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The Hayley Osborne Show

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Episode 56: Make Marketing or Make Excuses 

March 6, 2023

Hello my beautiful friends and welcome to another episode of The Hayley Osborne Show. I’m Hayley and I am so glad you’re here. This is episode 56.

What if I told you that you only needed to change a few things in your businesses Marketing in order to feel completely in control of your marketing moving forward and the way you show up moving forward?

In just over 2 weeks I’m running a free masterclass and am going to show you exactly that. “The 5 most effective ways to become #1 in your local area (both online & offline)”

It’s not a quick and easy win, because if it was easy, everyone would do it. Just like running a business, if it was easy, everyone would do it. But they don’t, because it’s not.

This is the very first FREE masterclass I have run this year and boy have I been planning with a capital P! – WOW. It’s going to be effective. You are going to learn, upskill and educate yourself, because knowledge is power.

Register now at www.hayleyosborne.com “The 5 most effective ways to become #1 in your local area (both online & offline)”

I can’t wait for this, if you want to join me, head over to my website www.hayleyosborne.com and register there, at the top of the website – very very easy.

You may or may not know this, but I’ve been in business for over 14 years, from fashion to candles to corporate, marketing the world’s biggest alcohol brands.

These experiences have led me to my passion of helping small business owners, which is you, the backbone of the economy, to demystify local area marketing to help you reach more customers.

I understand that small businesses don’t have big budgets to spend on marketing agencies, but you want to become the NUMBER 1 in your local communities. When I say local communities, I mean both your “local” online audience and your actual local community in the offline world, because we can’t discount this either as it’s so important.

This could be in your surrounding suburb or the state you live in. Either way be it “local local” or “local state”, if your ideal customer is near you, they love what you’re offering, chances are, they’ll want to find a way they can access you in real life if they can eventually.

Now: Make Marketing or Make Excuses.

You need to hear this, like really hear this:

Make Marketing or Make Excuses.

We are here to Make Marketing and make it shit hot, because what’s waiting on the other end, behind that curtain is truly magical.

You can either, do it, or not. It’s that simple. And my bet is you are already OR you want to, but don’t know exactly how to. Still a good place to be in mind you. AND you are an action taker which is why you are listening to this podcast. Because I’m straight down the line, there’s no grey area over here. One of my highest values is education and I am here to make sure you are the absolute best, Superhero Marketer in your business.

On the other side of that though is making excuses. AND if you don’t market yourself in some way shape or form, you will be in the same place at the end of this year as what you were at the beginning…and that place sucks. We don’t want that for you, I don’t want that for you. No.

Making Marketing means you are adding things into your business to create value. Creating parts and pieces within your business to add value to your audience and customers requires time, I know. AND I also know that time as a business owners is not our best friend. If you’re like me, your to-do list never ends, it’s always long and full of ideas, and that’s ok. Embrace it my friend and welcome to being a true entrepreneur.

Getting the word out about your business is the very first step to maintaining your businesses reputation and top of mind. In marketing lingo this is called “building your brand awareness”. The world needs to know what it is you have to offer. By working on doing this regularly, it helps to keep conversations going around your business. You might be rolling your eyes right now, thinking yeah yeah but I do this, and it doesn’t make a difference.

But do you? Do you really? That’s my question to you. Because this is fundamentally so important to your business, showing up and showing up meaningfully with a strategy. The reason I say this is that someone in your circle may have been there for a while, but not ready to buy from you yet! Then, a few months or even years later, they suddenly have a need for what you have. AND because you’ve been consistently appearing in their world, you’re their go to. It really is that simple. They may not have been commenting, liking or are not even a subscriber to your email list, but they’re still there.

I think (and see this A LOT), lots of entrepreneurs and business owners, especially right now, want instant results. They’re not willing to put in the hard work. This consistent work that it takes to build a business. You can’t just expect your business to grow if you don’t water it consistently.

In my free up and coming Masterclass “The 5 most effective ways to become #1 in your local area (both online & offline)” I will be sharing where you effectively need to be watering your marketing plant (metaphorically speaking) you can register for this on my website www.hayleyosborne.com I would love to see you there.

The time is now to be Making Marketing…not Making Excuses, continue to engage your audience, not just when you just have something to sell. It doesn’t work like that. Our audiences are becoming smarter and smarter and don’t want to be sold to. It’s as simple as that.

Know. Like. Trust.

Just because you’ve said it a thousand times over, does not mean those that are following you on your social media and on your email list have heard it. They might have been busy that day. They may have deleted your email by mistake. They may have been on holidays when you said that critical thing. You just don’t know. So, it’s up to you to get clever at continuing to engage your audience.

Marketing as it was originally intended, in its fullest, truest, and greatest form, is more important today than ever before. We’re living in a world that’s cluttered with innovative products, services, technologies, solutions, and business models, you name it.

What you have to offer as a business needs to be spoken about, talked about and shouted as loud as you can (metaphorically of course) for your ideal customer to hear. It’s time for you to step into becoming the number 1 in your local community!

As I mentioned before, I am giving you the opportunity to secure your spot in my very special free masterclass “The 5 most effective ways to become #1 in your local area (both online & offline)”, where I’ll be teaching you my proven 5 strategies to grow your sales and your tribe!

I am so excited to share this with you.

I’m here for it and I am here for you and I do hope I’ve inspired you to start marketing your business to its fullest potential and really step into becoming the NUMBER 1 in your local community. Now is the time, don’t wait and let yet another day, week, month or year pass you by.

Thank you so much for listening with me today and I hope to see you in my very first free masterclass in just over 2 weeks with all the bells and whistles.

If you have any questions about anything I’ve said, feel free to drop me a DM on Instagram @hayleykosborne which is where I hang out the most. I’m always up for a great chat.

In the meantime, keep learning and creating magic in your business.

Xx Hayley

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