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EPISODE 101 | How to create calm and confidence with Toni Stevens

April 22, 2024

Hey everyone, I’m so excited to announce my first ever marketing makeover challenge starting on March 20th! This 3-day challenge will provide live coaching to help you step up your marketing. Over the 3 days we’ll cover establishing your marketing foundations, aligning your digital assets, and optimizing your content to increase sales. I’ll also be available to answer any questions you have. Be sure to register on my website to join the challenge and get access to the private Facebook group. I can’t wait to see you there and help you take your marketing to the next level!

I also had the pleasure of interviewing my friend Tony Stevens on my podcast recently. Tony is a healer who empowers people to reduce stress and anxiety through techniques like Reiki. It was fascinating to learn about how energy healing can help business owners connect with their inner power and tap into their intuition. Tony now offers online courses and coaching programs on her website Tony’s Healing Room to help even more people access a state of flow and ease in their lives. Be sure to check out her incredible work


0:01 Marketing foundations, digital assets, and content optimization. 

7:25 Energy healing and its benefits for business owners. 

13:34 Healing and growth through mindset work and energy practices. 

19:31 Aligning business values and marketing strategies. 

26:25 Overcoming anxiety and maintaining a flow state.

Hayley Osborne

Hi, Tony. A warm welcome to the podcast. I’m excited to have you join me today. In your own words are you able to tell the listeners who you are and what you do?

Toni Stevens 

I’m Tony Stevens, I am your Calm Coach. And I am a healer and anxiety specialist. And I work with people where I empower people to create calm confidence and connection to themselves. Reducing stress, anxiety, and emotional overwhelm.

Hayley Osborne

And how long have you been doing this for

Toni Stevens 

I have been doing work for the last eight years. So I started a journey into health and wellness 20 years ago. And then because I was really curious and interested in the mind body connection. And so back then, I went to art school. So I went to university and a lot of my artwork was about the mind body connection. So then, when I finished that, I was like I needed to go and study. 

So I’m doing alternative therapy that works with this idea because it just really resonated with me. I loved it. So yeah, then I went on to study shiatsu, traditional Chinese medicine, and Reiki, and when I found Reiki, I was absolutely blown away. I just loved it. It just confirmed everything I found to be true about energy and life, as you know, our mind affects our body, and yeah, all about energy. I loved it.

Hayley Osborne

So it was that moment that you became, I’m going to say, the Calm Coach. But it was at that moment that you decided, right? This coach, therapist, and healer is for you.

Toni Stevens 

Yeah, yeah. I loved it.

Hayley Osborne 

They don’t get what Reiki means. I would say that the audience, the listeners, would be split down the middle 50-50. So some people are more in tune with their energy, and you know, mostly business owners that listen to this podcast, while others are just very strategic and calculated, which doesn’t sound so like telling us what energy Reiki means.

Toni Stevens 

Yeah, so work. Energy is the building block of the universe. So, everything in the universe is made of energy made of the same stuff. So whether it’s matter like things, our body, or whether it’s our like those unseen processes that happen in life as well, as our thoughts and feelings, and those psychological processes, Oh has an energetic charge as well. So everything has a different level of frequency. Hertz is what we measure it in. And that’s, you know, that’s what we’re going for when we’re doing Reiki or working with energy, which is that we’re trying to release some, you know, energy that is of a lower vibration and bring in some higher-level energy to raise people’s awareness and energy levels.

Hayley Osborne  

So, what does the basic Reiki session look like to a customer? Just out of curiosity, it is such a beautiful experience. So it’s lying on a massage table, under a nice blanket on a cushion.

Hayley Osborne 

I love how you say Blinky ticks, oh, my luck, cuddly boxes.

Toni Stevens 

Yeah, it’s so beautiful. And so it’s an hour of your time that you’re giving yourself time and space to sink into your body, into your energy, and come back way into your body. We spend so much time in our heads. You know, we’re taught to use our mind and our mind, mind or in the in. You know, when we’re young like that, the mind is the most important thing when it’s not true, right? As you know, as someone who uses their body a lot and enjoys movement and working out like that, being in your body is important as well. So we forget to be in our bodies sometimes. So we have forgotten to feel comfortable and safe in our bodies.

 Alright, so Reiki is that beautiful thing coming back into your body into your energy. So I use the word body energy, like body, mind, and soul, because it’s all one. You know, we’re all one. When I talk about that body-mind connection, it’s, oh, energy. So when I talk about your body, I’m talking about your energy, when I’m talking about your mind or your soul, It’s all the same for me. Like, it’s all energy.

Hayley Osborne 

So, in terms of being able to help business owners, can going through a process like this be super beneficial for business owners to just go back to the basics and understand who they are? And yeah, do you see where I’m going?

Toni Stevens 

Accurately say? So, when people finish having a Reiki session, if it’s the first time you’ve had it, a lot of people are like, wow, like, I feel so relaxed, and I feel so good. I’ve never experienced anything like that before. Yeah, so they can access the databases by themselves, so when you are relaxed, and you give yourself that time to do it to access, you know, deep places of yourself. It’s a really powerful experience. And so, you know, we want to do that because we want to learn to trust ourselves and trust our body. And when we trust ourselves and trust our body, it means that we can make really good decisions for ourselves. Hmm,

Hayley Osborne

I love that. And that kind of is the same as, I guess, what exercise does, like movement does for the mindset. So this would complement that and compliment business owners in, I guess, trusting their gut and their intuition when it comes to services and products that they sell. I think that if you want to elevate in your business, if you don’t do the work, right, the mindset work, the body work, the soul work, eventually, you probably come unstuck, because the new level is different. I noticed that the word gets used a lot, but you need to crush through glass ceilings to make them your new floor. And with that comes massive challenges. So it’s not just Reiki that you do, so tell me about the other things that you do as well. Yeah, so

Toni Stevens 

I say that I empower people because I really like to teach people how to connect with their own energy, their own body, mind, and soul. Right. So when we are talking about a mind as well as talking about those thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, you know that mindset stuff that we, consciously or unconsciously, is going through our mind every day, and is at the base of how we make decisions for ourselves.

Hayley Osborne  

Are the Reiki ,No After, because it’s not just that, and I really want you to highlight what you do, because I think what you do is beautiful, powerful, and you’re really busy. And I want you to, like, showcase how transformative and amazing this is. So we’ve got, I know that you’re doing something at the moment called the chakra connection, if you want to talk about that, but you also have one-on-one coaching with people. And I think that’s even more powerful, because it is obviously a longer time with you. You really obviously go deeper, like talk to me about that. Yeah,

Toni Stevens 

So I work with people who are experiencing stress, anxiety, or depression. So when they’re at that stage, there’s some stuck energy, rather stuck in their mind. They’re stuck in their bodies. And so I work with people to find those old things, like hurt, wounds, memories, all those things that are keeping them stuck. Okay, because when we experience, and I’m going to use the word trauma here, because I have been trained in trauma therapy,. And so when we have a trauma, whether it’s big or small, or whether it’s just conditioning from our childhood, things happen to us over and over again. What happens is we have this big, this big emotional impact that happens. 

And at that moment in our child’s brain, we make a decision, right then, in that moment, that we have a belief, right, we create a belief in our mind around that experience. So the belief might be something around like, well, this is how life is okay. And because it’s our child’s mind, it can come up with some really random things. So something happens to us that has a big emotional impact. And we make the decision that this must be my fault, it must be. This must be because I am not lovable, or I am not good enough, or I’m not capable, or I’m not strong enough. So we create all these beliefs in our minds that just aren’t true. But we hold on to them for the rest of our lives until we start, until we get out, find ourselves stuck, and we want to, you know, heal, grow, and move forward in life. And then we can go and do that deep inner healing work. So it’s about finding those root causes and healing and releasing them and replacing them with something else. Yeah.

Hayley Osborne  

So what if somebody doesn’t lack those root causes? So, like, no real childhood trauma, like growing up beautifully, and those things, but what I find in business with business owners is that those whole things come up in different ways and don’t necessarily have to be triggered by experiences. But, like, I’m not good enough. Who am I to be doing this? Like, who am I going to be saying, This is like, I want to, I’m gonna say the word impostor syndrome. I don’t love using that. But you know, from time to time, like even myself, I have a really strong mindset. You think, Oh my gosh, like, how can I get to that next level that I feel like what you do slides imperfectly to help business owners be able to up level?

Toni Stevens 

Yeah, so when I look at something like impostor syndrome, I take it back to the root cause of fear itself. So we look at the emotions, and I teach people about their emotions as well. Because we tend to forget that our emotions actually have a reason for being there. It’s just our body, our energy trying to communicate with us. So we go into that emotion and then release it from your energy, from your body, and from your mind. And then working to replace that energy with a different energy are different beliefs. Okay, so then it’s, and then it goes into, you know, it’s kind of affirmation work, but you know, the deeper, like when you’re working one-on-one with someone, it’s not just okay. I’m saying affirmations. That’s a process that we do around, you know, embedding that new belief into your energy.

Hayley Osborne  

Yeah. And what about, like, say, solo business owners, But what about teams? Would that work for getting teams aligned with a similar mindset and the business values and uplifting the whole team? Does that work? You do? Could you do it?

Toni Stevens 

Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, that work is really around finding out and identifying, like, what the values of a business are. And, working with that, yeah, where and what the, you know, the vision and the mission of the team are, but it really comes back to values. It’s a feeling, and it’s a belief that you create in that team.

Hayley Osborne 

Yeah, because there can be huge disconnects with the success of businesses based on team dynamics, and you think that you are hiring the right people, and everyone looks good on paper. And it is like such a short time you have with someone, I guess, before you employ them. And then, like when everyone is in harmony with each other, businesses explode. So you could come in and teach them things like activities and strategies around becoming more aligned and empowered, as well as a vision to be able to support businesses’ growth. Yeah,

Hayley Osborne  

I love that. Okay, so I want to talk to you, our private client of mine, and you are also in the membership, superhero marketing. What were your biggest fears about marketing?

Toni Stevens 

Um, I suppose I’m just getting my messaging rights. So that it’s, like, aligned with me. So that it feels comfortable for me to talk about it, and I’m putting it out there to the world. Yeah, so that had to be right. And that stuff shifts and changes all the time. So you know, a few years ago, I wrote some, like, you know, my mission and my values and stuff, but they changed over the last couple of years. So it’s important to go back and relook at that stuff. So I found that private, like one-on-one business coaching stuff, really, really helpful. I’ve also, personally, needed a lot of help organizing myself. Because I just started, like, you know, email marketing and posting on social media. 

Hayley Osborne

I’m very sure that’s exactly what’s in your energy. That’s your business. That’s kind of the space that you work in. Yeah, it’s like, no.

Toni Stevens 

Hayley has been great. You’ve been great to help me, like go, this is what you need to do, you need to do on this day, this day, like every week, this needs to happen, and put a place into and for the whole year, and you know, color coding, those beautiful things that made me feel really good

Hayley Osborne 

Good. Yeah, and I feel like you definitely have had some aha moments too. And it does show through the way your language is in your socials and you know, the way that you are putting yourself out there. I think that you should be really proud of all the things because you have a gift that not a lot of people have that can be translated and to be able to help people that, even might not be in business, but obviously, my audience is mostly business owners, but I think that you know, you never stop learning and education is one of my highest values, which is why I wanted you to come in and chat with me on the podcast today because never had a subject matter expert like yourself come in. 

And I think that people always think, Oh, I need a business coach, or I need to learn this and this and this, but maybe it is like thinking a little differently if you’ve always gone down that path, like strategy in business and law, but then the next step or the sidestep in addition to would be working with someone like yourself, because when you are strong in your mind and in your emotions, there is power in that in business? Yeah,

Toni Stevens 

Absolutely. So one of my masterclasses that I just ran was about making your energy your power. Yeah. Because that energy is our power. Yeah,

Hayley Osborne

Yeah. And I think most people, especially those I’ve worked with, come across or don’t realize that. And I think when you’re so close to yourself who that person is you can’t see that power anymore. And revisiting that as important and the things that you go through in your life as well, you know, like, nothing stays the same. It’s an evolution. So I think going back to basics and realizing that can give you the strength that you need to be able to achieve the things that you want to achieve. Nice. Yeah, sorry, what is the one thing that you’ve done to have a bigger impact in your marketing and in your business? I know that you’re becoming so strategic with sending out regular emails, and you do have a large database, which I was like, nosy. We’re not communicating to those people. But, you know, I think the world wants what you have to offer. And so that would be one of them.

Toni Stevens

Yeah, I think for me, like, because I’ve, like, experienced and lived with anxiety in the past and helped myself heal from that. And get over that. Like, it has been a part of that fear of being seen and being heard, and like, just working with myself to overcome that, and putting myself out there that I do have, you know, value, like theater. My words are valued, meaningful, and powerful. You know, the world needs people to hear it and not be ashamed or afraid of speaking and being seen. So that’s been huge. Is that like what you’re asking? Sorry?

Hayley Osborne  

Yeah, I feel like I’m hearing the word confidence, which means you’ve been able to step into being more confident. And again, yes, if you are not spreading your zone of genius, you are doing a disservice to the people that need what you have to offer. Yeah, definitely. So yes. And you’re in sight, superhero marketing? What have you done differently? Since being in a program? And I know you’re doing lots of work at the moment, but what would you say that you’ve done differently? And what do you love about it the most?

Toni Stevens

Um, I love the ideas that you put forward every month, but I also like helping us come up with ideas to post and put out there because I have found that really difficult. Like, normally, I’ve just worked from my inspiration on any given day. And if I don’t feel inspired, and I don’t, I haven’t been posting. So, you know, that stuff like giving us those topics and those ideas to work from? It’s been really great.

Hayley Osborne  

Yeah, and I do love your input into the community. I think it’s lovely. I love having you. So let’s talk about working with you. And your results have been great. So you’re building courses; I’m going to drop her; you’re building a membership. There’s a lot that you’re doing that you should be so proud of. Do you want to run through what the future looks like for you in your business? Sure, yes,

Toni Stevens

Sorry. In the last couple of years, I’ve been doing Reiki and coaching one-on-one. And that includes one-on-one coaching. I call for your inner spirit, which is my six-week coaching program, to free your spirit. And that includes a bunch of modalities that I’ve studied over the years, so Neuro Linguistic programming, hypnotherapy, energy work, meditation, breath work, and the ANPR method, which is my latest course that I studied, which is emotional memory pattern relief, which is a trauma healing method, and also ultimate consciousness, which is accessing that higher part of your consciousness. So that is my one-on-one coaching work. As you know, I have huge success with my clients, helping them overcome stress, anxiety, and overall stress. 

And so the other, is that I have just started my first online course ever, which is a group I started out with on Monday night. So that’s called the chakra connection. And that’s an online group healing program that goes for six weeks. And that means learning about a different chakra every week. So we are working with seven chakras. The chakra work I get, you know, it’s an ancient healing system. And there’s so much in it to learn. It’s just so powerful to know how to work with your energy and learn about it. I love it. Great. So far. And yeah, and my Flow membership, which I haven’t mentioned to anyone..

Hayley Osborne  

I’m just excited about you. Yeah, this is planting the seed. Yeah. Because then it’s, and then it becomes real; it’s a real thing anyway, but you know, it’s nice.

Toni Stevens

Yeah. So yeah, there will be an online membership, about living in flow and a connection to life. So, below is a state where we’re not living in, you know, suffering; we’re not living in survival. We’re living in flow, which is this beautiful place where you can just face any challenges that come up every day easily. And you just feel like you’re flying through life rather than struggling.

Hayley Osborne  

And I feel like in 2024, in this day and age, it’s very easy to get caught up in that struggle, fight, or flight with mode, because there’s so much going on, you know, social media, like sorting out family life, trying to keep up with your own life, trying to be everything to everyone, and that doesn’t feel very inflow, a lot of the time, and so I think this is such a thing. 

What you do is so needed and so beautiful in this world, because I think that we become so far removed, depending on how old we are. But the older you get, you do become, like, really removed from that person that you were, and, as I know, everyone listening to this podcast knows that I have little kids. And there are times when I’m like, Who thought? Am I? Like, where is that? I’m just going to say, Where’s that cool person gone? Gone, she’s just angry, all the time. Don’t do that. Don’t do that. Don’t climb on that. You’re going to hurt yourself. Don’t push your brother to do whatever you do, like that person is. I was like this calm, flowing person, like, three years ago. And now in two seconds. I’ve gone from like, you know, and so it’s important to reground yourself. So if you’re not doing the work, come and see Tony. So, because it’s really important that you maintain your happy flow state. So how can people find you? Let’s talk about that. Yeah,

Toni Stevens

You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and my website, https://www.tonishealingroom.com.au/. And on Instagram? Yeah. Tony’s healing room.

Hayley Osborne  

Okay. Yep. Nice. Tony’s healing room. And so how can we get into your world? We have a calm anxiety ebook that people can go and download from your website. And then they can get into your world every week and hear from you. And then

Toni Stevens

Say my ebook is 10 steps to calming your mind and body. So it’s called adios to anxiety. I love all the law, the short, sharp and shiny jam packed full of information. Yep.

Hayley Osborne  

And you also have some beautiful meditations?

Toni Stevens

I do. Yes, I have a really easy, it’s, I call it the simple breath meditation for less stress. That’s nine or 10 minutes. Yeah,

Hayley Osborne 

tonishealingroom.com.au. Tony, it has been an absolute pleasure talking to you and having you as my guest today on the podcast. Everything that Tony has talked about will be in the show notes on my website if you want to go and check her out. But otherwise, thank you so much. It’s been awesome.

Toni Stevens

Thank you for having me. It’s been great.

Hayley Osborne  

I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to this episode. If you have hit subscribe so you don’t miss any new episodes released every Tuesday. And while you’re there, leave me a review. I would absolutely love to read it. Also, don’t forget to tag me at Hayley K. Osborne over on Instagram and share this post with your audience so they can learn to share. If you want more, head over to Hayley osborne.com.au forward slash podcast for today’s show notes and links to catch you next week for another episode of The Hayley Osborne show.


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