will be great. Like everything will just be seamless. And then I remember getting that client and the money hit my account. And I thought, Ah, this doesn’t feel like I thought it would. 

This didn’t change anything. I’m still putting my head on the same pillow at night, I’ve still got the same challenges in my business as what I did previously. And so for me, it wasn’t necessarily about making more money, then it was like, What do I need to do to have more impact on people? How do I find those moments that light up my face? How do I find those moments of like, talking to my clients and getting emotional thinking, holy shit, we’ve done this, right? Like, I’m getting teary now just thinking about it. Because I think I’ve helped someone achieve something that they’ve been wanting for so long. And I freaking loved doing it. Yeah. And they are so excited about it, because they finally see the potential for them.

Hayley Osborne

And hand on heart and me raising my hand. I’m one of those people. So you helped me double my membership? Yeah,

Maree Kirkpatrick

yeah, I didn’t know if you wanted to share that. So

Hayley Osborne

you helped me double my membership. And also, like, just changed the game with my services. Because you were like, well, you know, your stuff. Like you are really good at what you do. Let’s light it up and share it with the world. 

And so like, it’s just all okay, so she’s wiping a tear bet that like this was the purpose for this conversation is to like, put you in lights because that’s what I love to do with my guests. But honestly, like honesty and real results, like just achieving amazing things and more impact, right? Because you’re right about the money thing. When it hits your account. Like it feels, it does feel great. Don’t get me wrong, and there’ll be people listening, hanging on a minute like I am struggling How to make money in my business, like, I don’t know whether I’m getting closer or whether I’m gonna keep going. But when you overcome that hurdle, it 1000 2000 3000 10,000 50,000 the impact then kicks in and it’s like, doesn’t feel any different. But your ability to make more impact is like such a good feeling. That’s where the fire ends up going and ends up staying lit from Yeah, yeah.

Maree Kirkpatrick

So I also don’t want to say women struggle financially, either. So my business supports a local women’s shelter. And so I know the more women that I help from a business perspective, I’m helping more women from a domestic violence and supporting other women that are struggling, because I think, as women, I think that we’ve, for so many years, and you know, like, the patriarchal stuff that comes with it of like, we’re not supposed to be standalone independent women that can look after ourselves, we’re supposed to have someone to rely on and to some, someone to provide for us and all that sort of stuff, which is all great in fairy land. 

You don’t live? No, we don’t live in fairy land, unfortunately. But I want to make sure that every single woman can financially support herself. And I believe that there’s a business for most people. And business gives you that opportunity to have an endless amount of income. No one determines how much your income can be. And the way that I like to look at businesses, how do we scale it? How do we make it easier? How do we stop swapping time for money? So yeah, I believe that the money at the start is hard to come by sometimes. And I get that people struggle with that. I really do. I’ve been there. I totally get it. And I’ve helped women in that space, too. But there needs to be some other reason as to why you want that money, or why you want to do your business. Why do you see yourself driving hard and fast for it? 

What does that look like? Because money won’t always bring you that happiness. You want to be able to put your head on your pillow at night and think I’ve just helped five beautiful clients have the biggest launches that they’ve had or doubled their membership. And you think life’s pretty freakin good. I’m making a difference in people’s world,

Hayley Osborne

or increase selling their products like whatever the whatever they’re so is product service. Like, yeah, absolutely. Just, it is beautiful. So what, how can people work with you? You’ve got her sales club. Tell me Tell them, I know. But

Maree Kirkpatrick

yeah. So we’ve got her sales club, which is an ongoing membership that opens its doors a couple of times a year. We’re launching again in March. I also do presenting and speaking and training for businesses. 

So if you’ve got a team or anything along those lines, we can come in and set up your sales processes and teams and get your team across it. And I also work one on one from a VIP one of you. So that can be a strategy day where we literally dig in and pull your business apart, which I know can sound scary. But then we also plug it all back in together. And I’m there with you for the next month or so to support you as you implement all the changes and challenges that may come up. Or we work together over a certain number of months where we build your business. 

And we look at your marketing, your assets, your messaging, your sales processes, your pricing, your follow up, your nurturing all that sort of fun stuff, too. So it just depends on what feels right for you and your business. And what it is that you’re looking for are some people who are the sort of people that are like, give me a list of things to do. And I’m good, I will go and I’ll implement the bejesus out of it. Some people like I need you to hold my hand a bit more. Great. Let’s do that, too. Some people want to have that community and that motivation. And so who sells clubs that give them that too? Yeah. So

Hayley Osborne

and you have a podcast? I

Maree Kirkpatrick

Do you have an ad out? Yeah, I do have a podcast called the sales show with Marie Kirkpatrick. And that’s a place where I like to share some really good tips and advice and things that you can do in your business to grow your sales. But like even if you’ve got no money, right, so say you open the doors to your business tomorrow. And you think how am I going? Like it’s not just building a website and people will just throw money at you. That’s not how business works. They don’t, they definitely do not go. And so the sales show is about things that you can implement straightaway to get some cash, excuse me to get some cash through the door. 

And so it’s a little passion project that I love to get sometimes a little bit ranty with, you know, when I think the last episode we did was about niching and so many In business coaches, I’ve spoken to her like you really need to focus down on your niche, Marie, you really need to focus on one industry and what? And I was like, man, and then I’d have some other big client come through. And I’d be like, well, you don’t fit with him my niching box. So it was like, How do I look at niching without necessarily niching in the traditional, like, laser focused way that we’re not necessarily touching the right people that we want to be playing with.

So I get a bit ranty on it, and I get a little bit. There’s, there’s no, I’m not trying to hold back on anything. I’m not trying to say to people, well, you’ve got to do it the same way that every other person does it in business. No, that’s not what I’m about. I do it in a way that shows people that this is a way that you could do it. This is what’s worked for me. This is what worked for my clients. Yeah. And so I’ve had some really good feedback on it, which has been really cool. Yeah.

Hayley Osborne 

And so how can we find you? Where can we find you? What is your social media?

Maree Kirkpatrick

Okay, so on social media, you can find me on Instagram at Marie Kirkpatrick. You can find me on Facebook at Marie Kirkpatrick consulting. You can find me on the podcast at the sales show, with Marie Kirkpatrick. Or you can hit me up via email at Marika Patrick at Marie kirkpatrick.com. I

Hayley Osborne

I love it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for joining me on this podcast. I haven’t had anyone come in to talk about sales. And I just could not wait to have you as my guest early on in the year of 2024. So thank you so much.

Maree Kirkpatrick

Pleasure. Thank you for having me. And thank you for the real raw and honest chats that we always have.

Hayley Osborne

I love it. Okay, bye. Bye. I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you haven’t hit subscribe so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday. And while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me at Haley Kate Osborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can learn to share it. If you want more, head over to Hayley osborne.com.au forward slash podcast for today’s show notes and links to catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.


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The Hayley Osborne show

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